The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1221: Burning Soul

  Chapter 1221 Burning Soul

  The gods in the Temple of Salvation.

   are all promoted by mortals.

  They are more empathetic with Jiang Huailu.

  They saw such a small person with their own eyes, and it was a little bit difficult to establish the Hall of Salvation. Even in order to send everyone to reincarnation, it took a huge price to reopen reincarnation in private.

  Now that she is forcing her to betray the God Realm, and forcing her to become a fallen god, how can they help the mortal world without a grudge in the Hall of Salvation.

  They can't do the pure-heartedness of the God Realm, but they can die without saving.

  At this moment, whether the people are wailing or kowtowing, it does not make them feel sympathetic at all.

  The moment when the civil and military officials did not dare to speak, the evil spirit came out.

  The first one to die is the wise king.

  Now the prince and princess are the best royal heirs, the last blood.

  And the people in the Hall of Salvation only recognized the two of them as masters, and they could only hold the thigh of the little prince tightly.

  The two emperor heirs were tired from crying, and couldn't say a word with a hoarse voice.

  Xia felt very distressed and cried silently while holding the baby.

  Her Lulu, this time really suffered a great grievance.

  Jiang Huaian's eyes were blood red, and his whole body was soaked.

  I remembered that when I was a child, the little girl sat on the side of the bed with bare feet, secretly lying in his ear and said that she was a god.

  I always thought she was a kitchen god.

  It turned out that he still didn't dare to think about it.

  He is the savior, goddess, and the most favored child of Creation God. Now she is forced to this point by the people she loves and cares for, she is too disappointed with the world.

  Jiang Huaian's eyes flashed with misfortune.

  But he is the child's uncle, and they are their only reliance.

  He must take good care of the child and wait for Lulu to return.

  But the realm of God at this moment is like an enemy.

  Since the beginning of the creation of God, the God Realm has never faced such a great crisis.

  No one would have thought that Jiang Huailu would be more and more courageous as he killed him, and his cultivation level continued to skyrocket.

   From the gate of Jiuzhongtian all the way to Zhuxiantai, he was stained red all the way, and his whole body was blood.

  All the heavenly soldiers retreated and then retreated, but they couldn't stop her alone.

  Jiang Huailu carried the sword, the blood ticking from the tip of the sword spreading along the blade.

  She turned Po Xi, the sword of supreme goodness, directly into a sword of killing and cutting.

  At this moment, it was like a killing god, actually making the heavenly soldiers retreat and then retreat.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at her from a distance, and Lulu’s dark eyes made him feel heartbroken.

   "God, come out! Come out!"

   "Your God Realm is about to be destroyed by me, are you still hiding?"

   "The world knows that you have an inner demon, are you angry? Come out! The dignified way of heaven has consciousness, it is actually a tortoise with a shrunken head!" Jiang Huailu held the sword with one hand.

   "Today, I will pierce this day and see who else in the Three Realms believes in you."

   "The way of heaven is not fair, the way of heaven is conscious, there are killings and demons in the way of heaven, you are not worthy of being the way of heaven! If you are not worthy, get out of here!"

   "Otherwise, I will bloodbath the God Realm. Kill your followers with my own hands!"

   "It's because you have a foul temper and a demon that you have Jiang Jiang to come out and die for you. Why? You brazen villain!" Jiang Huailu raised his sword and slashed straight towards the sky.

  The sky seemed to be split in half, and the breath was terrifying.

   "Jiang Huailu, you are ashamed to teach the **** of creation!" There was a **** with a sad expression on his face.

  The God of Wealth looked at her sadly, his deer, burning his soul.

  His Lulu, the burning spirit gained extremely powerful power.

   is even enough to match the sky.

  But the price is that the soul is scattered.

  (End of this chapter)

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