Ye Jinyan's cheeks twitched and the veins on his forehead were exposed, showing the great anger in his heart. Having seen strong winds and waves, he was certainly calm. He put his hands on the table and calmed down: "Yang Ke, do you know what you are doing?"

He spoke slowly but firmly, with anger, threats, and intimidation all in his tone.

Zhu Suosuo had never seen Ye Jinyan like this before. From the first day she saw him, what she saw was the image of a gentle and kind old man who still had domineering charm. But now it was completely different from what she had seen in the past.

Fan Jingang stood next to Ye Jinyan. The girly chirping in the past was gone now. He stared at Yang Ke with unabashed cold eyes, and he was completely different from the two people.

She looked at Yang Ke, who had his back turned to her. Although she couldn't see his expression, she couldn't hide the excitement.

Of course Zhu Suosuo's feeling was correct, and of course Yang Ke was happy. He looked at the two people in front of him and smiled happily: "Ye Jinyan, these are serious methods. At this time, what's the use of questioning me? Do you ask me if I know what I am doing? Of course I know. It's over. At this point, I might as well tell you the truth. Originally, when I was leaving, I didn't plan on doing something so extreme. I just took Zhou Qing and Tony with me to go out alone. Now, you are the one who forced me to do this.

Promote me to vice president, stabilize me, then push me aside, and finally kick me out, acting like a winner without any opponents? Were you very proud of how cool I looked before? I didn’t expect today, now, right? Let me tell you, Lao Ye, I don't like your energy, you always look like you are sure of winning. Are you panicking now? Huh, it's too late. Finally, I would like to give you a kind reminder to prepare for the battle as soon as possible. There are many people who want to destroy Jingyan and kill you, Ye Jinyan, so wish yourself well. "

Ye Jinyan's eyes were fixed on Yang Ke: "As long as you put forward any conditions, as long as I have them, we can negotiate."

"Old Ye, it's too late. Even if I agree, I won't end well even if you don't admit it after getting through this difficulty. You dare to treat me like a monkey, but I don't dare to play with you. The enemy is gone."

Yang Ke raised his wrist, checked the time, turned around and left. Seeing Zhu Suosuo standing there at a loss, he stopped and said, "I'm waiting for your news. Let me know whether you are coming or not."

Looking back at Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang, who were standing there without saying a word and just staring at him, Yang Ke sneered and left neatly.

He has thought about it a lot, and of course he has considered that Ye Jinyan won't let him go, so it doesn't matter. After all, the labor law stipulates that one must give one month's notice of resignation in advance to cooperate with the work handover, so he would spend a month watching the scenery in the vice president's office to see how Ye Jinyan could weather the crisis. With so many other sales, you can also watch the scenery. The job of sales is uncertainty. There are so many people who are just wasting away without taking care of the clients or doing the work. There is no other way around it. Litigation is also a bad deal.

He is ready for his new life...

Zhu Suosuo quickly grabbed Yang Ke: "Old Yang, what can't you say? Let's talk about it and don't be so impulsive, okay?"

"This is not something you should get involved in." Yang Ke pulled Zhu Suosuo aside and left without looking back.

Seeing Yang Ke disappear, Ye Jinyan let out a long breath, sat down on the chair, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes: "Inform all senior executives to come to the conference room for a meeting, inform all directors to come over, and hold a board meeting. Let the people from the finance department , stabilize the stock price when the market opens. In addition, immediately calculate how many people resigned, what positions they were in, and how big the impact was. Give me the results as soon as possible. Then ask people from the human resources department to call them one by one and give them the appropriate amount. At a high price, we can retain as many people as we can. In addition, contact a headhunting company to identify candidates for middle-level sales management positions quickly."

"Yes, Mr. Ye." Fan Jingang responded and quickly ran outside to make a phone call.

Zhu Suosuo hesitated and called out: "Mr. Ye..."

Ye Jinyan waved his hand and spoke lazily. Of course, for such a big matter, he was not as calm as he appeared, but it was just because his liver hurt from anger and he had to calm down. In addition, he is okay, knowing that incompetence and rage cannot solve the problem, and there is no time for him to vent his anger now. What he had to do was to brace himself for the coming storm.

"Mr. Ye, I..."

"go out!"

Looking at Ye Jinyan who was glaring and shouting, the tears in Zhu Suosuo's eyes fell instantly, he bit his lip, and Ying Yi turned around and walked out with a crying voice.

When Zhu Suosuo came out, it was noisy outside, just like the vegetable market, with many people surrounding the sales department. Zhu Suosuo wiped away tears and followed to see the situation.

I saw a group of people packing their things, holding small boxes and walking out one after another. Zhu Suosuo quickly squeezed out and stood in front of April, who was about to leave: "Does it have to be like this?"

"Otherwise, what should we do? Wait until Lao Yang is kicked out? Now you see Lao Yang being ruthless, but it's not yet time for Ye Jinyan to do it. Otherwise, let's see who is more ruthless." Da Lang shook his head: "We all work to earn hard money. These things are not what we should think about. Can you leave?"

"I..." Zhu Suosuo refused to come out. She didn't know what to choose.

"It's okay, think about it carefully. Don't you know, Lao Yang, that the door is open for you at any time, please contact me often in the future, let's go." Da Bo waved his long hair, picked up the cardboard box containing personal belongings, and followed the others Leave together.

"What are you standing around looking at?" Fan Jingang shouted loudly to maintain order: "Don't worry, the earth doesn't revolve around one person, nor does it revolve around a group of people. The sky won't fall yet, so hurry up. Work and do your job well.”

The crowd dispersed in a hurry, and Zhu Suosuo returned to his seat and sat down with tears in his eyes.

Fan Jingang glanced at Zhu Suosuo and didn't care. He hurried back to find Ye Jinyan and went to the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

Yang Ke walked in a very organized manner, or maybe he did it on purpose. Dozens of people came out in several elevators. Yang Kelong walked in front, followed by men and women holding small boxes. The men were pretty ordinary, just ordinary custom-made suits, with no visible flowers. Those women were incredible. They were dressed in colorful clothes and dressed up in a flashy manner. With such intensive movements, the fragrance gathered by the perfume was intoxicating and revealed their sultry temperament.

The key point, of course, is that they have to endure the cardboard box that comes as a standard for resigning. These people are all familiar with each other. They are familiar with celebrities and good-looking people who live in the same building. So everyone also knew that these people were all from the sales department of Jingyan Group. Dozens of people were shouting and walking out. It was obvious that something was wrong. Involuntarily, the people walking in the hall on the first floor started talking in low voices. When there are so many people, the voices converge, which is a buzzing sound.

Yang Ke ignored it and led a large group of people out of the office building. There were several medium-sized vans waiting outside. The group of people got in the car and left directly. From this look, you can tell that not only has he found a home, he has also found a place to work...

In an inconspicuous corner of the hall, two photographers put down their cameras and looked through the content they had just taken. Looking at each other, without saying anything, they ran to sit on the sofa aside, took out their laptop and connected the memory card, exported the material with a crackle, and sent it to the leader.

"We were ordered to come here to shoot. Now it seems that it was premeditated."

"Is it an obvious thing?"

"You like to speculate in stocks when you have nothing to do. You don't have Jingyan Group, right? The market will open in a few minutes."

"It's never happened before, but those who hold Jingyan Group's stocks are in dire straits. They will definitely be cut off..."

"That has nothing to do with us. Finish your work and leave. Let's see some fun..."

The conversation between these two photographers was indeed lively to watch. Whether a stock is short or long, you are actually making a profit from the price difference, which is not difficult to understand. First hold a certain amount of stocks in a certain company, and then sell them in a big way, which will naturally drive down the stock price little by little. Affected by this, there will be a large number of retail investors who are afraid of being locked up and will choose to clear their positions and run away, which will intensify the decline in stock prices. Then you buy the stock at a low price and wait until it rises to sell it. This is short selling, and vice versa is long selling.

The competition in the stock market lies in the two parties, short sellers and long sellers, who has more money and who has greater determination.

So not surprisingly, as soon as the stock market opened at 9:30, some people were selling Jingyan Group's shares. Of course, Ye Jinyan is not a waste, but everyone should know that in order to catch the stocks being thrown out, one must first resist them. If it is not stopped, it will be a disaster.

But this was just the beginning. The majority of investors discovered the anomaly and asked around for the reason. At this moment, a professional newspaper published the news, "Yang Ke, the sales director of Jingyan Group, left with half of the sales department." At the same time, Yang Ke strode forward wearing sunglasses, followed by a large number of people holding boxes. photos of his men. At the same time, the short video platform also showed a video of Yang Ke and others leaving the lobby on the first floor of the central building at that time, getting in the car and leaving.

In another ten minutes, the news was summarized. It was announced that various numbers of middle-level sales managers had resigned from Jingyan Group's branches in other cities. This was another heavy blow to Ye Jinyan's head.

Sales are about making money. Yang Ke's past performance proves his ability to make money and his team is trustworthy. Now that Yang Ke has left, the real estate market is not as hot as it was many years ago, and investors' confidence has been halved. Coupled with the departure of a large number of middle-level sales leaders from branches in other cities, as well as the confidants they will inevitably take with them when they leave, the departure of some top sales figures has also destroyed the confidence of the remaining half.

Because this indicates that Jingyan Group's performance will fall off a cliff in the future. Everyone believes that as long as Jingyan Group is given a period of time, promoted and trained, or recruited from outside, and reorganizes the sales team, the future Jingyan will still be the same Jingyan. But that was in the future, and the refined words now are not worthy of belief. After today, Jingyan doesn’t know how many projects will be suspended, and the prospects are very worrying.

Therefore, despite such bad news, Jingyan Group issued a statement immediately, but when reflected in the stock market, it still fell sharply...

Needless to say, the Jingyan Group was already in chaos. The blow was really too hard and too fast. No one expected that Yang Ke would have such charisma and take away half of the sales department.

What does Ye Jinyan need now? It is the confidence of shareholders, the unity of the whole group, and most importantly, time and money. If possible, get some dirty information about other rival companies to divert attention.

How panicked Ye Jinyan was this day and how proud Yang Ke was this day had nothing to do with Wang Yan, and he didn't really care. Anyway, he made what he deserved, and Ye Jinyan's life and death had nothing to do with him. Although it is said that the situation of Jingyan Group is indeed caused by him, it is still subjective. It was him who took the initiative to tell Yang Ke, which led to the biggest crisis since the establishment of Jingyan Group today.

But so what.

If Jingyan Group collapses, of course tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. But correspondingly, Jingyan Group will soon be eaten up, and the unemployed will basically be seamlessly connected, with little impact. The only ones who really suffer are the major shareholders. And even if they lose money, the remaining money is still wealth that ordinary people can't even dream of.

So looking at it this way, no one lost, so of course it didn't matter to Wang Yan...

In the evening, when it was nearly five o'clock, Wang Yan drove to the entrance of Hui Mansion, parked the car steadily, entered and was led by the waiter to the private room upstairs.

As soon as the door opened, the Jiang family and Dai Qian inside all looked over and stood up to greet them. Wang Yan smiled and held his hands in his hands: "I'm sorry, Uncle Jiang, there was some traffic on the road, so I came a little late."

"Hey, we made an appointment at five o'clock, and it's only fifty-five now. You're still early. You always say that I'm not polite, but when it comes to you, you're not so outspoken." Jiang Pengfei laughed and told the waiter. She started to serve the dishes and took Wang Yan to introduce: "Come on, Dai Qian, this is the benefactor of our family, the Wang Yan who has been mentioning to you. Wang Yan, this is your Aunt Dai's sister, my sister-in-law, her name is Dai Qian. Just call me...just follow Nansun and call her aunt."

They were still across the table, so they didn't shake hands. Wang Yan just smiled and nodded: "Hello, aunt."

Dai Qian also had a professional smile on her face, showing her small white teeth: "Hello, Wang Yan, thank you for your generous help. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what the Jiang family would be like."

"Hey, aunt, please don't thank me anymore. Uncle Jiang, Aunt Dai, Nan Sun, and Grandma Jiang have all thanked me countless times these days. I came here today not to thank aunt, but just to thank you. Recognize you, auntie. If you need help in the future, just ask and I will do my best."

"Then thank you in advance. I heard from Nansun that you have a lot of research on architecture. We can communicate more in the future. In the past few years, I have been doing some renovation and protection of buildings abroad."

"Discuss with each other, make progress together, and get what you want."

Jiang Pengfei smiled and said: "Okay, okay, stop standing, let's sit down and talk."

Everyone took their seats, clockwise, in order: Jiang Pengfei, Dai Yin, Dai Qian, and Jiang Nansun. Wang Yan sat between Jiang Pengfei and Jiang Nansun's father and daughter.

The table is not very big, either a group of people across the table cannot reach it, or it is an ordinary small swivel table, so the distance between everyone is not that far. This is good, it brings people closer together. By adjusting the position of the chair, Wang Yan put his hand on his leg and squeezed it gently. Then he held the tea cup like a serious person and let Jiang Pengfei pour the tea.

Feeling the caress of the familiar warm palm, Jiang Nansun's beautiful eyes turned, her pretty face turned red, and she couldn't help but turn her head to look at Wang Yan beside her. Just like that, all the complaints she had been holding in her heart disappeared, replaced by a small excitement in her heart.

Of course, as soon as Wang Yan came in, he saw Jiang Nansun with a slumped face and expectation in his eyes. When he entered the door just now, his eyes glanced over and he had already noticed her loss. Of course he knew what he was thinking and meaning. After all, he just ignored it on purpose...

He took a sip of tea and asked politely: "The old lady didn't come with you? Did you leave her at home?"

"She can't eat much, and she can't talk to us, so she stays at home with the nanny." Jiang Pengfei waved his hand and asked, "Wang Yan, the stock market is very busy today. Are you paying attention?"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Are you still playing?"

"No, no." Jiang Pengfei waved his hands repeatedly: "When you have nothing to do, just take a look at the market trends. It turns out that today is really too lively. Jingyan Group has been on the verge of falling to the limit several times in the past day, but has been pulled back. I read the news that their sales manager Yang Ke had a falling out with Ye Jinyan and poached a lot of sales staff. As a result, Jingyan Group’s sales business has now been suspended and a lot of money has been lost.”

"Of course I know. We are still friends with Yang Ke. I also participated in today's incident and earned some pocket money." Wang Yan looked at the person sitting opposite: "I heard that my aunt used to be a member of the Jingyan Group. , is the veteran who followed Ye Jinyan to conquer the world. Do you mind if I follow others and grab some money together? "

"How many years have I left Jingyan? Besides, business is business. Why should I mind?" Dai Qian shook her head and said, "It's inconvenient for me to reveal how much I earned today?"

Wang Yan raised his index and middle fingers in a gesture, took a sip of tea, shook his head and smiled: "It can only be done today. If they are still so ignorant in the future, they will find trouble with me. But I I didn’t expect Jingyan Group to be so resistant, they have plenty of cash.”

Dai Qian shook her head and said: "You know that a common problem of real estate companies is that the debt ratio is extremely high. It was also because of this reason that Jingyan once wanted to develop rapidly. Later, Lao Ye thought that the market would not always be so hot, and housing prices would not be unlimited. The price continued to rise, so he took the pressure and began to deliberately slow down the development of the company. Although there were still liabilities, they were within an affordable range, and the financial situation was very good, so that there would be no accidents that would affect the whole company.

You also saw today that although he was unprepared before, he was able to withstand the first wave of the most intensive blows. It's bound to be tough, but when it comes to bankruptcy and liquidation, it's far from that level. "

"It's pretty much what I thought. I'm sorry to say it. Ye Jinyan just bought Uncle Jiang's old house on Monday and helped me pay back the money. Just one day later, I went to take advantage of him."

Dai Qian saw it very clearly: "In business, even if you don't take advantage of it, someone else will. It's the same."

Jiang Pengfei recovered from the 200 million and clapped his hands: "That's right, we always have to let others make money, it's better for us to make it ourselves."

Wang Yan smiled and continued to ask Dai Qian: "Auntie, I haven't contacted Ye Jinyan to ask about the current situation? Go back and help?"

"No, now is the critical time, and I can't disturb him. As for helping or something, what Jingyan Group lacks now is a sales manager who can take charge. I still focus more on group operations and project design, and I don't have much experience in sales. No matter how successful I am, I am powerless even if I want to help. Maybe after Jingyan survives this period of time and starts to develop with peace of mind, that will be the time when I am needed."

Dai Qian smiled bitterly and shook her head. It was obvious that she really wanted to help Ye Jinyan. She looked at Jiang Nansun, who was sipping tea: "Nansun, isn't Suosuo working as an assistant to Fan Jingang? Didn't you ask her what's going on in the company now?"

"She called me before. She just told me to go home later and hung up immediately. She must have been very busy. Do you want me to call Suosuo and ask what's going on with Jingyan now?" Jiang Nansun tilted his head to the left. , asked Wang Yan.

"No, it's just a boring question. Don't make it look like I'm spying on the military. Didn't I just say that I would just take advantage today and forget about it in the future. So what is going on in Jingyan has nothing to do with me. It's just that Jiang Uncle brought it up and just said it."

Wang Yan changed the subject and said, "Uncle Jiang, I asked you to go fishing before, but I couldn't make the trip because my aunt came back. Do you have time this time?"

Seeing that when he was talking, his eyes were still motioning to Dai Yin on the side. Jiang Pengfei was stunned for a moment, then realized it, nodded and said: "Of course I can go, I am available at any time, and the main thing is to see you. You can come when you are free. Call me and I’ll follow you anytime.”

This is not leaving, and it is not beyond Wang Yan's expectations. Let's just say that Jiang Pengfei has no other major problems except being a prodigal, hating the poor and loving the rich. Of course, there are a lot of minor problems, but he had them all twenty years earlier. I haven’t left, and I can’t leave just because my snoring is too loud now. It’s good.

He said: "Then let's make an appointment next week. The environment is good over there in Songjiang, and there is a villa. It's quite comfortable. Even if we go out for fun, Aunt Dai, Nan Sun, and Grandma Jiang, let's go and play together. Stay for two days and then come back. Auntie won't be leaving for a short time this time, right? If nothing happens, you can go with us. Anyway, you have nothing to do. "

"Okay." Dai Qian nodded happily.

The waiter knocked on the door and started serving dishes one after another. Jiang Pengfei got a bottle of Maotai and drank it with Wang Yan, Dai Yin and Dai Qian drank red wine, and Jiang Nansun drank juice. She didn't like drinking very much. Just now, Jiang Pengfei asked Wang Yan if he was driving. After receiving a positive answer, he asked Jiang Nansun to be the driver and drive Wang Yan back. And it happened to be where Dai Qian lived, so they were all together. Jiang Nansun, the drama queen, pretended to be a little reluctant, as if she was opposed to Jiang Pengfei's marriage, and reluctantly agreed.

Push the cup to change the cup, eat and drink. The Jiang family has long been familiar with each other, and there is nothing to talk about. And Dai Qian had just met her, so the conversation was nothing out of the ordinary, mostly about finance and construction. Of course, Wang Yan still took good care of everyone, including Jiang Nansun's legs. She seemed to like that kind of secret stimulation. She was still blushing at first, but then it became normal. Her ability to adapt is very good.

After the meal, as expected, Jiang Pengfei got drunk again. He wanted to take a taxi, but Wang Yan refused. All five people got into his car. Jiang Nansun drove. He first went to Fuxing Road to see Jiang Pengfei and Dai Yin back home. He then crossed the Huangpu River and first saw Dai Qian to the Riverside Arc de Triomphe not far from Tomson Yipin. It also had a first-line river view room. , not cheap either.

Dai Qian told her responsibly: "Nansun, drive slower and pay attention to safety."

Jiang Nansun waved his hand and said: "I know, auntie, isn't this journey going smoothly? Come in quickly and have a rest early."

Wang Yan, who changed from the back seat to the co-pilot, also waved goodbye: "Goodbye, auntie."

"Goodbye." Dai Qian responded with a smile, then turned and left.

Jiang Nansun hadn't driven away until Dai Qian was no longer visible. After Wang Yan replied to a message, he put away his phone and turned around and said, "Let's go, what are you waiting for?"

Turning around, he met Jiang Nansun Qiubo's eyes that were full of reproach: "Why haven't you replied to my messages these days?"

Finally, the two of them had time to talk. After seeing Wang Yan replying to someone's message just now, Jiang Nansun couldn't help but ask.

Wang Yan reached out and grabbed Jiang Nansun's hand holding the steering wheel, and squeezed it gently: "You said you wanted to think about it, but none of the messages you sent me had a clear meaning, so I think you haven't thought about it yet. "

"So you've seen it? If you've seen it, shouldn't you reply?"

Of course, Wang Yan would not tell her apart from this meaningless entanglement. The most powerful force against words is always action. He simply stretched out his hand and held her head close. In Jiang Nansun's nervous, expectant and missing eyes, He nibbled it with his mouth full of alcohol. At the same time, my hands were not idle, and I was inevitably groping...

For a long time, Wang Yan stopped talking. He touched the ruddy face of Jiang Nansun who was panting violently: "Have you considered it now?"

"It's annoying. You haven't even brushed your teeth. They all smell of alcohol." Jiang Nansun was annoyed. He slapped his teeth symbolically and took out a piece of paper to wipe the saliva from his mouth.

How could this matter be clean... Wang Yan shook his head, smiled, and patted her leg: "Let's go."

Jiang Nansun let out a sigh of relief. Although she had never experienced it, she was not brainless. The atmosphere and emotions had reached this point, and of course she knew what was going to happen.

But this is where the atmosphere and emotions have come. Just as Wang Yan told her before, follow the impulse in your heart. Now, she feels that she should act. Because only she knew how much suffering she had gone through before meeting today.

So she released the handbrake, shifted into forward gear, and drove towards Tomson Yipin.

Carrying her anxiety, expectation and wandering heart...

Thank you (No. 1 Infinite Heavenly Lord) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to brother (Pole Dancer) for the reward of 500 coins for continued support.

Thanks to my brother (Kitten’s Fish?) for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to the five elder brothers (Fishing Port He) (What’s the situation Zhang Wei) (Niao Niao frown) (It’s nice to have a sense of substitution) (He is from Jianghu 18) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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