The Jingyan Group suffered a sudden disaster and was in a panic internally.

Zhu Suosuo, an assistant to the president's secretary who serves tea and pours water, is of course of no use. During this day, Zhu Suosuo found that the most important job he did was to contact the restaurant to order a sufficient amount of lunch boxes, contact the coffee shop to order various coffees, and provide logistical support.

She looked at Ye Jinyan as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, clearly showing his age and fatigue. Fan Jingang suddenly became manly and walked around various departments in a hurry, holding conferences and meetings one after another.

The usually quiet office environment suddenly became extremely noisy. There are always endless phone calls, various documents flying around, and people are not in a very good mood because of their intense investment. The tone of conversation and communication is inevitably a bit stiff. This is stiff, that is stiff, and finally it becomes... had a quarrel. It was no better than the wet market, and the depressing and tense atmosphere made her at a loss as to what to do.

Fortunately, after the market closed in the afternoon, the stock price was stabilized and the difficult day passed. The situation was somewhat relieved, but it was still extremely busy. Because this is not something that happens overnight, it is a protracted battle. She took advantage of her free time and asked Fan Jingang, and got an answer that would take at least a month...

In the evening, the lunch boxes and some specially customized meals she ordered were in place, and she walked towards Ye Jinyan's office with her things in hand.

"Secretary Fan, dinner is here."

"Send it to Mr. Ye." Fan Jingang hummed, stretched, stood up, straightened his tie and belt, straightened his shirt, and walked in with his neck dangling.

"Mr. Ye, it's time to eat. I specially ordered ginseng soup for you to replenish your energy."

The door of the office was not closed, and Ye Jinyan was immersed in a pile of documents, staring at the emails sent from various places on the computer, and replying to each one.

Hearing Zhu Suosuo's greeting, Ye Jinyan took a breath, took off his glasses and squeezed his Jingming point, put on his glasses again, stood up, bent his arms and spread them around his shoulders, and sat down at the table on the side. He raised his wrist to look at the time and said to Zhu Suosuo: "It's getting late, so don't waste time here. Go back early."

"It's okay, Mr. Ye. Now is the company's crisis. I have to live and die with our company." Zhu Suosuo shook his head and said, "I know I don't know anything and can't help much, but ordering coffee for everyone, You can still make dessert if you want.”

Seeing how she vowed to devote herself to the company till death, Ye Jinyan shook his head and smiled: "Why, you won't follow Yang Ke?"

Zhu Suosuo replied in a buzzing voice: "I feel Yang Ke is too scary..."

Fan Jinyan, who was helping to put the food on the table on the other side, saw that Ye Jinyan had a rare smile, and he also laughed, looking a little like the past again, and murmured: "You kid is not too good." Silly, follow Yang Ke, and sooner or later he will sell it to you, and you will happily count the money to him. How did Yang Ke get up? Isn’t it just that he has been focusing on words in the past few years, and was promoted based on the trust of our Mr. Ye? ? Look at the result, he is rebellious in the back of his head and wants to kill us. Why is he so cruel? He doesn't show any kindness at all.

You heard it this morning. He was right. We promoted him just to stabilize him and prevent him from taking away the backbone of the sales department. But what he did today just shows that we did nothing wrong. Look what he has done? Helping rival companies poach our people, creating news, and suppressing the stock price of Jingyan Group, we lost billions today. The subsequent projects that were suspended due to the impact still suffered huge losses, and Jingyan Group's industry status plummeted even further.

You said this bastard has done so much, what benefits has he received? This kind of thing that harms others and does not benefit oneself is what he can do. Really, the more I talk about it, the more angry I get. Don't let me catch him, otherwise he will be broken into pieces and irretrievable. "

"Okay, let's just say a few words. What's the point of talking so much now that the matter is over? In a legal society, whose body are you going to crush? Let's eat." Ye Jinyan waved his hand, looked at Zhu Suosuo standing aside and said: "You've been tired for a long day. Let's go out to eat."

Zhu Suosuo nodded and was about to speak when he saw Ye Jinyan's phone ringing. He waved to her tiredly, and she wisely turned around and left the office.

Having said that, of course she couldn't leave. The current situation is not like that in the original drama. Yang Ke's explosion is even more severe. Of course she couldn't talk to the middle man, as he seemed to value friendship and loyalty. Besides, she had only just gotten close to Ye Jinyan, and those messy little ambiguities had not happened yet. Of course, she would not be looking for death.

However, she did not return to her work station to eat her lunch. Instead, she went to a fast food restaurant downstairs. Xie Hongzu was waiting for her there. When he saw her sitting down opposite, he pushed a glass of water over and said, "What do you want to eat?"

"A big bowl of beef noodles, I'll give you a bowl too, I'll treat you." Zhu Suosuo scanned the code on his mobile phone and ordered his own meal. Then he took a sip of water and asked Xie Hongzu, who was looking at her with his face in his hands: " What are you doing with me? The company is busy."

"It's just because I'm busy that I came to see you." Xie Hongzu said seriously: "Jingyan's story has been spread all over the world today, and I have found out the reason. Now people outside say that Ye Jinyan is always wrong. He used his methods and was found out by Yang Ke, but he also caused such a big trouble. If he hadn't changed the coach before the battle, Ye Jinyan would have been kicked out of Jingyan today. The entire business world was gloating and watching the fun. Let’s see when Jingyan Group collapses.”

"No, why do you seem so happy after Jingyan Group collapsed? Didn't Jingyan also purchase air conditioners for your home?"

"It's different. Our air conditioners can always be sold, and we don't have to sell them to Jingyan." Xie Hongzu didn't know the predicament of his business, so he said carelessly: "I came to you because I want you to Come and fuck with me. Really, Suosuo, come and fuck with me, I will pay you a salary, aren’t you an assistant now? Then you will still be my assistant, and you will be responsible for eating, drinking and having fun with me."

"Stop, let's not talk about whether Jingyan Group will definitely go bankrupt. Even if I go with you, won't I still be doing the work of serving others? I think the relationship between us is quite pure now, but I don't want to think of your subordinates serving you. In that case , the two of us are superiors and subordinates, and besides, I don’t want to serve you." Looking at Xie Hongzu’s disappointed eyes, Zhu Suosuo continued: "I said Xie Hongzu, you really dare to think about it. What are you planning? If you have a rich secretary, it's okay. ...Huh? Let me tell you, I like money, but I don’t do everything for money.”

Listening to Zhu Suosuo's dirty talk, Xie Hongzu was stunned for a moment, and then waved his hands repeatedly: "Of course I didn't mean that, I just want to be with you. If you don't want to, we can start a business together. You are Fan Jingang's assistant now. , your vision is high enough, your sales are so good, plus my mother gives you some resources, you can definitely make it happen."

Zhu Suosuo could not help but compare in his mind. The gap was really too big. They are both the second generation of rich people. Look at Wang Yan. He is a man who speaks his mind and has extraordinary abilities. He is good at everything except being a bit stingy. He is truly a peerless man. Look at the person in front of you again, you are still looking for your mother here...

She shook her head and said: "Forget it, I finally got to where I am now, and Jingyan Group may not go bankrupt. At this time, I still have to fight for the company. If I survive, I don't think Ye Jinyan will The mistreatment of people like us is only for a month or two anyway, and it will be over soon. Let’s talk about it then. If it doesn’t work, I will go to you again. Here comes the meal, eat, eat, oh, I tell you, I've been so busy this whole day, I haven't even had a few bites of food, and my legs are about to break..."

"Eat more, here, I'll give you this tea egg..."

After dealing with Xie Hongzu, Zhu Suosuo returned to the company and pretended to be busy, running errands from time to time, or giving out drinks and coffee to others. It wasn't until after ten o'clock that she went to Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang to deliver some supper and show off herself. After being urged by Ye Jinyan and Fan Jingang, she reluctantly returned home.

There was no Jiang Nansun at home, and she didn't care. She thought she was staying in the Jiang family's newly rented house or accompanying Dai Qian, so she just sent a message to complain about how busy she was today, and then turned to send a few messages to Wang Yan to talk about the situation. They said they couldn't sleep together, but of course they didn't get a reply.

She washed up casually, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep soon...

The situation is changing, God is moody, and it rains heavily in Shanghai. Lightning traces beautiful traces in the sky, echoing the neon lights on the ground, thunder rumbles, and the bustling Shanghai beach is still full of waves and busy with traffic. In such a situation, it actually adds a bit of punk flavor, and it really feels like a 'demon'.

Wang Yan shook his head: "You are studying architecture. You should know the building structure and building materials. Besides, it really collapsed. I am still with you. There is nothing to be afraid of. Go to sleep."

Jiang Nansun was quiet for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice: "When will I tell my parents about our relationship?"

These words are more particular, as they are assuring him of an honest relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend. On the other hand, she knew that he had an improper relationship with another woman and hoped that he could keep himself clean and wholeheartedly focus on himself. The cosmetics Jiang Nansun saw when he first came here were of big waves. Of course he knew that, but he was too lazy to clean them up. After all, how could he be so careless? He just didn't care. If Jiang Nansun looked through it more carefully now, he could even find the cosmetics and changes of clothes that Zhu Suosuo left here...

Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo are different, and the treatment they receive should also be different. Although Jiang Nansun was also a fake and pretentious tea, the blood-stained sheets that he had just changed could make up for the mess. He doesn't care what women think. His women in the past have had too many problems. As long as they don't harm others, they can get by. All he wants is to be comfortable. Therefore, it is not a big deal to disclose his relationship with Jiang Nansun in front of other people, and it does not delay him from doing anything...

And compared with Zhu Suosuo, although having money is also a consideration for Jiang Nansun, at least it seems that he is playing with emotions. And she is clean and has no messy past love history, which is the most important thing.

Zhu Suosuo was different. She had a rich love history and wanted to be a rich wife. Wang Yan would not be able to tolerate her shortcomings no matter what. Then Zhu Suosuo will naturally find someone who can satisfy her. She and Wang Yan are just trading and have no ownership. Wang Yan couldn't stop people from wanting to climb high and become a rich wife, and there was no reason to stop them from pursuing a better future.

Although he is not short of money, he doesn't care about money, and he doesn't want to spend it on Zhu Suosuo. Because that would make her think she is important, which is bad. So it is better to just love as you are and maintain a simple and intimate relationship. Just like what he said to Zhu Suosuo before, if he really becomes a rich wife for others in the future, he will save money...

"It's up to you. You can say it whenever you want."

"It's better to tell them later. After all, they always wanted to set me up with you before, but I didn't even listen. But now that I'm with you again, they should laugh at me."

"We are all biological parents, what's the point of laughing?" Wang Yan shook his head and kept moving his hands: "I think I should tell you some truth."

"Don't say it." Jiang Nansun quickly shook his head, opened his big eyes and looked up at the man who belonged to him: "You won't be irresponsible, right?"


"You'll handle it, right?"

Wang Yan nodded, hugged her and lay down: "Go to sleep."

After knowing that there are some problems in his private life, being with him is much better and easier to accept than being with him without knowing it, and later finding out that he has other women. Just like Jiang Nansun's current situation, although she still told him to cut off his relationship with other women, she didn't cry, make trouble, and hang herself. She didn't leave without finishing her sleep, which already showed her tolerance. degree.

A young lady who thinks she has no vanity, is indifferent to physical and mental work, and is devoted to the pursuit of illusory beauty is actually very easy to handle.

It's not that Wang Yan wants to compare, but originally Wang Yongzheng's relationship between men and women should be more chaotic than his. After all, an uninhibited man who likes to have fun and has some money is still very popular among women who like to have fun. In bars, nightclubs and other places, he should It's the prince, and most likely it's the women who spend the money. And he, Wang, only has three women so far, so he is at a disadvantage in this regard.

But for a person like Wang Yongzheng, Jiang Nansun was with him within a few months, and he didn't spend any big money on Wang Yongzheng.

There is no need to say anything more when we get to the better Mr. Wang, and now we have established a substantial relationship. This is a precious first time, so it is naturally more reliable, so there is no problem at all.

It rained all night and it didn't stop until dawn. It can't be said that it's dawn, the sky is covered with dark clouds and gray, so it's just dawn. Wang Yan did not go out for a run anymore, but drove to the market. He killed the old hen, bought some other vegetables, and went to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital to get some medicinal materials. After breakfast, he returned home and stewed His most famous chicken soup with excellent healing properties...

Jiang Nansun was in a daze. Before she could open her eyes, she stretched out. The quilt that wasn't covering much fell off due to her movements, exposing a large area of ​​skin. She had her first period last night and was feeling unwell today. Coupled with the fact that the air conditioner was turned on fully, without the quilt to resist it, the cool stimulation combined to make her wake up instantly.

After taking a look at his body, Jiang Nansun quickly pulled the quilt over his body, looked around and found that Wang Yan was not there, and then he took a deep breath and relaxed. Thinking of last night's crazy impulse, she blushed and smiled foolishly.

After a while, she breathed a sigh of relief. She took her phone from the bedside and looked at the time. It was already past ten o'clock. She looked through the messages from last night.

I sent a message back to Zhu Suosuo, saying that he stayed at home yesterday and asked how Jingyan Group was doing. I got a very busy answer and the messy office environment of Jingyan Group. As for the good morning message Wang Yongzheng sent her, she thought about it and chose to ignore it.

After playing with her phone boredly for a while, she put on her clothes, went to the bathroom to wash up, and then opened the bedroom door and walked out.

In the living room, the sliding glass door of the balcony was wide open, and the wind and rain from the 36th floor rushed in, blowing the curtains and making a sound. Wang Yan was lying unsteadily on the recliner. On the small table at hand was a small electric stove for heating. A small clay pot on it was steaming. The wolfberry, red dates, etc. inside were rolling with the hot water. . He poured the tea in the small clay pot into a cup filled with rock sugar, and then took a kettle from the side to add water to the small pot. While drinking hot tea from the pot, he looked at the storm outside, feeling content and content. .

The longer you live, the less fun you have. Except for the passion between men and women, it is always a pool of stagnant water at ordinary times. It is inevitable that I want to do something to entertain myself, such as letting the wind and rain wet the living room.

Jiang Nansun coughed deliberately. After approaching, he kissed Wang Yan from behind and said against his face: "Good morning."

Wang Yan grabbed her hand and rubbed it: "She got used to it very quickly."

"I'm all yours now. I still have to adapt. I'm relying on you."

"I've stewed chicken soup for you. It's very tonic. It nourishes yin and replenishes qi. It's a secret recipe passed down from ancestors. It's the kind that's passed down from male to female." As he spoke, Wang Yan got up and took her to the dining table to sit down, then went to the kitchen and turned off the fire. , scooped out chicken soup from the casserole and put it in front of her: "You drink it first, I guess you won't be able to drink it after two bowls. I will cook at noon, and we can eat together. The weather is not good. Okay, I won’t go out.”

"It's all up to you."

This was what Zhang Anren always said to Jiang Nansun in the past, but now Jiang Nansun said it without feeling anything wrong, because she really didn't think of Zhang Anren...

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Try it and see how it tastes?"

Jiang Nansun obediently took a bite. It was so delicious that his eyes narrowed. She looked at Wang Yan in surprise: "You said you could cook before, and I thought you were just good at cooking. I didn't expect you to be so good at it."

"That is to say, I am good at stewing old hens, but my other dishes are average." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Drink more, it will be good for you."

Jiang Nansun nodded and nodded, then took out his cell phone and showed it to Wang Yan: "Here, this is what Suosuo just sent to me. Their company is in chaos right now. I guess my aunt was too optimistic yesterday. Judging from how they are now, It’s not like someone who can hold on. Suosuo is Fan Jingang’s assistant, she knows more, and she said that Jingyan Group won’t survive long.”

Wang Yan glanced at it casually, shook his head and said: "Zhu Suosuo's level is limited. They look confused, just because they have too many things to deal with and they are in a hurry. It is not easy to bring down the Jingyan Group."

Just when he wanted to continue talking, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. After looking at the caller ID, he put it to his ear with a smile and answered: "Mr. Yang, congratulations. Now you have a bright future and a bright future. In the past two days, In the business news, the whole page is full of your news. The name Yang Ke has really come into everyone’s sight, and you are in a state of confusion now.”

Yang Ke couldn't hold back his smile and said: "No matter how popular I am, it's useless. It's just a bad reputation. They are worried that I am a villain. No one will dare to use me in the future."

"Now that you have established your own business, why should you consider whether others can use it? Besides, with your ability, as long as you can make money, wouldn't everyone rush to cooperate with you? It's too modest." Wang Yan asked with a smile: "Why, Is everything settled now?"

"Although it was launched in a hurry this time, Dadi Hengxin is not the only company that is cooperating with me. The salesmen I took over were all seamlessly connected. When they joined other companies, their salaries were improved. As for me, Dadi Hengxin The new partnership has a ready-made office space, so we can start work immediately, and there is nothing to settle in. How are you? Did you make less money yesterday? "

"Speaking of this, I have to thank you. I prepared in advance and earned 200 million. You can't treat me to dinner, I have to treat you. Just now I was thinking of calling you to make an appointment. Tomorrow is Friday, how about tomorrow night?”

"Okay, but let's say it first, I have to be the one to invite you. You are a life-saving grace to me. No matter how much you earn, it's all within your ability. Besides, even if it's because of me, it's only because of you. Don't follow me. I'll grab it. I'll find a reservation in the hotel right now. Then I'll bring my girlfriend to introduce you. The hotel will send it to you via WeChat shortly. That's it, let's meet in person."

Yang Ke hung up the phone very simply and neatly. Wang Yan smiled and put the phone in his pocket.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Nansun opened his eyes, full of surprise: "Is it Yang Ke? It sounds like he wants to thank you? It can't be this Jingyan Group thing, you were involved in the whole process, right?"

"I can't say that I participated in the whole process. I just heard that Yang Ke was promoted to vice president. I casually reminded him to be careful of Ye Jinyan's delaying tactics, so as not to lose everything and be kicked out. Then Yang Ke reacted and was kicked out by Ye Jinyan. Jin Yan made a plan, and the next step was to take revenge on Ye Jinyan for treating him like a monkey. If I really wanted to say it, I would just start it. But in the end, the root of the matter still lies with Ye Jinyan.

In the words of your aunt, in business, since he has made a mistake, it is not a big deal if someone takes the opportunity to attack him, so don't look at me like a conspirator. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. Victory and defeat are common matters for military personnel. If you can't afford to lose, don't go out and embarrass yourself. Don't use your perspective to pity Jingyan Group or Ye Jinyan. The current market value of Jingyan Group is still 70 billion, and Ye Jinyan is still worth 10 billion. Among Jingyan Group’s past opponents, too many companies have been destroyed, but today it’s just them. "

"I don't pity Jingyan Group, let alone Ye Jinyan." Jiang Nansun shook his head and said: "I just think you did such a big thing and brought huge trouble to Jingyan Group that may go bankrupt, but you only made two 100 million, too little.”

"I like to hear this." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, went to her side and touched her face: "From the beginning to the end, I just said some words, and I didn't pay anything except some spit. The money is quite So I picked it up for free. Let's have some soup, drink more, and I'll go have some tea and cool down."

Jiang Nansun responded with a happy smile, watching Wang Yan leave, playing with his mobile phone and drinking chicken soup, feeling happy...

At noon, Wang Yan cooked a sumptuous meal, which was not unexpectedly received well by Jiang Nansun. In fact, as long as it is edible and not too unpalatable, Jiang Nansun will praise it and it will taste delicious.

Perhaps Zhu Suosuo was also free for lunch. The two exchanged voice messages one after another. After Jiang Nansun replied, he asked: "Brother Yan, do you want to tell Suosuo about our affairs?"

"My parents are afraid of being laughed at, but Zhu Suosuo is not afraid anymore? Didn't you introduce us to each other? But sooner or later it will be made public. We are upright and there is no need to be secretive." Wang Yan said with a smile: " In this way, in a few days, when their company is stabilized and her assistant is no longer busy, I will go to where you live and give her a surprise? Shock her. "

Jiang Nansun didn't think about what this surprise was, and how it came about... She just thought of Zhu Suosuo's surprised expression, and grinned: "Then it's settled. Oh, by the way, there will be a master builder tomorrow There is a lecture in our school, do you want to go and see it together? I can get two tickets, and we will go together then. I know you have an appointment with Yang Ke, and the lecture is in the morning, so there will be no delay. "

"Forget it, whether it's the East or the West, I don't think those architects are as good as me. You can go alone. I have to go to work in the company tomorrow. I have a job. In this way, I will send you there tomorrow morning, and you will save money. to squeeze into the subway.”

Jiang Nansun knew that Wang Yan's construction level was high, but on paper, he had no record of success. So she only regarded it as Wang Yan's joking self-praise and didn't take it seriously. He just nodded with some disappointment: "Okay then..."

Wang Yan didn't try to coax him because there was really no need. He knew that it was Zhang Anren who told her the news in the original drama. What to tell Zhu Suosuo to save Zhang Anren's face, so of course she still thinks so now. Letting him go with him is nothing more than a show off in front of Zhang Anren. He didn't have the leisure to do so. Besides, Zhang Anren was just okay and there were no conflicts, so there was no need to rush to disgust others.

As for what Jiang Nansun mentioned about having dinner with Yang Ke on Friday, Wang Yan could tell that Jiang Nansun wanted to go with him and attend some events and meet some friends as his girlfriend. This was of course impossible, as he was going to be with the big waves that day.

Besides, Jiang Nansun would pout and play tricks with him as soon as they were together. Of course, he couldn't get used to it.

Of course, it cannot be said that there was no coaxing at all. After spending a warm afternoon together, Jiang Nansun had adapted and recovered a lot after dinner, so he still coaxed her until midnight, and the effect was very good...

Thanks to brother (w Ye Luo) for the reward of 1,500 coins for continued support.

Thank you (No. 1 Infinite Heavenly Lord) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to my brother (there is a kind of journey called crying) for the reward of 500 coins for continued support.

Thank you (brokensword) (Imperial Marine Corps) (Best Quadrant) (It’s nice to have a sense of substitution) (Actually, I am a big hero) (mg-101) (o0Crazy Chopper 0o) (Mingyue) (AOQS) Nine A big brother continues to support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

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