Li Zhen was detained in the detention center for temporary detention.

Because whether it was the judicial procedure or the bail, the county lieutenant was not at work today.

Therefore, Li Zhen could only be detained in the detention center.

Li Zhen could only curse in anger!

"Li Che is a waste! He made hundreds of millions for a woman! What's wrong with me beating him? I just want to beat him to death!"

"You still sue me for beating him! I won't beat him to death when I get out!"

Li Zhen cursed angrily, but he was helpless!

He couldn't escape from here,

The next time the people from the Criminal Department found him, it was not two agents who invited him, but they came with guns.

Li Zhen didn't know that the collapse of his Li Group had begun, and the floodgates for flood discharge had been opened.

The accusations against the products of the Li Group on the Internet were overwhelming.

Of course, not many people accused him at the same time at the beginning.

This incident was caused by a man-made high-follower account, which revealed that the products he bought from the Li Group were of poor quality, and listed the hazards of the products below.

In the replies, there were various posts saying "I also used the products of the Li Group and it was the same."

For a time, the criticism of the products of the Li Group reached a climax. .

Later, due to the popularity, it was artificially hyped to the top of the topic.

The origin of everything is so simple.

But the Internet is like the surface of a lake, and a stone thrown down will always produce ripples.

When the quality problems of the products of the Li Group were exposed, and it was found that this incident actually caused a sensation, a group of self-media that heard the news immediately began to denounce the history and products of the Li Group.

Some said that the Li Group was a sweatshop.

Some said how the Li Group kidnapped the team after it became rich.

Some said how the Li Group manipulated the game in the field after sponsoring the game and made money by opening the market outside the field.

There are also stories about how the Li Group used the brand to make money.

These things are both true and false, and most of the revelations are all taken out of context, but the audience just enjoys watching them.

Many small self-media have made a lot of money.

These small self-media have nothing to do with Qian Duoduo, they are completely spontaneous, which can also be regarded as a kind of blind obedience.

As for the truth, the public has no time to understand and no channels to understand.

For self-media, it makes money, for the public, it is eating melons, and for Li, it is only a disaster.

It's just that Li Zhen is in the detention center at this time, thinking about how to retaliate against Li Che and Xiao Lingyun after he gets out, and he doesn't know that his company is about to face a huge disaster.

However, the public relations department of the Li Group is somewhat helpless in the face of sudden attacks.

Because the public relations department is the mouthpiece of the group, they dare to respond only when the leadership has given a word and defined a range.

There are only two words to describe unnaturalness: pretend to be dead, pretend not to see it, and do your job honestly.

It used to be easy to do their own job when there were senior executives. Even if Li Zhen was not there, there would be relevant persons in charge to save the situation.

Now some of the new senior executives promoted by Li Zhen temporarily have also run away after seeing the current situation of the Li Group.

The rest are obviously those who have been in their comfort zone for too long, and do not want to take responsibility but want to get bonuses.

This is a typical big company disease, the reason why many big companies have become bloated and inefficient.

"Sister Xi, what should we do? There are so many people scolding us online. Should we fight back?" A public relations employee who looks very young and seems to have just graduated asked anxiously.

Lawyers can refuse to work overtime, but people like grassroots employees must work 996.

The woman named Sister Xi didn't look very old, at most one or two years older than the employee of the public relations department, but she said calmly, "Why are you in such a hurry? The company is not yours, and the people above are not in a hurry. We can just pretend that we didn't see it. There are no leaders at this time, so let's go out for a cup of coffee and sit down."

Just as Sister Xi was about to leave, a woman's voice sounded behind her, "You are so leisurely to go out for a cup of coffee during working hours."

It's no wonder that the person who came was [virtual singer] Ma Yue.

"Secretary Ma." Seeing that it was Ma Yue, Sister Xi also regretted what she had said just now.

The struggle between people basically takes place in the office. If the status gap between two people is too large, there will only be fear and obedience.

This is the case with Ma Yue and Sister Xi.

Ma Yue handed the folder in her hand to Sister Xi and said, "This is the content decided by the upper level after discussion. You just need to respond and do public relations according to this guide plan."

Sister Xi took the folder from Ma Yue.The folder in Ma Yue's hand responded with a reply.

The document in Ma Yue's hand was indeed decided by the upper level.

However, it was not the upper level of Li Group, but the upper level of Qiaobei Group, and Qian Duoduo, Yu Xuanji and others wrote a reply plan.

If there is no problem with the content of this plan, then there is a problem.

After Sister Xi opened the folder, the plan requirements inside were relatively detailed. It was a plan that the upper level had already decided how to tackle the problem, but the public relations department had polished it and wrote it into text.

This situation is not uncommon. Is this a typical micro-management?

Some superiors will also airdrop orders, so it is understandable to micro-manage.

This is micro-management for the Li Group, but for Qian Duoduo, this is the key to victory. Disrupting the opponent's mouthpiece and letting the Li Group stand on the opposite side of the majority of purchasing groups when the public opinion is not dominant is even more perfect.

After Sister Xi and the new employee read the guidance given to them by Ma Yue, they felt that ten thousand beasts ran through their hearts.

Because the content of this document not only confronted those people on the Internet who spoke rudely about the Li Group and said that the Li Group's products were of poor quality, but also mocked some people who sold cheap goods and had the nerve to say that the quality was poor.

The new employee looked at Sister Xi beside him blankly, "Sister Xi, should we reply according to this document now?"

Sister Xi stood up immediately after the new employee reminded her, sat in front of the computer and started typing frantically.

The new employee leaned over and saw that it was actually - a resignation application!

"Sister Xi, are you also going to resign?" The new employee asked in confusion.

Sister Xi typed very fast, her hands were almost typing out residual images, and while writing the resignation application, she said, "This company is crazy. If I don't leave, my reputation will be ruined. I give you a piece of advice, leave quickly. If you follow this manuscript in your hand to restore the faint public opinion on the Internet, it will be completely a death wish."

Although the new employee is young, he is not stupid, and he also understands that if he responds to netizens according to this guide plan.

Something big is not a probability problem, but a necessity problem.

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