The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1222: Heaven is out

   Chapter 1222

  The sky roars and the coercion is terrifying.

  But God’s way is not coming out.

  Now the hearts of the gods are heavy.

   Jiang Huailu killed the God Realm, and Heavenly Dao produced self-consciousness, and that consciousness was also aggressive and bloodthirsty.

  Turning your hands into clouds and hands, turning your hands into rain, heaven and earth can destroy the Three Realms at any time.

  Jiang Huailu is angering it.

  At this moment, she is constantly insulting heaven and reaping the gods.

  Where can the gods resist, seeing her covered in blood, like a murderer on Zhuxiantai.

  Lu Huaijiang saw her look like this, and felt the vitality of her fast passing, almost numb in his heart.

Emperor Ziwei's heart is a little hairy, and Jiang Huailu's aura is a bit strange.

  It’s weird.

   "Jiang Huailu, you don't want to disappoint the God of Creation." Emperor Ziwei frowned slightly, at this moment he didn't want to provoke Tiandao.

  There is a Cthulhu in front, and Jiang Huailu in the back.

  If Tiandao is angered at this moment, the God Realm is really under attack.

   "I have let her down a long time ago." Lulu expressionless.

   One sword cut off the immortal lock that held Lu Huaijiang in custody.

  Lu Huaijiang fell into the arms of the deer again, and he could no longer smell the scent of vegetation on the deer's body.

  There is only a thick **** atmosphere, her blood, other people's blood, mixed together, can't tell who is who.

  Others fear her, fear her, and call her to kill the gods.

  Only Lu Huaijiang felt sorry for her, and tears almost fell.

   "This time, I will definitely seek justice for you. No one is the master for you, I will be the master for you." Lulu stared at him earnestly.

  The Three Realms did not speak for him, she wanted to speak for him.

  Lu Huaijiang held Lulu's clothes tightly, he was willing to give up everything for Lulu, why not Lulu was willing to lay down everything for him.

  His contribution has never been a single arrow.

  Lu Huaijiang couldn't say a word. Now at this moment, Lulu has no turning back.

  She can't look back anymore.

  The little girl covered in blood, stepping on a **** footprint, confronted the gods step by step.

  When she was protecting a person, the gods could not resist her.

  No one knew what secret technique she used, but she was able to increase her cultivation to this level.

  Compared with Cthulhu, it is not too much.

  Burning itself can only not mention this appearance.

Emperor Ziwei and Jiang Huailu faced each other for several rounds in the blink of an eye, and her strength was still increasing.

  The entire God Realm was half destroyed by her.

   was devastated, almost in ruins.

  Ziwei Emperor was uneasy, suddenly, his complexion changed suddenly.

  I saw that the Nine Heavens was actually slowly gathering a cloud of gray aura. This aura jumped out of the Three Realms and did not belong to any race in the Three Realms.

  The breath does not seem to have a human form yet, only a vague form.

  The Emperor Ziwei saw this scene, and his heart sank quickly.

   is the breath of heaven.

   and it is a conscious heaven.

  It has long been speculated that Tiandao probably produced self-awareness, but now that I see it with my own eyes, I still feel terrified.

  The grayish aura made the knees of the gods present weaken, which seemed to suppress them naturally.

   "What is this...thing?"

  "Why did this thing appear out of thin air on the Nine Heavens? Looking at the gray, impure aura, like... evil." Someone looked at Lu Huaijiang.

  This breath is actually somewhat similar to Lu Huaijiang.

   Sudden, everyone stagnated.

Is    similar to Lu Huaijiang?

  Lu Huaijiang is cultivated by the evil spirits of the Three Realms, and is more of the demons and evil spirits born from the Tao of Heaven.

  If similar to Lu Huaijiang...

   Then he...

  (End of this chapter)

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