Seeing Ye Feng kill five strong men in a flash, Ying Mengyao was a little surprised, but she didn't take Ye Feng seriously.

Killing five strong men in a flash, she could do it.

So the fist that hit Ye Feng didn't stop, and went straight to Ye Feng's face.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth.

Seeing Ying Mengyao's punch, he was not afraid at all, and hit Ying Mengyao's fist.

After a loud "bang!", the sound of bones tearing skin was heard.


Ying Mengyao screamed and stepped back several steps.

Only Ying Mengyao's right hand was seen hanging down like a rag.

The elbow joint was torn by the huge force, the bone spur pierced the skin, and the red blood on the white bones dripped on the ground.

Ying Mengyao gritted her teeth, and her forehead was covered with sweat. She never thought that Ye Feng's strength was so strong.

Ye Feng smiled crookedly, "Interesting woman!"

Then his face became ferocious, and he yelled at Ying Mengyao, "But you have to die today!"

After that, Ye Feng threw a punch at Ying Mengyao.

Ying Mengyao dodged in panic, covering her arm and moving to the right, her body fell to the ground, leaving a blood line on the ground, and her back hit the front before stopping.


After a loud bang, Ye Feng hit the 20-centimeter-thick wall brick deeply into a circular arc, just like the tyranny of Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu! !

Ye Feng saw Ying Mengyao dodge his attack, twisted his neck, and smiled at Ying Mengyao who stood up against the door panel.

Ye Feng wanted to show all his teeth.

Ying Mengyao felt half cold in her heart, thinking that it was over, no matter in speed or strength, she was not Ye Feng's opponent and would definitely die here.

As for escaping, she could not outrun Ye Feng at all in the case of serious injuries.


Another point is that Ye Feng's strange power seems to be time-limited.

It seems to be in waves!!

Thinking of this, Ying Mengyao's eyes revealed the will to survive. She stared at Ye Feng, waiting for Ye Feng's next attack and dodging it.

Ying Mengyao saw that Ye Feng had never received any fighting training. Ye Feng's attack was not systematic at all. It was completely a gangster fighting posture.

As long as it is a fighting skill, there will be fighting moves.

The reason for practicing fighting moves is not to look fun, but to let you know what method to use to attack the opponent to the maximum extent at the moment when the opponent reveals a flaw.

As for emphasizing the correctness of the posture, it is to reduce the decrease in the attack frequency caused by the inertia of the body.

In a word, it is to cancel the backswing.

But Ye Feng was very casual, without any particularity at all, and was completely a gangster fighting posture.

While Ying Mengyao was thinking, Ye Feng attacked again. This punch was faster than the previous one, and it had hit Ying Mengyao before she could catch her breath.

Ying Mengyao still wanted to dodge.

But Ye Feng, whose physical fitness and reaction speed had increased five times, immediately stopped his movements, just like a sudden stop jump shot on the basketball court, his body stopped abruptly.

Ye Feng immediately stretched out his left foot and kicked in the direction where Ying Mengyao fell.

Because Ying Mengyao's body was in the air, she couldn't exert any force at all. Looking at Ye Feng's kick, she thought it was over! ! !

Then in the next second, Ying Mengyao felt a huge force hitting her abdomen, and her dantian shattered instantly, and the whole person flew backwards as if hit by a sledgehammer.

He hit the wall heavily, and then fell to the ground, and the broken half of his arm flew far away.

The vision gradually became blurred, the eyelids became heavier, the pain in the body began to weaken, and finally all the feelings seemed to disappear.

Ye Feng looked at Ying Mengyao lying in a pool of blood, with a happy smile on his face. "Hahahaha! Bitch, hahaha!!!"


Ye Feng instantly felt that all the strength in his body disappeared. He knelt on the ground with his legs and spit out blood from his mouth. "Cough cough cough!! Cough cough!!! Stinky, stinky...bitch, you... cough cough cough cough!!!"

Because of the side effects, Ye Feng was exhausted and couldn't say a complete sentence at all. Every time he said a word, he felt as if his throat was filled with hot sand.

Perhaps because of the second time he had drug resistance, this time Ye Feng could barely stand up with his body, hunched over and leaned against the wall to walk out the door.

Although his body was extremely tired, his eyes were full of energy, his heart was extremely fanatical, and his face showed a ferocious smile. He screamed in his mind, 'I am the protagonist of this world, I will turn danger into safety, no matter what kind of danger I encounter, no matter how difficult the environment is, I will...! '

At some point, Ye Feng seemed to have gotten rid of his weak state, and his feet became faster and faster. He walked through the corridor and then walked out of the building.

When Ye Feng came out, he saw the beautiful sunset in the sky, and the clouds on the horizon were connected.

Ye Feng knew that he had survived, which might mean that he would have a happy ending from now on.

"Yes! Isn't it true that in all novels, the protagonist suffers in the early stage and only becomes stronger after encountering a crisis? That's right." Ye Feng's eyes flashed.

He scanned the surroundings and found that he didn't recognize this place. There were dilapidated houses, closed factories, rusty infrastructure, and iron pipes thrown on the ground that no one cared about.

Ye Feng looked up and saw that the place he walked out seemed to be a factory.

He looked along the iron railings outside the factory and his eyes were bright.

Because there seemed to be a black thing outside the railings, and the shape and shape made Ye Feng think of what it was at the first time.

He moved forward step by step with his legs as if filled with lead.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Ye Feng left a long mark on the ground and finally reached the gate. When he saw the black object outside the gate, Ye Feng was holding the wall and saw that half of it had fallen off, leaving only the red brick wall. He laughed out loud, "Hahaha! Cough cough cough!"

Because the car parked outside was nothing else but the Lamborghini Venom that Ye Feng had obtained, and the key was placed on the front of the car. Ye Feng was overjoyed. He finally understood what the hero in the novel was. This was the hero!

He had just defeated the biggest enemy in his life, and now the sports car he had drawn appeared in front of him again!

"System, system, did you also send this car?" Ye Feng asked.

Because the Lamborghini Venom appeared abruptly in the parking lot of the community when it first appeared, and because the system had just given him the 'manic potion', Ye Feng subconsciously thought that this car was given to him by the system to let him leave this place.

After all, in novels, if the protagonist falls into a dungeon and turns misfortune into good fortune, he will definitely encounter a familiar item or person to lead him out!

Ye Feng thought that this car must have been obtained by the system.

As for why the car disappeared before, Ye Feng couldn't think so much now. His mind was full of himself as the male protagonist, he was the son of destiny, and the world revolved around him.

This behavior of bringing oneself into the novels you have read... It is called the second disease!

And it is deep in the bone marrow!

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