Shanghai University Baoshan Campus, in front of the Academy of Fine Arts building. The black S8 slowly stopped under the curious eyes of some passing students.

Jiang Nansun, who was holding a bouquet of flowers to give to his admired industry idol, pecked Wang Yan on the face and took his hand: "If you have something to do today, I won't go to your place tonight. I haven't been there for several days." When I see Suosuo, I will go back to see how she is doing."

Wang Yan nodded, helped her straighten her hair, and pinched her face affectionately: "Then let's meet tomorrow. Let's go and listen to how a master architect became a master."

Jiang Nansun left Wang Yan with a sweet smile, opened the door, got out of the car and walked out. He waved to Wang Yan and stood there with a smile until he couldn't see the car before turning around and entering the building.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Zhang Anren standing not far away, looking at her with a complicated look in his eyes, as well as the onlookers walking around eating melons who happened to be passing by.

Jiang Nansun's face is undoubtedly a top player on this huge campus. Her clothes cost tens of thousands, and her bag cost tens of thousands. It is self-evident that she has a good family background. No one would doubt that Jiang Nansun pretended to be rich, and no one would think that Jiang Nansun was trying to make a fool of himself because his boyfriend was Zhang Anren, a man who seemed to be an ordinary man in the eyes of many people. Putting these together, even though he has graduated from graduate school, he is still somewhat famous among the students and faculty.

Gossip has always spread the fastest, and it has always been the most refreshing to see others suffer. When seeing the rich fall from their high pedestals, they are naturally more happy to see their success. Therefore, the news that Jiang Nansun's family is bankrupt is not a secret after fermenting for a period of time. But seeing her radiant and happy face again at this moment still surprised many people.

Except for Professor Dong, no one else in the school knew that Jiang Nansun had broken up with Zhang Anren. Now Jiang Nansun had just gotten off the luxury car and met Zhang Anren, his boyfriend. Some onlookers had already imagined a long and erotic story about Zhang Anren being raped...

Of course Zhang Anren is more concerned about his external image, but he is not the only one who is like this, most others are too. He said hello and came forward: "Nansun, Wang Yan sent you here? Come on, let's go in, and I will give you the ticket for the lecture later."

Jiang Nansun nodded: "Let's go."

Entering the building, Zhang Anren looked at the flowers in Jiang Nansun's hand: "Is it for Daniel? You didn't reply to my message when I asked you. I thought you wouldn't come."

"That's my professional idol, of course he's coming."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Anren asked: "How are you lately?"

"It's good. I eat well, drink well and feel good."

"Where's uncle? How is he?"

"He is also very good. He cooks, cleans up the housework, walks around, and does square dancing every day. He is much better than before thinking about getting rich all day long. Thank you for your concern."

Hearing the impatience in Jiang Nansun's words, Zhang Anren hesitated and said: "Nansun, we..."

"Zhang Anren, please pay attention to your words." Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Nansun interrupted: "Without us, you are you and I am me. We have broken up. Don't say those words that are easily misunderstood. Just now At the door, I understand that you are afraid that others will think too much. But now, please don't act like you are very close to me."

Of course, Zhang Anren was still unwilling to give up. He was still trying to recover: "Nansun, I'm sorry. I know that too many things have happened in recent times, which is overwhelming. But I thought you should calm down this week. , and I’ve almost finished thinking about it. Maybe you don’t know, but a lot of things that have happened recently are something that I have to think about. If I think about it too much, it will inevitably affect my emotions. It was my fault before, and I sincerely apologize to you.

But please believe me, you have always been the most important thing in my life. What happened recently is not within the scope of my plan. Let's give each other a chance and some time to discuss it in the long term, okay? Just because of these recent unhappiness, we can't write off all the good times we had together, right, Nansun? "

Jiang Nansun shook his head: "I will remember the good things in the past, but the relationship has not redeemed the sins. The good things in the past cannot solve the problems between you and me now."

"Nansun, I'm doing well recently. I just published a new paper. I will be promoted to lecturer faster than other teaching assistants. I will definitely be able to give you a bright future. I am also working hard on this path and moving forward steadily. Good every step.”

"Zhang Anren, I have made it very clear that there is no chance that you and I will ever have the slightest chance, so you don't need to work hard to give me a better future. Let's go, I got the ticket with you, and I'll I’m going to see Professor Dong.”

Seeing Jiang Nansun leave, Zhang Anren let out a sigh of relief and hurried to keep up. Regardless of whether he truly loves you or not, you should always try to save him. Some people can't open their mouths, but some can. Just say a few words, but there is actually nothing to lose. Of course Zhang Anren doesn't have any mental barriers, he can open his mouth and say those words...

Soon, he went upstairs to the office where no one was waiting. Zhang Anren took the ticket and handed it to Jiang Nansun. Seeing her turning around and leaving, he couldn't help but stop her: "Nansun! "

Jiang Nansun, who had already reached the door, stopped and looked back at him: "Is there anything else?"

"Are you talking to Wang Yan..."

"It has nothing to do with anyone." After saying that, Jiang Nansun disappeared from the door.

She really wanted to come with Wang Yan to make Zhang Anren give up. But now, she didn't say anything to Zhang Anren. Because the time is indeed too short and the development is too fast. It had only been a little over a week since their family went bankrupt, and it was just two days before she broke up with Zhang Anren, and she ended up getting together with Wang Yan very quickly. It doesn't matter if we are together, we all sleep together.

Of course she didn't want to say anything to Zhang Anren, as if she had already been involved with Wang Yan before, as if she felt sorry for Zhang Anren. That's why she lazily talked to Zhang Anren, not wanting to irritate him, let alone cause any other trouble.

She is very satisfied with the current situation. The family atmosphere has changed drastically. Her man is confident, strong and capable. She is about to start studying for a doctoral degree. The present is wonderful and the future is even more promising.

The nonsense Zhang Anren said still didn't mean much to her. She didn't understand why she was so obsessed before. Now that she thought about it, she felt that she was out of her mind...

Regardless of Zhang Anren's mood, Jiang Nansun came to Professor Dong's office. After knocking on the door and getting a response, she opened the door and walked in.

"Nan Sun, sit down, sit down." Professor Dong smiled and stretched out his hand to signal, noticing the flowers Jiang Nan Sun was holding, he said, "Are you here to listen to Daniel's lecture? Have you got the ticket?"

"Well, I just came here from Zhang Anren, and he gave it to me."

"Is it completely hopeless?"

Jiang Nansun nodded: "Before we separated, I thought I would be sad after the breakup, but in fact, I didn't feel it at all..."

"You young people, you are always talking about how you feel. It's not like our time, when we met in person, we didn't say a few words, and we looked at each other for a lifetime. There was no such thing as love. I really can’t understand..." Professor Dong smiled and shook his head, then sighed: "What do you think of Wang Yongzheng? You also know that he has a good feeling for you, and he often sends me messages recently to ask about you. You also asked me to take care of you more in the future, and threatened me that you would come back to my place to play rogue. I think you two are a good match, so you can consider it."

"Teacher, I have my own feelings to consider, so don't worry about me. Besides, Wang Yongzheng is still abroad, so he is not a good match." Jiang Nansun changed the subject and said, "I haven't seen Lilian recently. …”

Of course she has no intention of having another affair with Wang Yongzheng. Now that things have happened, she admits that she did have a little feeling that Wang Yongzheng was not bad in the past. He has a freedom and freedom that Zhang Anren does not have. But now that Wang Yan is here, all the good feelings she had for Wang Yongzheng disappeared in an instant...

After sending Jiang Nansun to school, Wang Yan drove to the company in the financial center. Of course he doesn't really come to work. After all, there is a dedicated manager for fundraising and a professional team for operations, so there is nothing for him to do. Just hold a small meeting to review performance, point out shortcomings in work, and set a direction and small goal for next week's development.

Of course, during the process, Jiang Nansun would not be able to hear a single word from her. It was similar to an ordinary love relationship. She always wanted to know what the other person was doing and wanted the other person to know what she was doing. Wang Yan didn't have the time to chat with her for a while, and of course there was no reply...

Although he was not working, he had nothing serious to do, so he stayed bored in the company until the afternoon. It was not until he finished the weekly report and sent it to the customer's mailbox that he went downstairs and drove away during normal off-duty hours.

Of course, Yang Ke is not a stingy person, so he specially found a private restaurant that specializes in Cantonese and local cuisine and tastes relatively good. This is Wang Yan's first time here. The tables are separated by partitions and covered with curtains. There are only twelve or three tables. There are big tables and small tables. Several tables are occupied. Those who are not occupied should also make reservations. alright. The atmosphere is pretty good, after all, it’s a place where people are eating and drinking and it can’t be quiet.

After everyone sat down opposite each other, Yang Ke introduced Wang Yan enthusiastically: "This is my girlfriend, Pan Yueling, the financial director of Jingyan Group. She has a Ph.D. and occasionally gives classes to teach people about financial knowledge. , so most people call her Teacher Pan. If you don’t mind, you can call her that. This is Wang Yan, the savior I told you about. He is like me. He is straightforward and doesn’t like so many polite words. You Just call him by his name."

"Hello, Wang Yan."

"Hello, Teacher Pan."

Wang Yan shook hands with Pan Yueling politely, and then looked at Yang Ke: "I heard from April before that you are like a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching me. Today I saw that you can do it. I didn't expect that you can do it." How long have you been hiding this secret?"

"Three years." Yang Ke smiled proudly: "Ye Jinyan is indeed very powerful. I learned some things from him, but there are some things that I can't access. Teacher Pan can. He is Ye Jinyan's right-hand man. Now that the two of us join forces, we are truly a perfect match."

Da Lang looked at the surprised Wang Yan: "You didn't expect it, did you? I didn't expect it either. When Teacher Pan came over today, we were all shocked. Lao Yang is still amazing. He can hide it so well after so many years. Teacher Pan also has a deep heart Damn, how many ambiguous girlfriends has Lao Yang had in these years? Are you not jealous at all?"

Because Yang Ke acted preemptively this time, his close employees were not poached. Although Jingyan Group later offered a high price, not many returned. Sometimes people are so blindly obedient and have already left, so they don't want to look back. The people who were originally transferred away by Ye Jinyan were Yang Ke's right-hand men, such as Zhou Qing and Tony.

So this time Big Wave wasn't the manager, Tony was. Da Lang and Zhou Qing both became team leaders and were considered deputy managers. Of course, what is the title of sales? Anyone who does anything is a manager, and Da Lang is also a manager.

Pan Yueling turned her head and looked at Yang Ke, pushed up her glasses, and said in an infinitely gentle tone: "Trust is the foundation for two people to be together. I believe in him! In fact, he has never let me down in the past few years. "

She is not very beautiful, but she has a gentleness and gracefulness, coupled with her calm and bookish air, which makes her particularly charming. Yang Ke understands the game and doesn't look at the skin but the inside.

"That's great." Da Lang was envious of the relationship between Yang Ke and Pan Yueling. She felt sorry for herself because she couldn't find a man who matched her beauty and abilities. Wang Yan doesn't count...

Wang Yan smiled and said: "If Teacher Pan also resigns, it will be a fatal blow to the current Jingyan Group."

The financial director is the player in charge of the entire Jingyan Group's finances. He is Ye Jinyan's absolute confidant, otherwise he would not be able to trust Pan Yueling to control the money bag. If you rush to find someone to take over, the efficiency of financial work will definitely drop significantly in a short period of time, especially during this critical period.

Of course, as a large listed real estate company, there must be some problems. No one in this industry can be truly spotless, after all, those upstream and downstream are not clean. Pan Yueling has followed Ye Jinyan for a long time and has mastered some things. But this must not be told to the outside world. After all, she is the financial director, and she is the first person responsible if anything happens. Therefore, the tight-lipped resignation will reduce the administrative efficiency of Jingyan Group and is a logistical blow.

"I resigned this morning. I will hand over the work and leave in a week. Teacher Pan said that Ye Jinyan's expression at that time made him want to die." Yang Ke finished laughing happily and said another The stock has yet to eliminate all evil and sighs: "It's a pity that Jingyan Group is too big, and those rival companies don't dare to bite too hard. Maybe Jingyan Group can still rise in the future."

Wang Yan smiled and asked, "What, is there any news?"

"I called the people over there today and will stop next week. They are all old rivals for many years. Who doesn't have some dirty information? Apart from other things, we will do a thorough investigation on taxation and auditing. You can pull out a bunch of them. A lot of bad news has been released in the past two days. If you continue to bite the truth and try to bring them down, Ye Jinyan will die together. He cherishes feathers, and he will definitely not be able to get in. Go, but it’s hard to say about other companies. Another one is a blow to the market value. No one wants to get in, and no one wants to see their money evaporate.

But this time Jingyan Group was struggling, but it was okay. In the recent stock market, as well as the losses of some projects in other places, Jingyan's financial situation is not healthy. After a while, it will be time to sell off some projects and cut off its tail to survive. You said what happened this time, can Ye Jinyan continue to do it? Will he be kicked out? "

"There is a high probability not." Wang Yan shook his head: "Not to mention that Ye Jinyan has controlled Jingyan Group for so many years, even if he can survive this crisis smoothly, it is also his ability. Give him a chance to redeem himself, or No problem. But if he fails to bring Jingyan Group back within a certain period of time, it will be time to be kicked out. Although he is the major shareholder, there is nothing special about being the major shareholder. If you delay others from making money, you will still have to leave. Human.”

"That's a pity. I estimate that with Ye Jinyan's ability and the connections he has had for so many years, it will be difficult to make a comeback, but it can still be done by stabilizing the situation and starting over." Yang Ke shook his head regretfully and looked at the opening The waiter who served the food came in through the curtain. He picked up the wine that had been unpacked on one side and said, "No more, no more, the food is served. They taste good. We drink white and they drink red. Ai Pearl said, you can eat and drink, but you can't see me outside today, I will risk my life to eat and drink with you."

"Don't worry, I never know what politeness means. Come on, let's have a drink first."

Yang Ke is the only serious and normal person in the whole drama. Just like what he entrusts to his subordinates to sell, he doesn't say whether he knows it or not, but he can speak plainly. Some or not, we exchanged glasses at the dinner table and had a good conversation. Of course, the topic mainly revolves around real estate. Let’s hear some opinions from him, a financial professional.

Of course Wang Yan doesn't have any opinions, but he is not optimistic about it overall, but he doesn't know how the upper level can land smoothly. After all, real estate is a pillar industry, and there are too many people supported by the upstream and downstream industries...

This is how he analyzed it for Yang Ke, but in fact Yang Ke didn't care. He is now consolidating resources and building his own business. He is still making some money, but the profit is less than twenty years ago, but he is still making money. As long as he makes money for a few years, he will be financially free. Future industry trends will definitely have an impact on him, but it won't be that big. After all, there is no shortage of money, so why not do nothing and enjoy life?

This is what Yang Ke thinks. He is a practical person. If he can make money, he will do it. He is not worried about the future of the real estate industry, that has nothing to do with him.

Not surprisingly, Yang Ke drank too much, not because of Wang Yan, but because he had a huge sense of accomplishment in his heart and needed alcohol to amplify this sense of accomplishment and enjoy it.

"Lao Yang was so happy. I said, "Why can't I see anything in the past two days? I've been holding it in." At home in Dalanglang, she changed into high heels and threw herself comfortably on the sofa.

Wang Yan smiled and hugged her: "It's normal. From working for others to being your own boss, you have hundreds of employees. The situation is stable, you will definitely make a lot of money in the future, and you also cheated on Ye Jinyan, who has been famous for many years. , the beatings he suffered at Jingyan Group have greatly reduced his strength, so of course he is happy."

Da Lang leaned in Wang Yan's arms and looked up at him: "What about you? I find that you don't seem to have any goals?"

"As long as I have enough money to spend. I already have financial freedom, and the private equity company I work for can also ensure that my money does not depreciate and achieves stable appreciation. The connections built through the company's customers can also ensure that I can cope with the situation Most of the troubles allow me to live a comfortable life. This is enough, what other goals should I have? Only when I am content can I always be happy. I read books, drink tea, and exercise every day to try to be comfortable for a few more days. Are you having a bad day?"

"You see clearly, unlike those people who, after being rich, want to be richer, want influence in the industry, and become a master." Da Lang took a deep breath and asked: "What about that person again? Are Jiang Nansun together?"

"Your nose is really good, can you smell the alcohol all over your body?" Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, and said truthfully: "She is already asleep. She will become my girlfriend in a while."


"Don't be discouraged. I didn't say I was done with you. It's just a name. You also know my relationship with her father. Now that I'm sleeping with someone else's daughter, it's the first time. How can I not admit it?" Wang Yan stretched out his hand. Covering the big baby: "You are a house seller, and you have seen many kinds of houses over the years. Let's go look at houses tomorrow and buy one for you."

"I really don't want it, I'm not kidding you."

"Of course, I'm not joking. Speaking of making 200 million this time, you should tell me about Yang Ke first, and then there will be subsequent developments. If you don't tell me, then Yang Ke may be killed by Ye I'm just saying nothing, and I'm kicked out in the end in despair. Of course I can't make any money. It's your credit, you deserve it. It's just a house, it's no big deal, that's it. I'll go look at it with you tomorrow. look."

Wang Yan is indeed very proud of this big wave and is very sensible. And the two hundred million is really free, just open your mouth and keep buying and selling. It doesn't matter if a house is ten or twenty million. And this kind of direct throwing of money will make the big wave confused.

Da Lang did not refuse, but naturally stretched out his hand to Wang Yan's waist and said with a charming smile: "I feel really sad for Zhu Suosuo..."

Wang Yan smiled and said, "If you don't want it, you want it. If you don't want it, I won't give it. He doesn't care about money, but he has his own standards of measurement."

He didn't care whether Zhu Suosuo was hurt or not, the big wave had already taken the initiative. That was a house, and Wang Yan was willing to buy it for her. And based on her understanding, since it was said that it was written in her name, how could she not be excited. Without any instructions, she took the initiative and started playing...

Wang Yan picked up his phone, opened the dialog box with Jiang Nansun, who had already sent a bunch of unilateral messages, edited a good night, threw the phone away, leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes comfortably...

Of course Zhu Suosuo was not sad, she was just tired. Even if she was running errands for others, running from morning to night was not easy. She stayed with the company until after ten o'clock, then she took a taxi home.

Tiredly, she unlocked the door and entered the house. While changing out of her high heels, she looked at Jiang Nansun who came out of the bedroom. She said feebly: "Nansun, why are you back?"

"I miss you. Besides, when you are busy recently, I will come back to cheer you up."

Zhu Suosuo curled his lips: "No, I thought you had met some man in the past two days, and you were happy to be with him."

Jiang Nansun shook his head naturally: "What nonsense are you talking about? I live at home and played with my aunt."

"You look good, your face is radiant, you look more energetic and prettier than before."

"Oh, maybe you have rested."

Zhu Suosuo didn't care and lay down on the sofa tiredly: "It's all Yang Ke's fault. Why did he cause such a big thing? I'll suffer because of it. You should have rested. Look at me. This I have dark circles under my eyes, I’m almost exhausted, and my legs are about to break.”

Jiang Nansun thought for a while and decided to tell his good sisters what was going on: "Didn't my aunt invite Wang Yan to dinner the night before yesterday to thank him for helping us?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

"My aunt has a good relationship with Ye Jinyan. The stock market was so busy before, so my dad talked about it. Wang Yan said that he knew Yang Ke, was friends with Yang Ke, and made 200 million. One day, 200 million , I guess he may have known it in advance, after all, he and Yang Ke are friends, Yang Ke may have told him when he left."

"What? Two hundred million?" Zhu Suosuo sat up suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief: "No, he and Yang Ke are friends, why didn't I know? When did they get in touch?"

"You don't even know, I don't know where to go. Was it just chatting at that time? I didn't have the nerve to ask in detail, and then I forgot about it. I only remembered what you said about Yang Ke."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. What is supposed to happen has already happened, so what's the use of talking about it?" Zhu Suosuo let out a long breath and lay back again. All he could think about was that Wang Yan made 200 million in one day...

After lying there for a while, she asked: "Didn't you tell me this morning that you were going back to school to attend some lecture? Didn't you meet Zhang Anren?"

"How could we not have met? He still wants to reconcile with me. How is that possible? I am tired of hearing what he is saying that life will get better and better in the future."

"Just break up with him. With your conditions, why can't you find anything, so you have to follow Zhang Anren? Let me tell you, it's a good thing you broke up with him, otherwise you will regret it in the future." Zhu Suosuo shook his head and said: "Hey, didn't you tell me about Wang Yongzheng a while ago? What do you think of him?"

"It's not that good. He just does nothing all day long, making love to pretty girls everywhere."

"Nansun, you can't think like that, I'm telling you..."

Although Zhu Suosuo was lazily lying on the sofa and teaching her good sisters the experience she had gained from having many partners, Wang Yan's searching look was lingering in her mind...

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