As soon as the words fell, many people from the audience stepped into the ring, and the winemakers were eager to show their talents in winemaking in front of everyone.

Winemaking is the same as alchemy, and both require three steps and more than a dozen processes to complete.

The grade of the medicine pill can be seen from the grain of the pill, while the grade of the wine needs to be tasted by people.

Dai Jiu'er walked out from Lin Xian's side. She came here to participate in the Xianlu Conference. On the one hand, her master warned her to practice more, and on the other hand, she also wanted to test her skills in front of the world's heroes.

Seeing the numerous winemakers appearing, Daoist Dragon Yu nodded slightly and waved his hand.

"Start the stove!"

Following the words of Daoist Yulong, a gate descended from the sky, and when the gate opened, countless stoves flew out from inside, and were placed on the ring in a very regular manner.

The initial steps of winemaking need to start from the selection of materials. The organizer did not prepare it in advance, but made it with the materials brought by the winemaker himself.

The quality of the material determines the grade and purity of the wine, and some veteran winemakers are extraordinary when they make a shot.

Numerous cherished materials are placed on the table. "Qishan School, Huaiyang, is good at using jade exhibition dragon crystal rice as a product. After tasting, the wine has a strong aroma, and it is a top grade that hangs in silk threads."

"Feihemen, Tao Yu, likes to mix medicine into wine, and medicine wine pays attention to the heat, which seems to be the biggest test for him."

"It's really hot! This must be a person from Haige. It is said that the finished wine is so hot and pungent that it is difficult to enter the mouth: it is difficult to drink without the amount of alcohol for decades."

......Everyone's tricks from various counties, Master Pei Sanzhan commented on them one by one, and stopped when he came to Dai Jiu'er.

He was very curious as to how much ability this disciple of Dionysus had.

I saw Dai Jiu'er, took out a large bag, opened it and saw Pei Sanzhan's eyes widened.

"White Valley!"

I thought that Dai Jiu'er would definitely come up with very precious materials, but I didn't expect it to be just ordinary Baigu. The winemaker knew that Baigu is one of the most basic materials for brewing, and it can only brew the lowest-quality wine.

Brewing high-quality wine in such a short period of time is a big test for fire and technology. Of course, there are rare materials that can greatly reduce such troubles, but Dai Jiu'er gave up these... ...., using only the simplest Baigu, is she really sure that Dai Jiu'er poured the Baigu into the pot, boiled it over low heat to remove the excess water in the Baigu, and then poured in the freshest spiritual spring water Soak, then pour out all the water and cook again.

Repeat this two or three times, and then finally start the first cooking time.

Pei Sanzhan looked at Dai Jiu'er's movements curiously. He described himself as a master of wine tasting, and also had a lot of experience in winemaking, but he had never seen the method used by Dai Jiu'er, so he asked curiously. .

"What kind of trick are you doing, why I haven't seen it."

"This is what the boss taught me."

Dai Jiu'er wiped the sweat on her forehead and stared excitedly at the pot. Pei Sanzhan was surprised that Lin Xian could make wine, so she glanced curiously and found that Lin Xian was still lying like a dead fish. on the chair.

On the field, the winemakers were in full swing, and among the spectators off the field, a young man wearing a blue-blue robe appeared, glanced at everyone present and finally locked on Dai Jiu'er.

"Three boils and three steams, someone can actually use it: this ancient brewing technique."

The man in the robe shook his fan slightly, and beside him appeared a tall man with a black iron giant sword on his back, a... flaming red hair was particularly conspicuous, he took a bottle of wine and said.

"I didn't expect Brother Chen to understand this..."

"That's of course, I have been familiar with the world's collection of books since I was a child. I dare not say that I understand it the most, but I can say that it is the most. I have seen any miscellaneous studies."

"Cut, pretend, I say brewing doesn't matter....

Good or bad, as long as you can drink it...good wine."


The robed young man and the sword-backed man bickered with each other, and the two looked at the situation on the field from time to time, but at this moment an unexpected thing happened.

A winemaker's stove suddenly burst, and hot distilled water splashed, just on Dai Jiu'er's hand.



Chapter four hundred and forty-eight bosses can do anything

The temperature of ordinary brewing and distillation is above a hundred degrees, and the temperature of Shenren's brewing is even more unreasonable. Dai Jiu'er was scalded by distilled water, and the back of her hand suddenly became a lot of red, but the movement of her hand still did not stop, she gritted her teeth and continued to persevere. , until the wine begins to settle, then close the lid and stop.

Ruthless and Zi Yan hurried forward, and found that Dai Jiu'er's arm was severely burned, and if it was not treated in time, this hand would be useless.

But Dai Jiu'er didn't feel like she was leaving. She came here to make wine. Now that she was the first to leave before the wine was ready, she would definitely be scolded to death if Master found out.

"Thank you two sisters for your concern, but I still want to continue."

"No, your hand can't be lifted. You can make wine anytime, but your hand can't be cured."

Ruthen is very worried about Dai Jiu'er's situation. Last night, the three of them slept together under the same roof, and there is no estrangement. Ruthen treats Dai Jiuer just like his own sister. If something happens to her, Ruthen will definitely not let her continue. go down.

But Dai Jiu'er still wanted to persevere, and tried her best to raise her hand to show a smile.

The ruthless man couldn't bear to wake up Lin Xian in a hurry.

"Boss, Dai Jiu'er's hand is seriously injured, but she doesn't want to stop brewing, so please persuade her."

Lin Xian took off the towel and looked around for a while before he understood what happened. Dai Jiu'er was injured, which is not bad. She is my dedicated brewer. If she can't use her hands in the future, who will make wine for me.

She hurriedly came to Dai Jiu'er and frowned at her red and swollen hands.

"Who of you understands winemaking"

Lin Xian turned back and asked the others, the ruthless Zi Yan shook his head at the same time, Shan Qiu shrugged his shoulders and drank, he was making wine, so forget it.

In the end, at the end of Sikong Xiaoyao, Lin Xian simply ignored him. This guy was born in the academy and looked like a nerd. He must have never made wine.

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