The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1237: Yo Yo Yo

   Chapter 1237

  Everyone heard this and was silent for a moment.

  The two, one evil god, one can kill the three realms, their bloodlines are extremely powerful.

  But seeing the gods guarding them silently, no one asked Jingshu what was so strange.

   "Mother, only a brief separation can let my son live." Jiang Huaian was hoarse, looking wide in a robe.

  This is the new clothes Wen made for him this month, but they still don't fit well.

  He has too many things to consider.

  He wants to sit down in the court for the yet-growth prince, and wait for him to take over.

  Jiang Huaian didn't even dare to think about his sister.

  I heard that my sister blew herself up and her soul was lost.

  Jiang Huaian vomited blood when he heard the news, and lay in bed for half a month.

   has never been brought back so far, with a white face and no blood.

  Wen’s daily tonic for him, still can’t make up for the emptiness.

  Now seeing Shu'er being watched by the Mozu, Jiang Huaian's fists were tightly clenched, and the tiger's eyes were red, as if the strings were already tense.

  "I don't know where I am." Shu'er is the most deer-like child. She just looked at Shu'er and felt a little relieved.

  The prince is the future monarch, and veterans would not allow them to have more contact with the two women on weekdays.

  I'm afraid of raising it.

  They restrained and forbeared the love of His Royal Highness, but they could put everything aside for Shu'er.

The grandmother sent by the prince    was personally invited by the old lady Xie.

  Ms. Xia and Mrs. Xie, who were originally to serve, have returned to sit firmly in the court.

  Want to protect the world for them.

   "One is in the sky and the other is underground. It will be difficult to see you again in the future." The Xia family caressed Shu'er's cheek affectionately.

   "If it is possible, how good I will take it for you." Xia's uncomfortable tightness.

  The daughter blew herself up, and she didn't even leave the whole body.

  Even souls are lost.

  The granddaughter was coveted by the demons, and in order to protect her, she didn't even dare to raise her by her side.

The queen mother hugged the two children and put them together: "You are the brothers and sisters of a female compatriot. In this world, no one can be closer than you. Don't forget your blood relatives. My dear son, grandmother is not in you. In front of you, you have to grow up well and don't let the demons catch you."

  "Don't resent the Emperor Ziwei, he is the emperor, the law is strict, he is the law enforcement. You must not resent him." The queen mother is an ordinary old woman, the son is taken away by the Emperor Ziwei, she does not resent the Emperor Ziwei.

  But she didn’t want her to hold hatred in her heart.

  Siu'er was raised under the name of Emperor Ziwei, if you can't keep it open, then how painful her life should be.

  Everyone understands the meaning of the Queen Mother.

  The queen mother knew her life, it should have been damned.

  It was Shuer who put her finger in her mouth to let her survive.

  She also knew that it was because of the blood of Shuer. At the beginning, Lu Huaijiang told her not to be saved by outsiders knowing that she was rescued by Shu'er.

  She understood that Shuer, this child is different.


  At this moment, it seemed that she wanted to reach out her hand to wipe the tears of the Queen Mother, but she was still young, so she could only sit on the cradle swayingly and barely for a while.

   "You girl, you still only know how to do it, yo yo yo, you have to learn to call the mother, the queen, and the father..." The Queen Mother said in a low voice.

  Thinking of the two children, I couldn't help but cry again.

  The door **** suddenly appeared: "Emperor Ziwei is here to pick up Shuer."

Outside the door, Emperor Ziwei's tall figure appeared.

  At this moment, the coveted demons around the palace sensed the aura of the emperor, and they evaded one after another.

  (End of this chapter)

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