As Li Zhen was temporarily detained, Qian Duoduo's actions began.

The reason why it is temporary is that he can be released on bail.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to go through the procedures, and Li Che will definitely argue with him madly. After all, the two have gone from being a loving father and a filial son to a scene of endless fighting.

Therefore, three things must be done immediately.

The first thing is to sue all the agents in court, saying that the things they sell are infringing, and demand compensation.

Usually the first reaction is that this matter should be pursued against the Li Group.

Why sue the agents instead of the Li Group.

Because Li Zhen of the Li Group has a system, whether it is Lu Tianhao or Qian Duoduo, it is not suitable to appear in front of Li Zhen, and Li Zhen will find something strange.

Secondly, although the agents are large and small, some are even chain stores and supermarkets, they are still much simpler than the Li Group.

Therefore, the products of the Li Group are just one of their thousands of products. Even some sports goods franchise stores cannot only sell items of the Li Group, and there are substitutes.

If the compensation is not too heavy, these agents will not fight to the death.

This will reduce the resistance invisibly during the negotiation.

The second thing is to smear the products of the Li Group on a large scale and engage in verbal battles on the Internet.

The third point is to fill the commercial space vacated by the Li Group.

Of course, in theory, these things require Lu Tianhao to use the Lu family's connections to operate, but now Lu Tianhao and Lu Wanqing are carefully studying philosophical questions such as why people come to this world, so they don't care about these things at all.

Agents do not have vacations, only shifts, so even on Saturdays, Tang Yurou is still at work.

Li Zhen sat on the confession chair with a fierce look on his face, as if he was going to kill Li Che as soon as he went out.

Tang Yurou looked at the fierce Li Zhen and felt very disgusted in her heart. She was portraying what kind of person Li Zhen was.

Tang Yurou sorted out the documents in front of her and raised her red lips. "Mr. Li Zhen, this is the Criminal Division. I advise you to control your temper. You have indeed caused great harm to Mr. Li Che. Li Che is indeed your son, but he is also an independent person. You will still be held legally responsible for the harm you have caused him."

Li Zhen was not only angry at Li Che at this time, but also at Xiao Lingyun. He didn't expect that he would be arrested just when he wanted to deal with Xiao Lingyun!

How should he deal with Xiao Lingyun in the future!

Is it just to watch Xiao Lingyun destroy him bit by bit!

Then what is the point of traveling through time, what is the point of having a system, in the end it is just another death!

He Li Zhen won't do it!

The time is accurate to the point that it is not the result of Lu Tianhao's calculation, it is a pure coincidence.

Lu Tianhao did think that Li Che would sue Li Zhen for intentional injury.

He also thought that Bai Zha would use Xiao Lingyun's medical skills to win people's hearts.

But he didn't expect that these two things coincided so well that Li Zhen misunderstood. He was not regretful, but angry!

Just like a real villain, he wanted to go out and beat Xiao Lingyun up.

Li Zhen looked at Tang Yurou dimly, and was planning how to take revenge on Tang Yurou, the heroine, after he went out!

Li Zhen is one of the rare and fierce villain protagonists. Most of the protagonist's followers and the heroine were killed.

When Tang Yurou asked him a question, Li Zhen suddenly remembered a scene he often saw in the movie, and said, "Ask my lawyer if you want to ask anything."

Tang Yurou seemed to be very familiar with dealing with people like Li Zhen, and said to the recorder sitting next to her, "Go contact Mr. Li Zhen's lawyer."

Li Zhen naturally heard this sentence, and Li Zhen asked curiously, "Do you know my lawyer's phone number?"

"We don't know, but we will contact your company's front desk about this matter and ask him to transfer it to your secretary, and let your secretary notify the lawyer." Tang Yurou replied lightly.

After a while, the recorder came back and whispered a few words in Tang Yurou's ear. Tang Yurou's face changed a little, as if she had heard something incredible.

Then he coughed lightly and said to Li Zhen, "Mr. Li Zhen, your lawyer replied that since today is Saturday, they are on vacation, so your request is rejected. If you need anything, please contact him from 10 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday!"

At the end, even Tang Yurou couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Tang Yurou was very novel. We are professionals and usually don't laugh unless we can't help it!

She really couldn't think of it, LiWhat a weird lawyer Li Zhen hired.

Aren't most private lawyers available on call? Why did Li Zhen's private lawyer refuse to work 996 and had to wait until work hours to come?

However, this situation is understandable. Except for the first-line prosecutors such as detectives, most prosecutors work from 9 to 5, with two days off on Saturdays and Sundays, and two weeks of annual leave.

And if you don't take your annual leave this year, you can accumulate it to next year.

Tang Yurou heard that one of their predecessors became a formal prosecutor at the age of 23. He kept his annual leave every year. He got married at the age of 35 and took half a year of annual leave at home, which made his colleagues think he resigned.

Back to the plot, whether Li Zhen wants to be sued or bail, it can't be done on Saturdays and Sundays, because the prosecutors in charge of these businesses are on vacation. Except for the detectives and duty officers, all the prosecutors in the entire Judicial Department are not working.

Li Zhen heard Tang Yurou's words, gritted his teeth, and whispered, "Xiao Lingyun, you are great, wait, I will kill you when I go out! Bai family banquet, right? Let me make a fuss! Let me see how these hosts will die miserably!"

Bai family! Huang family! It won't be long before they are trampled underfoot! I am the one who has the system, and I am the protagonist of this world.

In fact, everyone should know that Li Zhen's secretary, our little undercover [virtual singer] Ma Yue, did not call a lawyer at all.

Instead, after hanging up the phone, she shared the information with Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo frowned when she saw that Li Zhen was looking for a lawyer, and turned the screen to Yu Xuanji who was sitting on the side, "Yu'er, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

"Don't let [virtual singer] contact a lawyer." Yu Xuanji didn't care about the meaning of the words on the [virtual singer] handle at all, but just said subconsciously.

Qian Duoduo heard this and said, "Yes, it's such a simple thing, why do you think it's so complicated? I've even thought of how to let Alice assassinate this lawyer. It seems that your method is simpler. Can't you just not notify him?"

Li Zhen's private lawyer was wandering around the gate of the underworld without knowing it.

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