The sudden change made Ying Mengyao, who was ready to fight back, stand there in a daze.

Ying Mengyao wiped the blood off her face with her hand, lowered her head and looked at Ye Feng who was lying on the ground, and kicked Ye Feng's shoulder twice.

Ye Feng just lay on the ground and groaned twice, without any movement.

Ye Feng wanted to prop himself up with his hands, but he had no strength at all.

Ying Mengyao took off the hat on her head, wiped the blood off her face, and threw the hat on Ye Feng's back.

Although she didn't know what happened to Ye Feng, Ying Mengyao felt that her dark power was enough to deal with it.

She said softly, "As long as he doesn't die, you can play as you like. If he dies, I won't be able to explain to Qingyou. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" The five strong men answered in unison.

The five strong men dragged Ye Feng up from the ground like a dead dog, and then threw him back to the ground, with lewd smiles on their faces.

Although Ye Feng was physically exhausted this time, he was very conscious and knew what he was going to suffer. He tried to twist his body but it was useless.

Just like a drunk person, the body is not controlled by the brain.

Ye Feng tried to bite the tip of his tongue but still couldn't wake up his body.

"System, give me another 'manic potion'!" Ye Feng screamed wildly in his brain.

But no matter how Ye Feng screamed, the system didn't react at all!

The five big men grabbed Ye Feng's shirt with both hands and tore it open!

"System! My pretty mother! Give me another 'manic potion'!" Ye Feng's eyes flashed with violent madness, but his body couldn't move at all, and he couldn't even open his mouth!

One of the big men touched Ye Feng's chest, showing the expression of a big bad wolf looking at a little lamb, and said, "Don't worry, it won't hurt, we will take good care of you!"

Ye Feng instantly became humble, "Please, Master System, please help me and give me another dose of 'Mania Potion'!"

The other people took off Ye Feng's shoes and socks.

"Master System, Master System, please, as long as you can give me another dose of 'Mania Potion', I will do anything!" Ye Feng pleaded pitifully.

Ye Feng stared and saw a tattooed big man began to untie his belt, and shouted in his heart, "Master System, Master System, please save me!!"

[System detection, the protagonist is in great crisis, and the host is given a dose of 'Mania Potion'. Do you want to use it! ! ]

Just when Ye Feng was desperate, a system bell sounded in Ye Feng's mind again.

Ye Feng seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and immediately shouted the word "use" from his throat.

Ye Feng felt a huge force erupting from his Dantian again, and then flowed into his limbs and bones. His body was instantly filled with endless power, and his eyes instantly burst out with a fierceness.

Having learned from the failure last time, Ye Feng no longer talked nonsense this time.

He kicked the strong man who was unbuckling his belt away.

The strong man flew upward in a straight line, hit the thick wall, made a "bang", and fell heavily to the floor, blood flowed from his mouth, and his breathing stopped abruptly.

The four strong men were confused again by Ye Feng's sudden outburst.

Ye Feng did not give the four people a chance to react, and grabbed the hand on his chest.

He moved his body sideways along the ground and stretched out his hand to pull.

The strong man who lost his support hit his head directly on the ground, making a "dong" sound, which made people's heads buzz.

Ye Feng grabbed the strong man's arm, slapped the ground and stood up, then pressed upwards at 90 degrees.

Only a "crack" sound was heard!

The strong man's arm broke with a sound! !

"Ah!!" The strong man's miserable scream resounded throughout the waste factory.

However, this scream did not last long. Ye Feng stepped on the strong man's head, and it made a "bang" sound like stepping on a watermelon.

Then red and yellow things flowed all over the ground.

Ye Feng lowered his head and looked at the three people who were touching him with a look of looking at prey. He rushed up with a pounce. He only had one minute now, but he didn't have time to waste on provoking the other party.

Because all this happened too quickly, the other three strong men, including Ying Mengyao, didn't react, and Ye Feng killed the other two strong men!

The three strong men were also old men in the underworld. They understood the other party's meaning from Ye Feng's fierce eyes.

Today they either stand and go out, or lie here. Besides, the eldest lady is still here, so Ye Feng must be killed.

Ying Mengyao saw Ye Feng turn around and kill the two strong men, and she frowned, thinking to herself that it was not good. She never knew Ye FengFeng would be so strong.

If he was really so strong, would Ye Feng have his girlfriend robbed by a rich second-generation kid?

Ying Mengyao's father, Ying Donghuan, was the emperor of Beishan. In addition to his daughter who was a dark power master, there was only one martial artist in the late Ming power period in charge.

He was born in the wild, only in his forties, and had a lot of hidden injuries.

It can be seen how rare martial arts masters are in the secular world.

And the two moves Ye Feng made just now have already exposed his strong physique. This physical strength is stronger than hers!

Ying Mengyao knew that the three strong men combined would not be Ye Feng's opponent, so she dodged and attacked.

Because Ye Feng's manic potion improves the overall attributes of humans, it not only improves physique, but also reaction, speed and strength.

Ye Feng's fist made a sonic boom in the air and went straight to the face of one of the strong men.

The strong man wanted to dodge when he saw the fist approaching him, but he couldn't dodge in time, and his head hit Ye Feng's fist hard.

In an instant, his skull was broken like an egg hitting a rock, and his brain was scattered like an egg yolk.

The whole person was thrown out like a sandbag.

The third strong man lay on the ground and died with blood flowing from all his orifices.

Then he punched the strong man on the side horizontally.

The strong man obviously reacted and dodged the attack from Ye Feng by dodging his body backwards.

The strong man on the other side took the opportunity to kick Ye Feng.

Ye Feng reacted very quickly, and the strong man's movements appeared in Ye Feng's eyes as if in slow motion.

Ye Feng dodged the strong man's attack, and then kicked the strong man with his foot.

The instep hit the strong man's head and kicked the strong man away.

The strong man's head hit the concrete wall with a loud collision sound, and he fell to the wall like a piece of mud.

By using the inertia of his body, he jumped up and kicked the last strong man who had just dodged his punch with a roundhouse kick.


The strong man who had just dodged Ye Feng's punch could no longer dodge Ye Feng's second punch.

His chest received Ye Feng's kick firmly.

The whole person immediately flew backwards like a cannonball! !

Because he was not wearing a shirt, it was obvious that a piece of his chest collapsed. The whole person hit the wall heavily, and then bounced on the ground. He exhaled more than inhaled, and it was obvious that he would not live long.

It took a long time to narrate, but Ye Feng's consecutive killing of three people was fleeting.

At this moment, Ying Mengyao's fierce attack came, and a punch hit Ye Feng's face!

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