The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1236: Lonely and helpless

   Chapter 1236

   Emperor Ziwei looked down at the soft, creamy doll.

  The top of the baby's head is very bright, it is an extremely cute little bald head.

   "Can her mortal relatives agree?"

  Ziwei Emperor knows that the Xia family will see Princess Jingshu very seriously.

  The door **** sighed.

"During this period of time there are often traces of demons in the palace, and every time they appear in front of Princess Jingshu. Probably they have guessed it." And the gods guarding Princess Jingshu often show up, often in Jingshu. The princess lays down the solution in front of her.

  Xia’s and the Queen Mother are probably already mentally prepared.

  They can't protect this child.

Emperor Ziwei stretched out his hand to tease her: "Then what should this child call the Lord?"

  Like the little fairy boy outside, he is called Emperor? Or is it king?

  Or follow the generations of the goddess?

   "Follow the emperor's will."

Emperor Ziwei nodded, Jiang Huailu died, his soul flew away. He should have helped take care of this child a bit, whether she was really trying to lead Dao Zun or she was caught in the devil, it was she who solved the problem in the end.

  Speaking of it, only she can solve it.

  Ziwei Emperor is rarely happy to see this child, but he agrees.

   "I also hope that the emperor can explain something to the Xia family and the Queen Mother. They have lost two children, and all their sustenance is on the little master."

  Ziwei Emperor is the **** in charge of the laws of the Three Realms, the door **** is still worried that he will not,

  At this moment, seeing him nodding, I was relieved.

   "The little **** will tell them first. Let them prepare slightly."

  Ziwei Emperor thought for a while, and he went back to the shrine first.

  Let Xiaotong'er clean up the Ziwei Hall for the time being. Little Fairy was still a little surprised: "Emperor, are you still going to experience the robbery? Do you still want to raise a child??"

  Ziwei Dijun gave a hum, and said nothing.

   turned around and went to the mortal world.

  At this moment, the Xia family knew that Emperor Ziwei was willing to raise the child himself. With joy in my heart, this child can be protected.

  It is also sad that the child wants to leave him, and the person raising her still comes to capture the emperors of Lu Huaijiang and Jiang Huailu.

  This made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

  Chu Liang was holding a sword, and seeing the door **** not good at words, he waved his hand to let the door **** retreat.

   "Madam, the emperor is the ruler of the Three Realms Law, even if he does not come, there will be others." Chu Liang sighed slightly, in fact, he also blamed the Great Ziwei.

   But if you think about it, if it is the lower realm of the creation **** who raised Lulu, I am afraid that it will do more damage to Lulu.

  The law of the Three Realms does not allow anyone to provoke.

  Even these uninfluenced gods, they know.

  Xia cried while holding the child: "I don't know, but I am conflicted and sad."

  Her daughter is not wrong, Lu Huaijiang is not wrong, and Emperor Ziwei is not wrong.

  None of them is wrong.

  Different positions, no one can help.

  Jiang Huaian and Wen had already rushed to the palace. At this moment, seeing Xiao Shuer's ignorant appearance, there would be no parents in a hundred days after birth.

   "Can't you really be raised in the mortal world? Although Ayin is humble and unworthy of being a godfather, she is close and can always take care of her." Wen wiped his tears and felt more distressed for the two children.

  Chu Liang shook his head: "Princess Jingshu is different from His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is a natural saint, carrying the national destiny on his body, and evil spirits can't get close to him."

   "But Princess Jingshu...The demons she attracted are getting stronger and stronger. We can no longer protect her."

   "Princess Jingshu, probably inherited the blood of those two."

  (End of this chapter)

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