The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 519 The young man has something on his mind

After Zhu Suosuo answered the call, he said a few words and hung up the phone casually.

"Xie Hongzu invited you to dinner again?" Jiang Nansun on the other side looked at Zhu Suosuo with a smile: "I didn't expect that this rich second generation is quite infatuated."

"What's the use of being infatuated? It's not like you don't know that before, her mother asked Ye Jinyan to transfer me away, and that Zhao Malin came to fight with me, as if something happened to me and Xie Hongzu. Fan Jingang told me before As I said, the Xie family is now pointing to the Zhao family's channels and funds. Xie Hongzu can't make the decision in anything, he can't control his mother, and he can't control Zhao Malin. If I really stay with him, what about his mother? I can't even pass the test. Besides, Xie Hongzu is also a playboy, so it's hard to say how long his good impression of me can last."

Zhu Suosuo sighed, waved his hand, turned around and went into the bathroom to wash up.

When she came out after washing up, the takeout Jiang Nansun ordered had just arrived, and she was arranging it on the dining table: "Do you still want to eat?"

"Of course, Xie Hongzu has an appointment until the afternoon." As he spoke, Zhu Suosuo sat across from the good sisters and helped set up the meal together.

Both of them are prodigal women. Their food is not luxurious, but they will never settle for anything less. Delivered from a hotel, four dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables. However, the dishes are exquisite and the portions are inevitably not very large. If two people eat these, they won't waste too much.

After gathering his chopsticks, Jiang Nansun asked, "What are you thinking?"

"What do you think? Xie Hongzu or Ye Jinyan?"

"Yes, it's been several months since that day, and you haven't taken any action? You didn't express your position with Xie Hongzu, and you didn't take any action with Ye Jinyan. I don't understand what you are thinking."

Zhu Suosuo looked up at his good sisters and said with a smile: "Why, you want me to find my next home quickly and leave Wang Yan as soon as possible without disturbing your world?"

"Fuck you, what are you talking about? We are all so shameless, how can I still think like that? Not that I can't handle him by myself, but if you really find a next home, then there is still that big guy Where are the waves?" Jiang Nansun rolled his eyes and shook his head: "I just think it's not good for you to be so vacillating. You also know that Wang Yan treats you well. He is not a ruthless person, but he is not a fool either. , he sees it all when you are still looking for your next wife when you are with him.

Apart from anything else, how many times had Xie Hongzu bumped into him these days? He really doesn't care, but it's not good for you either. In fact, if you follow Wang Yan wholeheartedly, I think he will treat you much better..."

In terms of brains, Jiang Nansun is certainly better than Zhu Suosuo. After in-depth contact, she gained a more comprehensive understanding of Wang Yan. She didn't know what Wang Yan would do, but she could know what Wang Yan wouldn't do. Based on how generously Wang Yan spent money for them, she believed that as long as Zhu Suosuo stayed focused, life would definitely not be bad.

"Do you think I know?" Zhu Suosuo's mouth was full of food, which tasted delicious. She muttered, "Do you know what I've been thinking about recently?"


"What do I need money for? How much money do I want? Who can give me so much money? Do you know, Nansun, I haven't spent much of the money Wang Yan gave me so far. I still have eight dollars in my card." More than 100,000, I don’t know what I want money for now. I can’t afford to buy a house, but I love driving cars, and Wang Yan buys clothes and cosmetics in piles. You know I love money the most, but now I I don’t know how to spend it…”

"Then why are you still unclear with Xie Hongzu?"

"Maybe... he is not willing to give in. Wang Yan spent more than 65 million yuan to buy your old house as a gift to you, and spent more than 27 million yuan to buy a house as a gift to April. All kinds of things were added up and he spent three yuan for her. More than ten million."

"But he also spent more than one million on you?"

"It's already a lot of money, and it's my problem, right?" Zhu Suosuo looked at Jiang Nansun with a smile, shook his head and said: "It's just that I know my problem, which makes me uncomfortable. When I was in school, I I laughed at you for being conservative and you laughed at your white lotus. Now it seems that I am reaping the consequences..."

Looking at the good sisters, Jiang Nansun couldn't help but sigh: "So you want to see if Xie Hongzu or Ye Jinyan is willing to give you tens of millions?"

"What are you talking about? I'm not stupid. I've seen a lot of rich people around Ye Jinyan. How could I not know that the richer I get, the stingier I get. That's Wang Yan, that big-headed Wang Laowu, who obviously doesn't have much. I have a lot of money, but I don’t care about money at all. It’s just that I think our relationship won’t last long, and we will eventually separate.”

"I think you are overthinking. Whether our relationship will last or not depends solely on you. It's not like you don't know Wang Yan. He is in good health and will not refuse. And it's not me who says it. I don't care whether you like it or not. Ye Jinyan is so old, he is definitely not good at that. Although Xie Hongzu is young, you can see that his thin arms and legs are not very good. You will definitely not be satisfied with the way you usually call him a prodigal.

Now we are just being ridiculous and breaking through the shackles of the world. Although we will definitely be scolded if we say it, no one can care about it. Even if Wang Yan and I get married in the future, it will actually be no different from now. But if you marry someone else and still contact Wang Yan, that would be immoral. You would be sorry for both the man who married you and yourself. "

Zhu Suosuo smiled and said: "Look at you, you used to always talk about my female gangster, but now you start discussing these things with me?"

"What can't you do?" Jiang Nansun raised his eyebrows indifferently: "In your words, who doesn't know who?"

"Yes, yes, we all know it. But you are also too arrogant, and you are still trying to persuade me. Shouldn't you be hoping that I will leave Wang Yan as soon as possible?"

Jiang Nansun rolled his eyes and sighed: "Is it useful for you to leave? Then there will be a big wave. I know that you have deep feelings for him now, and I also know that whether it is Ye Jinyan or Xie Hongzu, you If you don’t even like them, why bother.”

"Who knows." Zhu Suosuo shook his head and smiled: "Okay, let's eat, and don't worry about me."

No one needs to tell her, she understands everything, but she is confused because she doesn't know how to choose. Of course, she did have a choice. She could choose to continue to follow Wang Yan, and she could choose to have a relationship with Xie Hongzu. As for Ye Jinyan, she didn't know what it meant.

In the past time, she was promoted from Fan Jinyan's assistant to Ye Jinyan's assistant, and the time she spent in contact with Ye Jinyan greatly increased. She dressed up every day to attract Ye Jinyan's attention. But after being together for such a long time, she really didn't find the natural impulse between men and women in Ye Jinyan's eyes. Of course, she also expressed some of her feelings, but Ye Jinyan didn't respond or express anything, and just told her to work hard.

Of course she didn't believe that a wealthy man like Ye Jinyan, who had worked hard step by step, would not understand what she meant. Of course she was confident in herself, but Ye Jinyan's performance made her confused. He didn't want to sleep with her, and he treated her like that. OK, I don’t know what it means...

After eating for a while, Jiang Nansun sighed: "Suosuo, let me tell you something interesting."

"Well, you say."

"Yuan Yuan, do you still remember?"

"Yuan Yuan?" Zhu Suosuo frowned and thought for a moment, then asked doubtfully: "Zhang Anren's ex-girlfriend? She shows up again?"

Jiang Nansun took out his mobile phone, opened Zhang Anren's circle of friends and put it on the table: "Hey, they are together again."

Zhu Suosuo looked at the very urban beauty Yuan Yuan and Zhang Anren standing together and curled his lips: "I remember Zhang Anren said that after he went to college in Shanghai, he could not continue with Yuan Yuan. Now this Aren't they together again? I see, he just can't find a girl from a rich family who is as stupid as you. You said that he is a teacher now. Although the university environment is relaxed, he is a teacher after all, and it is not easy for him to attack students.

The other teachers, professors, etc., did not really approve of Zhang Anren's previous report on Wang Yongzheng, so it was impossible for him to introduce any good women to him. His social circle is not that big, friends, classmates, if there is a woman who is interested in him, it is impossible for you not to know about it even after being together for more than two years. So now that his circle has been sealed, it is unlikely that he will meet a woman with better conditions. I felt that my job was stable and I was not young anymore, so I contacted Yuan Yuan again.

Tsk tsk, I haven’t seen her for half a year. Yuan Yuan has changed a lot. She is no longer the same village girl as before. Look at how she is dressed. She looks like a coquettish bitch. I can smell her pungent and inferior perfume through the screen. The taste of the two of them is quite a match. "

"It's not as serious as you said. He owns a house, and now has a stable and respectable job. His teaching assistant pays more than 10,000 yuan a month. He also participates in some projects and takes on some private work, and his income is also good. With such conditions, it's hard to find a girlfriend. Isn’t it difficult to find someone? Maybe it’s hard to find someone up, but it’s easy to find someone down. The dating market is very popular, okay? You don’t have to be so malicious towards them, and there’s no grudge against them.”

Jiang Nansun smiled and said: "I think it's because Yuan Yuan knows the basics and can live a life through hard work. Now that he has changed so much, it gives him a new feeling. They were old lovers before, so it is natural for them to be together."

"You are so generous..." Zhu Suosuo rolled his eyes and laughed again: "But I felt that Yuan Yuan was not a good person before. Looking at her now, I tell you, she will definitely not be honest. Maybe when Just cuckold Zhang Anren."

"Eat quickly..."

Thinking of Yuan Yuan's cheating and Zhang Anren's painful look, Jiang Nansun couldn't help but shook his head. Then she thought that she wasn't much better. Wang Yan was not cheating. He was an upright person and didn't hide it at all. She didn't know who was worse off.

Jiang Nansun sighed and ate...

At this time in the original drama, Yuan Yuan had already gone to work in Wang Yongzheng's project team, and now her fate has taken a different direction.

In fact, Yuan Yuan was mainly stimulated by Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo. When she first came here, she was bullied by the two sisters. Of course, she thought it was bullying. One had a rich family, and the other worked in sales at Jingyan Group. Both of them spent money lavishly. Plus, he forced her to leave, so she took a grudge. She didn't like Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo being arrogant and condescending, so she wanted to be condescending in front of these two people.

So she also went to work as a salesperson at Jingyan Group. She felt that if Zhu Suosuo could do it, she could do it too. So after I met Wang Yongzheng again and found out that Wang Yongzheng was Jiang Nansun's boyfriend, I had to fight and felt angry. Of course, Wang Yongzheng himself is in good condition, and his carefree behavior attracts the liking of some women. This is also the reason.

Now Jiang Nansun has not met Yuan Yuan again, and Zhu Suosuo is still sitting as Ye Jinyan's assistant. Without Jiang Nansun helping Li Yifan to consult on houses, there would be no such thing as asking Fan Jingang to give discounts to others, and finally blaming Yuan Yuan for the performance of selling the house. Yuan Yuan still remembers her grudge, but it has not become very intense. Yuan Yuan herself has no relatives and friends here, and sales are not as easy as imagined. Zhang Anren broke up again, and it was inevitable for the two to reconnect.

After staying bored with Jiang Nansun until the afternoon, Zhu Suosuo dressed up and put on makeup. After receiving a call from Xie Hongzu, he said hello to his good sisters and walked downstairs.

As soon as he got downstairs, he saw Xie Hongzu, dressed in a casual suit, standing by the car and waiting seriously.

Zhu Suosuo asked with a smile: "What's going on? Why are you dressed so formally?"

Xie Hongzu said nothing, turned around, opened the rear door, stretched out his hand to measure, and motioned to Zhu Suo to lock the car.

Looking at him strangely, Zhu Suosuo walked to the back seat without knowing why, and bent down to get into the car. He saw Xie Jiayin sitting inside playing with her mobile phone.

"Thank you, Boss!"

Xie Jiayin, who had short hair, had a serious look on her face. She glanced at Zhu Suosuo and then turned her attention to her mobile phone: "Get in the car. The restaurant has reserved a seat. Let's talk."

Zhu Suosuo had a premonition of something, glanced at Xie Hongzu again, and then got into the car. Xie Hongzu closed the back door and jogged half a circle to become the passenger. The driver started the car, left the community, and merged into the traffic flow...

What happened next was just like in the original drama. The three of them went to a Western restaurant. Xie Hongzu said that he was going to the capital to open a company specializing in artificial intelligence. He also asked Zhu Suosuo to go with him to help her and give her shares. Then he expressed his feelings, such as not marrying anyone but her. Then they dispersed, and it turned out that Zhu Suosuo had just arrived home, and before he could say a few words to Jiang Nansun, he received another call from Xie Jiayin, asking her to go downstairs.

In the car, Xie Jiayin told Zhu Suosuo that she could not give her shares, but she could give her money. At this time, Xie Hongzu called and told Xie Jiayin's plan truthfully, which made Xie Jiayin a little embarrassed. They can only say that they can give shares, but they have to sign a contract and buy them back at the actual value after two years. This money can buy a house in the Shanghai stock market, which is probably more than 10 million.

Zhu Suosuo didn't talk as loudly as before this time, nor did he express much. He said goodbye politely, got out of the car and went upstairs.

This is Zhu Suosuo's progress. She did not leave her job prematurely because of Yang Ke's incident, and she caught up with the crisis of Jingyan Group. As an assistant who closely follows Ye Jinyan, her progress is very impressive. At this time, it didn't mean anything for her to say nonsense to Xie Jiayin, so it would be better not to say too much and just leave.

"What the hell is Xie Hongzu doing with you?"

"You don't want to give me shares, but give me a sum of money. As he was talking, Xie Hongzu called me and said that this is Xie Jiayin's old trick. As long as I take the money, he will leave evidence and sue me for extortion in the future. You I didn't see Xie Jiayin's face at that time..." Zhu Suosuo laughed for a while and said: "Then she changed her mind and said she could give me shares, but she had to sign an agreement with me and buy them back after two years, which would be enough for me to live in Shanghai. I wanted to buy a house in the city. I smiled at her, got out of the car and came back.

What she meant was that she let me have fun with Xie Hongzu, but we couldn't get married. She didn't care about anything and wrote me a blank check first. As for the shares, she really thought I was an ignorant fool. There were too many ways to make the company worthless. With what Xie Hongzu said about extortion, it might not be what happened in the end. "

Jiang Nansun nodded: "And have you noticed that Xie Hongzu said that it was Xie Jiayin's old trick, which means that this is not the first time this kind of thing has been done, and it also means that this kind of thing has happened to Xie Hongzu before."

"Of course I understand. You don't know how cautious Xie Hongzu was when we were having dinner together. Oh, I felt so uncomfortable when I looked at him. You said that he was such a boss and was controlled by Xie Jiayin. Just like this, he still says he is good to me, do you think I can believe him?"

"I really can't believe it. Xie Jiayin doesn't like you, and Xie Hongzu can't make the decision. And that's not to mention how long his feelings for you will last. Looking at Xie Jiayin's behavior, I guess you will also restrict yourself if you really get together with Xie Hongzu. You consume and use money to control Xie Hongzu. After all, Xie Hongzu has no serious job and has not shown any ability. Money is the best thing to do. If he has no money and wants to go out to work, he will definitely not earn as much as you, then you and It’s even less fun to be with him.”

"Yes, it's boring. You also know that Xie Hongzu has said more than once that he would run away from home, break away from Xie Jiayin's control, and live an ordinary life with me." Zhu Suosuo sighed sadly: "If I had ever thought about that kind of life, I would have Married and raising children at home..."

Jiang Nansun said: "So there is only one Ye Jinyan left now?"

"I don't know. I'm very confused right now. Please let me think about it again."

"Actually, I think instead of thinking about it, you should figure out why Ye Jinyan is so kind to you, but still doesn't react to what you said. I think there must be a reason. You want him to be so rich and in control. With so many resources, there are many women you want at your fingertips, and you may not even be able to be ranked, after all, there are too many good-looking women."

This is of course true. With Ye Jinyan's rank, the range he can sleep in is very large. Moreover, this is the world of film and television, and Zhu Suosuo is Zhu Suosuo, not a star. After losing this halo, compared with the vast number of beauties who have their own merits, she is nothing.

In the final analysis, it is actually a psychological reason. It is the huge contrast between the aloofness of a celebrity as a public figure and the joy of being in the crotch, which brings about a huge spiritual achievement. Of course, the shivers in the body are also comfortable, but they are secondary to the mental feeling. The less you want to go into the water, the more exciting it is. The most important thing is the pleasure of conquering...

Zhu Suosuo nodded and said, "You're right. I'll investigate later and see what's going on."

What she recalled in her mind was when Ye Jinyan asked her her birthday when she first entered Jingyan and said, 'What a coincidence'...

Wang Yan didn't know what happened, and of course he wasn't interested in knowing. He didn't care whether Zhu Suosuo stayed or left. If he doesn't leave, he will just keep it like this. Even if he leaves, he will come back. After all, he is alive and well, and they are all acquaintances.

The main reason is that Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun are good sisters, and he is Jiang Nansun's boyfriend. Zhu Suosuo came to his home in the name of looking for a good sister. It was very safe and secure. He, Wang, was really unlikely to be caught. on the head. After all, most people wouldn't think that way. Who would have thought that Wang, someone like him, is such a no-brainer...

On Sunday morning, after Wang Yan exercised and washed up, he said goodbye to Da Lang, who was still sleeping soundly, and drove to Zhu Suosuo's rented house, having breakfast on the way. I didn't pack anything, because neither of them had the habit of getting up early.

I drove all the way into the community and arrived in front of the building where Zhu Suosuo was located. I saw the 8 Series convertible coupe parked on the road. The fire was not extinguished. The person in the car was being heated by the air conditioner.

After parking the car, Wang Yan got out of the car and lit a cigarette. He walked to the side of the car and took a look. Xie Hongzu was sitting on the main stand with a mobile phone in his hand but did not move. He just stared at the screen in a daze.

The young man has something on his mind... Wang Yan tapped on the car window with his bent fingers. When he came to his senses, Xie Hongzu lowered the window and called Brother Wang. He asked, "It's so early in the morning. Are you there?" What are you doing? Just call if you want to find a lock?"

"Suosuo hasn't woken up yet. I don't want to disturb her. I'll wait until after ten o'clock to talk." Xie Hongzu yawned and rubbed his eyes and said: "Actually, I came last night, but because of some things, she is now She doesn’t want to see me. I want to wait for her to take a nap and calm down before having a good talk with her. Brother Wang, can you help me persuade Suo Suo?"

"I don't even know what's going on, how can I persuade you?"

"I got in the car and said, it's very cold outside."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, threw away the cigarette butt, opened the passenger door and got in: "Tell me."

"That's right, Brother Wang, yesterday I told my mother that I wanted to start a business with Suosuo..." Xie Hongzu briefly told Wang Yan what happened yesterday, and of course concealed any blackmail or old tricks: "So yesterday I After my mother came back, I had a big fight with my mother. I said that I must be with Suo Suo and marry Suo Suo as my wife. She wanted to cut off my pocket money, but I was firm and wanted to marry Suo Suo. Suosuo. I don’t believe it. I am married to Suo Suo, and she can really watch us suffer. I am sincere to Suo Suo. Brother Wang, you and Nan Sun can help me persuade Suo Suo. I am sincere. Like locks.”

"Xiao Xie, it's not that I won't help you. Why did others persuade me to do this? You want to marry Suosuo. This is not a one-sided matter, and Suosuo must agree. This is a major event in her life. We will do it How can a friend talk nonsense? You have to do this yourself." Wang Yan patted her shoulder: "But I can't help you in this regard, but I can help you see Suo Suo. Just do this Driving a car consumes more gas, and the exhaust gas also pollutes me. Let’s go, don’t stay down there, come up with me, and tell her yourself when she wakes up.”

"Hey, thank you, Brother Wang."

Wang Yan shook his head, opened the door and got out of the car. It can't be said that he owes it, after all, there will always be time to meet. He didn't take Xie Hongzu up today, but Xie Hongzu would also be stuck in the company when he went to work tomorrow. This guy is very motivated now and very persistent.

This Xie Hongzu was still too naive. He wanted to break away from his mother's arms but couldn't. Now he was even more rebellious and wanted to kill him first and then show off. Originally, Zhu Suosuo didn't agree at this moment, but now that he has seen the world, suffered blows, increased his ability, and gained knowledge, he will not agree even more. And because of Wang Yan's appearance, the gap between people and the impact on Zhu Suosuo's thoughts are real. It is difficult to say whether he will follow Xie Hongzu in the future.

Zhu Suosuo and Xie Hongzu must not have any feelings. He originally followed Xie Hongzu because Ye Jinyan had no hope and there was a rich second generation who was obsessed with him. In such a situation, whether it was for money or not, there would be about eight out of ten women. I have to marry Xie Hongzu. Later, having children was to ensure status, but giving birth to a daughter was a lot less meaningful. Xie Jiayin's attitude was not very high.

When there were business problems and he needed the support of the Zhao family, Xie Hongzu chose to divorce Zhu Suosuo and gave him a sum of compensation. Later, Zhu Suosuo took the money and invested it in Xie Jia's business. He seemed to be very affectionate, but in fact he was not. Zhu Suosuo was not doing it for feelings or to help the Xie family get through any difficulties. After all, she only had 20 to 30 million yuan in capital, which was basically of no use to the Xie family's business.

Wang Yan thought that it was because Ye Jinyan was kicked out of Jingyan's board of directors and went to the Xie family's company to take charge. Zhu Suosuo simply trusted Ye Jinyan's ability to manage and invest with him.

Although the acting did not continue, with Ye Jinyan at the helm, he may not have failed to make some moves to allow Zhu Suosuo to get more. If the story continues, maybe Zhu Suosuo will succeed in occupying the magpie's nest and swallowing the elephant, completing a real counterattack...

Of course, having said that, although the Xie family was screwed by the Zhao family in the end, the plot was still almost interesting. How stupid is the Xie family? Zhao Malin still insisted on marrying her, and Xie Hongzu was divorced and had a baby...

The two of them went upstairs one after another. Wang Yan entered the password very skillfully, took Xie Hongzu to change slippers at the door, closed the door and sat down in the living room.

It wasn't until he completely sat down on the sofa that the cautious Xie Hongzu took a deep breath and whispered his thanks to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan sat on the single sofa and waved his hands, crossed his legs, and read through the book he had just pulled out from the bookshelf.

He was not worried that the two women came out shirtless without knowing there was an outsider. After all, after sleeping for so long, I still know what to wear when not working.

Xie Hongzu slept in the car all night and didn't sleep well at all. He lay on the sofa playing with his mobile phone, and soon fell asleep with his head tilted.

Wang Yan shook his head, smiled, and continued to flip through the book...

Thanks to my brother (there is a kind of journey called crying) for the reward of 3,000 coins for continued support.

Thanks to my brother (the sinister and treacherous mastermind) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the three elder brothers (he is from Jianghu 18) (so far away) (who accidentally became a chess disciple) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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