The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0047: Division of Power

Life on the airship is monotonous and boring.

Even though the scenery below is magnificent, you will get tired after looking at it for a long time, or even ignore it.

More than 300 apprentices crowded on the deck, and it was inevitable that they would feel a little uneasy. Fortunately, at noon on the second day, the airship had arrived at the first mission point in the Erathia region.

This is a solid fortress surrounded by mountains. The surrounding area is completely winding and steep mountains. The deep gullies are shrouded in clouds and mist, making it difficult to see the real situation on the ground at a glance. The airship is docked at the huge tower sentry towering 30 meters in the center of the fortress.

The entire tower is built with huge logs as thick as a washbasin. Although it is rough and simple, it gives people a sense of indestructible thickness.

The airship did not land, but floated beside the tower, and a wooden board was used to build a passage for getting off the ship. The wind particles that permeated the hull whistled past, which was no less than a small storm in nature. All the apprentices who need to disembark here have to walk through the trembling planks in the whistling wind to reach the top of the tower, so every apprentice's heart is shaking like the planks under their feet when they walk.

Grimm lay on the side of the ship and looked down. The fortress was full of hardworking figures.

Whether it was the strong men carrying huge logs across the open space between the camps, or the sentinels carrying bows and arrows and holding spears to patrol the outer wall of the fortress, most of them were not humans, but aliens with lion heads, tiger heads, and wolf heads.

Humans accounted for only a small part of them, and most of them played the role of supervisors.

Looking at those thin human supervisors waving long whips and shouting at the fierce "orcs" who were much stronger and stronger than them, Grimm couldn't help but admire their courage. Looking at the strength of these orcs' muscles, I'm afraid they can crush their heads with bare hands without weapons! But they showed no fear, instead, they were arrogant and shouted at the orcs with a superior attitude, and their attitude was extremely bad.

In the camp, people wearing gray wizard apprentice robes could be seen from time to time. Their status was obviously much higher than that of the orcs who were working, and also higher than those human supervisors. Wherever the gray robes went, the human supervisors nodded and bowed, and the muscular and tall orcs also showed fear and fear on their faces, and bowed stiffly and clumsily.

These orcs were probably the slaves of the sub-plane enslaved by the wizard world, no wonder they were so tame and obedient!

Grimm inexplicably had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

Although these orcs were strong, tall and strong, they did not have extraordinary abilities, so they did not have an advantage in fighting against wizard apprentices who mastered mysterious powers. Even a junior apprentice could steadily kill multiple orcs, so it was no wonder that they were so in awe of wizard apprentices.

This place can actually only be regarded as a small mission point. There are only 20 to 30 apprentices going down, most of whom are intermediate apprentices, and there are only 2 advanced apprentices. As for the quasi-magicians, there is not a single one.

Soon, under the numb and docile gaze of countless orcs, the airship was blown by a strong wind and rose into the sky again, continuing to fly south along the steep and rugged mountains.

After passing countless mountains and rivers and flying over the primeval forests that stretch for tens of thousands of miles, the airship finally entered another human settlement area. The terrain below gradually flattened, and a large number of human activities began to appear. Unfortunately, most of the mission points selected by the Sanditallin Wizard Association are located on the edge of the settlement area, so the airship did not go deep into the belly of the Erassia area. Instead, the bow turned and flew along the edge area.

In the next two days, it arrived at 5 mission points one after another, and the apprentices who went down one after another accounted for nearly half of the original number. On the third day after Grimm boarded the ship, the airship turned southwest and had left the Erassia area and gradually approached the Bracada area.

Compared to the warm sunshine in Alassia, Barakada is simply a world covered in ice and snow.

As soon as the airship entered this area, it could see the green on the ground fading, replaced by endless white snow.

There were white snowflakes floating in the sky, and the air temperature began to drop sharply.

Those apprentices with high physiques were still slightly opening their lapels, showing off their strong and solid muscle lines. Those apprentices with low physiques could only wrap their robes tightly and use different means to dispel the severe cold.

Grimm's physique was only 5 points, obviously not enough to ignore the severe cold, so he could only summon some fire particles to linger around him to keep himself a little warmer.

Fortunately, the airship did not intend to go straight into the deepest part of the ice and snow world, but kept flying along the edge of the ice and snow, visiting 3 border towns covered in snow along the way, and gradually put down most of the apprentices.

As a result, when the airship turned its bow and flew straight to the east, there were less than 50 people left on the bow deck. Among them were 5 quasi-mages, 27 senior apprentices, 13 intermediate apprentices, and the only junior apprentice, Grimm.

After four or five days on the ship, Grimm was no longer as ignorant of the area outside the magic swamp as before.

The world Grimm was in at the moment was a wizard world called "Lethorne".

The Lethon plane is a relatively rare large plane in the entire multiverse. The entire plane power system is single, with wizards as the supreme authority. It is a very pure wizard continent. Hostile to them are some large planes full of alien powers, such as the gods plane guarded by gods, the dragon plane guarded by dragon gods, the goblin plane with super high alchemical mechanical civilization, and the lower plane full of demons and devils...

The civilization of large planes has developed very maturely. The Lethon wizard world has also built a complete and mature wizard system, cultivated batches of qualified and powerful wizards, and then used their power to continuously expand outward and invade those small and medium-sized planes.

In order to rob the resources in different planes and plunder their knowledge and civilization, violent conflicts and wars will also occur between the large plane forces. So the wizard world is essentially a powerful civilization world with strong aggressiveness and has been in war.

These are just the external development trends of the wizard world. Inside the world, wizards do not have a powerful force that can unify all voices, but have divided wizard forces of different sizes according to regions. Among them, there are four dominant forces.

The northernmost border of the wizard continent is occupied by the Northland Witches. The territory under their jurisdiction is more than 6 million square kilometers, divided into dozens of large and small human kingdoms. The rulers and nobles of these kingdoms are ordinary humans, but they all respect the Northland Witches as the guardians of their kingdoms.

It can be said that whenever a powerful witch over level 4 appears in the Northland Witches, she will call on a group of followers to go into the vast wilderness and build a great kingdom of her own through thorns and thorns.

It is with the continuous emergence of powerful witches that the Northland Witch forces are constantly competing for living space in the wild world. Whenever a new kingdom is established, whenever a majestic wizard tower is erected, it means that a new powerful Northland Witch is born.

The witches in the North are good at curses and prophecies, and they can be considered as rule wizards.

In the southwest corner of the wizard continent, it is mainly the territory of the Silver Alliance.

Seriously speaking, it is almost a paradise for esoteric wizards.

The Silver Alliance is composed of a group of esoteric wizards wearing silver robes. They have collected countless alchemical knowledge and resources from other planes, and built magnificent floating cities and countless half-plane fortresses for conquering other planes in the high sky.

It can be said that most of the alchemical weapons for the wizard world's external conquests are provided by the Silver Alliance. They are like a group of crazy and great engineers, mechanics, and alchemists. They use massive resources and vast knowledge reserves to create various creative alchemical machines, injecting the strongest kinetic energy and support for the wizard world's external conquests.

The easternmost part of the wizard continent is the territory of the Pan-Continental Wizard Federation. This federation includes almost all types of wizards. It uses mature and systematic training routes and shared knowledge systems to attract many powerful wizards and form a wizard organization with strict and meticulous rules, but also fair and just.

In addition to these three major wizard organizations and forces, there is also a slightly loose Sanditalin Wizard Association in the most densely populated area in the central part of the wizard continent. Seriously speaking, this Sanditalin Wizard Association does not have a clear development direction or core cohesion like the three major wizard forces, but is more like a union of wizard families.

This is also related to the distribution of wizard power in the central part of the continent.

In the central part of the wizard continent, the area is vast and the resources are rich, but the human settlements are messy and scattered. Each human settlement is a small country, usually guarded by one or two or three wizard families. So the central region is composed of wizard family forces of varying sizes.

In order to resist the invasion of the central region by the three major wizard forces in the surrounding area, wizard families of all sizes united to form this loose Sanditalin Wizard Association, and used their combined strength to protect the stability of the central region.

So to be honest, the wizard power that the Sanditalin Wizard Association in the central area can gather must definitely overwhelm the three major forces in the surrounding area, and its strength is the strongest. But unfortunately, the forces within Sanditalin are too scattered, there are too many family branches, and the internal friction is even more shocking, so in local struggles, they are far less combat-effective and competitive than the three major forces.

It is precisely in view of this that the elected Sanditalin senior officials intentionally increased the training intensity of wizard apprentices, which led to Grimm's current dangerous trial.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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