At around nine o'clock, Xie Hongzu, who was sleeping soundly on the sofa, suddenly woke up and quickly turned off the buzzing alarm on his cell phone.

He sat upright, exhaled, and rubbed his face vigorously to wake himself up quickly from the deep sleep he had just fallen into.

"Brother Wang." He greeted Wang Yan who was looking at him, poured a cup of tea that Wang Yan and Na drank, and nodded: "Good tea."

Wang Yan smiled. How could this kid drink tea? "Why did you set an alarm clock?"

"I have to buy some food for Suosuo. Oh, and Nansun, she hasn't eaten either. It will be noon in a while, do you want to eat something too?" Seeing Wang Yan shaking his head, Xie Hongzu stood up and raised his hands Putting hands together: "Okay, then I'll buy some. I'm going out first. Brother Wang, please open the door for me later. Please."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Go."

Xie Hongzu changed his shoes quietly at the door, opened the door carefully and went out, and gently pushed the door open. He really regards Zhu Suosuo as his ancestor, and he is afraid of waking up Zhu Suosuo...

Jiang Nansun opened the bedroom door and walked out. He saw Wang Yan sitting on the sofa drinking tea and reading a book. He took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and sat on Wang Yan's lap while drinking: "When did you come here?"

"A little after seven o'clock."

"I seemed to hear voices just now? Who were you talking to?"

"Xie Hongzu, he left just before you came out. He went out to buy food."

"Did he really wait downstairs all night?" Seeing that Wang Yan was puzzled, Jiang Nansun told the story about Xie Jiayin looking for Zhu Suosuo again: "So last night, Xie Hongzu came over and said that he wanted to marry Suosuo, and he said he could go Find a job to support the family. As long as you can be with Suosuo, you can do anything. Suosuo said a few words to him, but it didn't make sense at all. Then Xie Hongzu said that he would wait downstairs and let Suosuo calm down. Don't say angry words. Now it seems that Xie Hongzu is really persistent."

Wang Yan smiled: "Suosuo is charming."

"You really don't care?"

"That's her right."

Jiang Nansun curled his lips, got off Wang Yan, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Perhaps it was the sound of Jiang Nansun washing that disturbed Zhu Suosuo, and within a few minutes, she also walked out. I also got a bottle of mineral water and drank tons of it until I sat on the sofa next to Wang Yan.

"I just heard what Nan Sun was telling you about Xie Hongzu?"

Wang Yan nodded and said, "Xie Hongzu waited all night downstairs. When I came over in the morning, I brought him up. After taking a nap, I went out to buy you food."

"Did Nansun tell you what happened yesterday?"

"There's no need to hide it. Xie Hongzu also told me about it in general. He is sincere to you."

"Who knows how long a sincerity can last?" Zhu Suosuo sighed: "He is really interesting. He wants to live an ordinary life with me. And his mother, Xie Jiayin, doesn't like me at all. , did you hear it? You are still using old methods to sue me for extortion after you leave evidence. How vicious your heart is. Xie Hongzu is determined to let me be with him. Just like this, I will have to die in the future. It’s really unacceptable. You know what he’s thinking.”

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Perhaps in his eyes, you are a woman who is not moved by material things, is dedicated to the best, and loves life."

"Forget it, who doesn't know who is who? Yesterday, Nansun and I talked for half the night. Xie Hongzu said that Xie Jiayin was an old trick. It means that this matter has been done before, and it also means that Xie Hongzu has also treated others like me. woman, was eventually broken up by Xie Jiayin. He kept saying that he loved me, liked me, and wanted to stay with me for three seasons, but I didn’t believe it at all.

And after discussing with Nansun yesterday, we finally felt that Xie Hongzu might have been suppressed by Xie Jiayin for too long. He was already twenty-four years old, so he was eager to resist and escape from Xie Jiayin's control. Therefore, the more Xie Jiayin doesn't allow her to do something, the more he will do it. Maybe he does have some true feelings for me, but men don't have long-term feelings. The richer the man, the less long-term feelings he has. "

"Say what you say, what are you saying to me that you don't have long-term feelings?" Wang Yan shook his head. He has always been responsible to the end. This is really an injustice to a good person.

Zhu Suosuo rolled his eyes and didn't say anything. He put his big white legs on Wang Yan's legs and swayed teasingly.

"Don't look for trouble."

"It's boring." Zhu Suosuo took another sip of water and sat there playing with his mobile phone.

After a while, Jiang Nansun finished washing up, and Zhu Suosuo went to the bathroom to wash up. They are all relatively beautiful, and they are resting at home and don't have much other activities, so they don't wear makeup. They all look good without makeup, and they wash up relatively quickly.

Of course, no matter how fast they wash, women don't wash like men. They just put a little water on their face and brush their teeth and that's it. So not long after the two girls took a shower, Wang Yan's phone on the coffee table rang.

Zhu Suosuo took one look, hung up the phone, got up, went back to the house, took his coat and put it on, went to the door and opened the door.

Xie Hongzu, who was carrying a bunch of things, was stunned for a moment when he saw Zhu Suosuo in front of him after opening the door, and then smiled: "Suosuo, are you awake? Did you sleep well yesterday? I bought food for you and Nansun."

As he spoke, he was about to enter the house while carrying his things.

"I'll do it, let's go downstairs and talk." The slumped-faced Zhu Suosuo stopped for a moment, reached out to take the things, turned a few steps and put them on the dining table, then took off his slippers and went out, closing the door with a bang.

"I really don't know what Suo Suo is thinking." Jiang Nansun let out a long breath, put down his phone and looked at Wang Yan, who didn't even raise his eyes: "Brother Yan, if Suo Suo follows you wholeheartedly, you won't treat her harshly, right?"

"In half a year, I spent more than one million on her, even giving her money to buy things. Do you think I treated her harshly?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant. It's just that you spent more than 30 million on that big wave, why do you do this to Suo Suo?"

"I think what I said is very clear. What causes and what results are all her own choices. I have never asked her to be devoted to me, and I have never thought about this problem." Wang Yan frowned and looked at Jiang Nansun. : "Then how much do you think is appropriate for me to give her? And how much is appropriate to give you?"

"Pretend I didn't say it, okay? It's my fault, I shouldn't talk too much." Knowing that Wang Yan was unhappy, Jiang Nansun simply admitted his mistake and quickly stood up and pulled Wang Yan: "Let's eat first without waiting for the lock to be locked. .”

Of course, no one can tell whether Wang Yan is happy or unhappy, he just shows some of it. The main thing is his attitude towards women, which is more suitable for women like Da Lang who know a lot about themselves. If someone like Jiang Nansun dares to make the decision for him, he must show some emotions appropriately to make her sober.

Although he had already eaten in the morning, Xie Hongzu really bought a lot more for four people. In order to avoid waste, Wang Yan still sat at the dining table and ate slowly with Jiang Nansun, chatting away every word.

After a while, Zhu Suosuo came back with red eyes.

Seeing Wang Yan and Jiang Nansun looking at her, Zhu Suosuo took a sip of water, took out paper to blow his nose, and then came over and sat down next to Jiang Nansun: "Let me make it clear, he will not come again in the future."

"How did you say that? I don't think he will give up easily, so he made it clear in such a short time?" Jiang Nansun was a little confused, because as far as she knew, Zhu Suosuo had said some cruel words to Xie Hongzu before, and Xie Hongzu Still come back again and again.

"I said that as long as he gives me 30 million, which counts as pre-marital property, and there are no messy agreements or contracts, I can marry him. Of course, he also said that he wanted to give me this money, but he didn't . Then he said that I am not such a materialistic woman, that 30 million is unrealistic, and his mother would not agree. He also asked me if I liked Ye Jinyan, and said that I loved my father..." Zhu Suosuo smiled and said: "I just bit it. He refused to let me go even if he died for 30 million yuan, and told him some of the analysis I had done with my grandson before, but he couldn't stand it anymore and left."

Wang Yan smiled and said nothing. Just as he thought before, Zhu Suosuo did not accept it. And looking at the situation now, I completely don’t want to hang on to Xie Hongzu anymore. The reason is also very simple. Now that he is here, Zhu Suosuo does not need to be angry with Xie Hongzu.

Jiang Nansun glanced at Wang Yan and sighed: "Let's eat."

"Don't look at me, just say something if you have something to say." Wang Yan shook his head and said, "Don't you just want to talk about Ye Jinyan? I'm not blind. I haven't been in sales for two months, so I was transferred to Fan Jingang. Assistant, I didn’t work with Fan Jinyan for three months, and became Ye Jinyan’s assistant. I’m so nice to you, so I wonder if Ye Jinyan has thoughts about you, right? Although there are no tens of billions now I have a net worth, but I also have billions. I have no children or a wife. It’s useless to ask for so much money. Do you think that will be your chance? Do you think he can give you 30 million?”

Although Zhu Suosuo said nothing, the surprise in his eyes could not be hidden.

"You know everything?" Jiang Nansun couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Yesterday we were talking about trying to figure out why Ye Jinyan is so good to Suosuo."

Wang Yan picked up the phone, pulled it a few times and put it in front of Zhu Suosuo: "Take a look, everything you want to know is here."

Zhu Suosuo picked up the phone and looked at the information on it. Jiang Nansun glanced at it and asked strangely: "Brother Yan, how come you have Ye Jinyan's identity information?"

"There are no secrets in this world. As long as you want to know, there is always a way." Wang Yan said: "Didn't I make a lot of money from the Jingyan Group because of Yang Ke's running away? Isn't it true that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in every battle. Not only Ye Ye To be honest, there is information about the CEOs and senior executives of other real estate companies, including Yang Ke. Some are public information, while others are more secretive and relatively complete."

At this time, Zhu Suosuo had already seen Ye Jinyan's daughter. She saw the birth date on it, and then thought of Ye Jinyan's appearance at the beginning, and she still didn't understand what was going on.

She raised her head and looked at Wang Yan: "So it's just because his daughter and I were born in the same year, month and day?"

"What do you think?" Wang Yan ate a big mouthful of food: "He feels guilty for his daughter, but there is no resurrection. You entered his company by chance, and you happened to be born on the same date as his daughter. He Wouldn't it be nice to make up for the longing and guilt about your daughter on you and make him feel better? Besides, except for some gossip that hurt his reputation, he actually didn't do anything. Of course, he is indeed good to you. , it is estimated that after you work for a few more months, he will transfer you to the grassroots level. He has indeed trained you carefully. When you are at his level, doing things actually depends on fate. You are lucky. "

Zhu Suosuo didn't speak. Jiang Nansun took the phone and took a look at it. He didn't say anything else. The three of them just had lunch.

Maybe Zhu Suosuo's mood was not right, but Wang Yan didn't get used to it. What should be done must be done. Of course, Zhu Suosuo is also very positive. Ever since she followed Wang Yan, her way to resolve her emotions is to work hard and gallop...

But this matter did not just go away. Even though Zhu Suosuo knew it might be true, she still asked Ye Jinyan face to face when she went to work the next day.

"Mr. Ye, there is a question that I have never understood." Early in the morning, just after Ye Jinyan came in and sat down, Zhu Suosuo walked to Ye Jinyan's desk and asked.

Ye Jinyan pushed up his glasses and looked at her with a smile: "Is there anything you don't understand? Just ask."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"It's good for you, isn't it? What's the problem?"

Zhu Suosuo took a deep breath and said directly: "Do you like me? I mean the kind of love between men and women."

Ye Jinyan did not answer in a hurry. He just looked at Zhu Suosuo, who was filled with tears in front of him and looked at him hard. After a while, he slowly said: "I like you, but it's not the kind of love between men and women. I used to I have a daughter, she is as old as you...are you not going to work with me?"

Once you say something, it's impossible to pretend it didn't happen. Although the conversation was short, it was always awkward to meet each other, let alone work together.

He didn't ask Zhu Suosuo why he asked so suddenly. He was also a person who had been out of Zongheng for many years. A little girl like Zhu Suosuo had been by his side for so long. He had already seen what kind of girl she was. I had revealed this to him before, and he knew Zhu Suosuo's thoughts. Young people are always impatient and always want a definite answer. He had already thought of this day.

Zhu Suosuo also understood this truth, but she didn't give up until she heard it thoroughly. Tears were already streaming down her face. She took off her work badge from her neck and placed it on her desk: "Thank you for taking care of me, Mr. Ye. I'm just overthinking things. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing I'm sorry for. I didn't handle the relationship well, which caused you to misunderstand." Ye Jinyan sighed, but shook his head with a smile: "What are your next steps? If you don't work with me anymore, you have to go somewhere. Bar?"

"I don't know yet. I want to take a break and then look for a job later."

"Okay, you can make your own decision. Just do what you want. If you have any problems that you can't solve in the future, you can call me at any time, including financial problems. You can also come to me. It'll be no problem. Don't be embarrassed to open your mouth. It really can't be done. You can also contact Secretary Fan."

"Mr. Ye, thank you."

Ye Jinyan nodded with a smile: "Go."

Zhu Suosuo smiled, turned to his work station, took the small bag and walked out. Outside, Fan Jingang was working hard and did not notice the movement inside.

"Thank you, Secretary Fan. Please take care of yourself in the future. I'm leaving." Zhu Suosuo pulled up the confused Fan Jingang, hugged him, and then turned around and left while Fan Jingang was still confused.

"Hey, don't leave. What's going on?" When Fan Jingang came to his senses, Zhu Suosuo had disappeared. He quickly turned around and entered the office: "Mr. Ye, what's going on? Everything is fine, why did Zhu Suosuo leave?"

Ye Jinyan shook his head: "It's nothing, it's her own choice. If you can help her in the future, just help her and go to work."

Fan Jingang has been following Ye Jinyan for a long time, and he is also an old man in the world. He knows about Ye Jinyan and can see Zhu Suosuo's thoughts. Seeing Ye Jinyan's look, he sighed: "What's the matter..."

Seeing Fan Jingang turn around and leave, closing the door, Ye Jinyan was silent for a long time, then suddenly laughed out loud: "What's this all about..."

With a long sigh, Ye Jinyan started his day's work...

"Okay, I know, thank you, Secretary Fan. Well, hang up." Zhu Suosuo walked slowly on the road and hung up Fan Jingang's call.

She stood on the side of the road, turned on the camera with her mobile phone, and looked at her face to make sure that her makeup had not been affected by her crying. She edited the message on her phone and sent it out. She took a deep breath and looked at the sky among the tall buildings.

She laughed, very easily, she finally made a choice, and finally ended it cleanly.

What better option than what is already available? What does she want with so much money? Useless, useless. There's nothing wrong with her, she thinks too highly of herself. If she had had this kind of spirit, maybe she wouldn't be where she is now.

She walked briskly, her high heels clicking on the ground, confident and generous. She walked like this for more than ten minutes, and she arrived at Tomson Yipin. She knew Wang Yan was at home because he just sent her to work this morning. I just sent another message and asked, and got a reply.

He went upstairs with familiarity, entered the password to open the smart lock, and opened the somewhat heavy door.

Wang Yan, who was drinking tea in the living room, was a little confused: "Aren't you at work?"

Zhu Suosuo changed his slippers at the door and trotted over to hug him: "I will follow you from now on. I don't want those messes anymore."

When she said this, Wang Yan immediately realized what was going on and shook his head with a smile: "I will not give you 30 million."

"No, it's fine now. I've already figured it out, Brother Yan, before..."

Wang Yan smiled and listened to Zhu Suosuo's story from beginning to end about what happened and her mental journey. This could be regarded as her self-awakening. One of the most valuable qualities of a person is self-knowledge, and now Zhu Suosuo has it.

From the time he met him, he slept for several months. This was the only thing Zhu Suosuo did, and in Wang Yan's opinion, it was pretty good.

Of course, Zhu Suosuo shouldn't ask Ye Jinyan. At least there is such a relationship. As long as she works hard, she can become a career woman and achieve financial freedom under Ye Jinyan's care. It's just that he is still young and cares more about answers, which is understandable.

Zhu Suosuo put his arms around Wang Yan's neck, his charming eyes were like silk, his red lips were lightly opened, and he exhaled like a orchid: "Brother Yan, love me..."

Thanks to the four big brothers (Imperial Marines) (brokensword) (HAOMD) (Boring Camus) for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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