The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0048: A Show of Strength

According to the records of the local chronicles of the Wizard Continent, there are 31 areas nominally governed by the Sanditalin Wizard Association in the central part of the continent. The small ones are 700,000 to 800,000 square kilometers, and the large ones are several million square kilometers. The area is wide, the resources are rich, and the population accounts for more than 60% of the entire Wizard Continent.

The mission point that Grimm went to is located in the Kerela Mountains in the northeast corner of the Dagon area.

Since an entrance to the underground world was discovered here, the Sanditalin Wizard Association built a wizard tower near the cave entrance and stationed a powerful 2nd-level wizard here. Don't think that the 2nd-level wizard is considered the bottom in the wizard system of up to 9 levels, and is not enough to take on the task. The actual situation is that in the Wizard Continent, the birthplace of the wizard group, the highest-level wizard that can be heard and touched is the 4th level.

Even the highest wizards in the three major wizard organizations and the Sanditalin Wizard Association are all 4th-level. As for the wizards of higher levels, it is said that they have left the wizard world and went to explore and conquer the vast sea of ​​stars.

So this has also led to the current power structure of the wizard continent. The first-level formal wizards are in a period of frantically collecting knowledge and enriching themselves. They are also the group with the largest number of major forces. The second-level wizards are the backbone of each academy, and most of them are already independent. As for the third-level wizards, they can already gather a group of followers and establish a small wizard organization or family.

The fourth-level wizards are the core combat power that all large forces are desperately trying to win over. Of course, if this fourth-level wizard is willing, he can also open up an area to establish a wizard kingdom that belongs to him.

The strength ranking of all wizard organizations and forces is actually measured by the number of fourth-level wizards they have.

The highest group of fallen wizards involved in the mission of exploring the dark crypt undertaken by Grimm is only some second-level wizards, so the Wizard Association sends a second-level wizard to cooperate with the wizard tower, which is enough to resist the possible raids and attacks of fallen wizards.

However, the wars between wizards were not something that apprentices like Grimm could participate in, so their mission was more about exploring the distribution and changes of underground creatures, as well as the possible dynamics of fallen wizards.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the most active in the shallow surface of the dark cave were the wizard apprentices trained by the fallen wizards. The Sanditalin Wizard Association rarely sent out formal wizards, and most of the wizard apprentices were responsible for mission activities.

Therefore, it was no surprise that the place became the forefront of the competition and strangulation between the wizard apprentices of the two sides, and bloody and brutal battles occurred almost every day. However, in contrast, a large number of potential wizard apprentices experienced the watering of blood and honed the ferocity and coldness that a combat wizard should have.


When the airship slowly landed near the mission point, Grimm was a little shocked.

The mission point turned out to be a small city, which was a bit beyond his expectation.

However, considering that this place is close to the dark cave, some rare resources that can only be found underground will be harvested from time to time, so it is not so strange that so many chambers of commerce and secret merchants can gather here.

The airship landed in a large square outside the city, and waiting here was a man with a fierce face and bloody smell. Judging from his mental fluctuations, he should be a senior apprentice.

Looking at the five people who came down from the airship, the man showed an indescribable strange smile between his eyebrows, with the arrogance and disdain of a bloody veteran seeing a weak rookie. However, when he saw the strong wizard jumping down from the ship with a thud, he immediately put away all the inappropriate expressions and bowed respectfully.

"Okay, okay, no need to bother. This batch of wizard apprentices has been sent to you, you must use them carefully. The next batch will arrive in two months. If you play too much and make any mistakes, be careful of the punishment of the association!" The muscular man waved his hand carelessly and chased the only five people left on the boat like coaxing chickens.

"Don't worry, Lord Samir, the underground has been a little quieter than usual recently, and the patrol team has not encountered those black cubs for half a month. The black magnolia and night eye stone you specifically requested last time are also ready, waiting for you to inspect them." A flattering smile appeared on the fierce face of the male apprentice.

And Grimm and others only realized at this time that the body refining wizard who came with the ship was called Samir.

"Well, you settle these new apprentices first, I'll go around the city. When you settle them, come to find me at Old Kerry!" After saying that, without waiting for the male apprentice to answer, wizard Samir had already stepped forward and ran straight into the distance.

Bowing and watching the other party go away, the fierce-looking male apprentice straightened his back only when the figure of Lord Samir was out of sight.

"All of you come with me!" The male apprentice quickly swept his eyes over the five people. When he saw the two quasi-magicians, his face did not change much. Instead, he frowned slightly when he saw Grimm: "My name is Kevin, you can call me Blackhand Kevin."

Simple opening remarks, but listening to his proud voice, it seems that he pays more attention to his title than his name.

"Blackhand Kevin? Don't you have a brother called Whitehand?" A young man wearing a yellow short robe and with a lot of magic weapons on his exposed skin couldn't help but tease. He was also one of the two quasi-magicians, and was obviously dissatisfied with the fact that this "Blackhand" Kevin did not show special respect to them.

However, what he didn't expect was that Kevin the Black Hand had already taken action when a sharp light flashed on his face.

Almost at the moment of falling out, Kevin the Black Hand disappeared from the spot. And the next second, a hazy and illusory figure appeared behind the young quasi-witch, holding two daggers and rushing towards him fiercely.

With the quasi-witch's mental power of up to 20 points, any slight change in the environment within 10 meters around him could hardly be hidden from his perception. Although he was shocked by the opponent's decisive attack, this did not prevent the young quasi-witch from quickly counterattacking.

There was a series of crackling thunders, and a blue lightning defense net appeared behind him. And the quasi-witch turned around leisurely, and two thick lightning beams gushed out of his hands, hitting the senior apprentice who was paralyzed by the electric net.

At the moment of attack, he also had a little hesitation.

Coming to this unfamiliar environment for the first time, killing a "teammate" on the first day? Although the opponent took the initiative, it would be troublesome to pursue it!

Just as he was thinking about whether he should reduce the intensity of the "lightning bombardment", a sharp pain came from his back, and a dark dagger with a black body came out of his body, revealing a dagger tip in front of his chest. At this time, the vague human figure struggling in the electric net turned into a mirror and shattered in front of him. At the same time, a ferocious and cold hoarse voice sounded in his ears.

"Here, quasi-witch means nothing? Remember next time, don't joke with others casually!"

After that, Blackhand Kevin pulled out the dagger from the young quasi-witch's body, stepped back two steps and stared at him coldly.

The young quasi-witch was sweating profusely from the pain, but what frightened him more was Blackhand Kevin's elusiveness. He endured the severe pain and took out a bottle of purple potion from his waist bag, taking half of it orally and pouring the other half on the wound gushing out of his chest. It's strange to say that in just three or five seconds, the wound that penetrated the chest began to converge and heal, and then formed a blood scab.

As the young quasi-witch wiped it, the blood scab fell off, revealing the smooth and white skin underneath.

"Bloody Mary!" Blackhand Kevin whistled: "You quasi-witches really have a lot of good stuff on you! It seems that I should have opened a bigger one for you when I opened my mouth just now! Now you know why I am called Blackhand Kevin, right? That's because I like to do dirty work behind others' backs. Remember to pay attention to your back next time you want to cause trouble!"

The young quasi-witch who suffered a great loss gritted his teeth, but did not mean to provoke again. The quasi-witch who was traveling with him frowned deeply, obviously shocked by the fierceness of the ruthless people who took action when they disagreed with each other.

However, what really shocked the two was not Kevin's fierce style, but his weird methods.

First of all, it was definitely not a space attack, otherwise it would be impossible not to sense the fluctuations in space. Secondly, it could not be a clone attack, because Kevin's body appeared without any signs at the end, and the phantom body that existed as bait could also sense Kevin's mental fluctuations. Otherwise, how could the young quasi-witch be deceived so easily!

For a moment, everyone ruled out countless possibilities in their minds, and they were all a little unsure of how Kevin Blackhand did it. As a senior apprentice, he defeated a quasi-witch so easily. Of course, there was a surprise attack factor in it, but more importantly, Kevin Blackhand's witchcraft ability was weird and unpredictable.

Before figuring out the other party's foundation, the young quasi-witch did not intend to let himself become a touchstone for others.

Red Mary was also an agile melee assassin, and with her dynamic vision, she could not catch the movement trajectory of Kevin Blackhand. This made her frown deeply.

While she was confused, Grimm gently pulled her arm and read the word "illusion" with his mouth.

Perhaps only Grimm could see everything clearly in the extremely short fight just now.

Kevin Blackhand's innate witchcraft ability was actually a rare "illusion".

Unlike other wizard apprentices who strive to pursue greater and more powerful witchcraft, Kevin Blackhand pays more attention to the combination of innate witchcraft and his own combat power. Under the illusion that could confuse the enemy's five senses, he did not leave the spot just now, but used the illusion to cover himself.

When the young wizard turned around after being deceived by the phantom behind him, he also exposed his defenseless back to Kevin, who was also an agile assassin. Judging from the swiftness of his movements, Kevin Blackhand's agility is second only to Mary in Red, which should be between 13 and 15 points.

If such a guy ran at full speed, Grimm would not be able to see where his body was without elemental vision, let alone defend against his full-strength attack.

It has to be said that among the body-refining wizards, agile assassins like Mary in Red are the biggest nemesis of all apprentices who master elemental witchcraft.

This book is first published from, read the genuine content at the first time!


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