Lu Tianhao drove to the captain's home.

In Lu Tianhao's world, the captain is similar to a patrol officer, who is only responsible for supervising government officials.

Lu Tianhao came here to let the captain do a good job of supervision.

Sundays are a daily holiday, and the captain came to Linhaikou to fish today.

Because Linhaikou is a public fishing area, many people fish here, and gradually it has become a small commercial area.

Lu Tianhao parked the car in the parking lot.

Linhaikou was crowded with people on Sunday, most of whom were anglers carrying slings, and some were young men and women who came here to play. There were crowds of people and different expressions.

Lu Tianhao put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the river. "Yui, help me mark where the person I'm looking for is."

"Okay!" Yui popped her head out of Lu Tianhao's shirt pocket and pointed in a direction. "There!"

Lu Tianhao looked in the direction of Yui's finger and saw Yui placing a green inverted triangle on an old man's head in a very funny way.

The corners of Lu Tianhao's mouth twitched. This style really suits Yui.

Lu Tianhao stretched out a finger, pressed Yui's head, and pressed Yui into his pocket, just like hiding Xiaoke in his pocket.

"There are so many people here, it would be bad if others saw it." Lu Tianhao said.

"No, I'm in the mode of digitized body, no one can see it except you, you don't have to worry about it!" After Yui finished speaking, not only did her head leak out, but she also climbed on top of Lu Tianhao's head and sat down cross-legged.

Seeing Yui's persistence, Lu Tianhao at least let her go.

[Hey, just spoil her. ] Shuanghua sighed.

"You can actually sit on it." Lu Tianhao didn't care at all, he just thought it was interesting.

Shuanghua didn't say anything and returned to Lu Tianhao's mind.

After walking through a few paths, Lu Tianhao came to the side of the lieutenant. Seeing an empty chair, he sat down. After taking a look at the lieutenant's focused expression, Lu Tianhao also looked at the river surface, like a fisherman, and asked casually, "How are the catches recently?"

The lieutenant didn't care who was talking, and said casually, "It's for fun. So many people fishing together is just a matter of luck. Those who want to catch something go to private fisheries, where there are more fish than people."

Lu Tianhao nodded, "There are also private fisheries."

"As long as there are people playing, there will be profits. Some large fisheries have fishing competitions every year. Young people fish..." The lieutenant was about to teach some fishing experience to the young people who were talking to him, but when he turned his head, he saw Lu Tianhao's smiling face and was stunned.

'Pop! '

The fishing rod in his hand fell to the ground without knowing when it fell out of his hand.

Lu Tianhao leaned forward, picked up the fishing rod and handed it to the lieutenant.

The lieutenant made a confused sound, then quickly took the fishing rod handed over by Lu Tianhao, and then trembled and said, "Shi, Shi, Shi, Shizi!"

The lieutenant couldn't help but be nervous, because the status difference between him and Lu Tianhao was too big.

The first official Liu Bei was appointed to was a county magistrate, which was one level higher than the lieutenant's position.

This comparison is much more direct.

Lu Tianhao said calmly, "No need to be like this, just fish well, I came here today to find you for something."

"Shizi, you say, I will die for you." The lieutenant almost knelt down and pledged his loyalty to Lu Tianhao.

"It's not a big deal, you know that Li Che of the Li family, one of the top ten wealthy families, was beaten." Lu Tianhao tapped his legs and leaned on the backrest of the stool.

How could the lieutenant know that Li Che was beaten? This matter would not be reported to him, and the lieutenant was the department responsible for supervision.

But the lieutenant could only nod to show that he knew how to please Lu Tianhao.

Lu Tianhao didn't care. "I hope this matter can fully guarantee Li Che's rights and interests, understand?"

"Fully guarantee Li Che's rights and interests?" Lieutenant Xi immediately understood that someone might have taken the money and wanted to make a move on this matter, and immediately agreed, "I understand, I completely understand!"

Lu Tianhao stood up and pretended that nothing had happened and patted Lieutenant Xi's shoulder. "Then, I'll leave. Your official position will be promoted one level when you retire."

In Lu Tianhao's world, officials are divided into eighteen levels. Basically, officials with great merits will be promoted one level after retirement. Some people also regard this as an honor.

Therefore, when Lu Tianhao said that he would help Lieutenant Xi to be promoted one level after retirement, Lieutenant Xi was very grateful! Thinking in his heart that he must do a good job of Lu Shizi's affairs.

Simply this fish is not lost, so he put away the fishing rod directly, and then drove to the Wei Si, and notified theSome members of the West Lieutenant Office held a meeting.

The West Lieutenant Head was a professional bureaucrat in the old bureaucratic system. Before the meeting, he would always speak a set of official language to make his subordinates sleepy, and then hold the meeting.

The first resolution of the meeting was to suspend Tang Yurou first and replace her with two officers from the West Lieutenant Office to supervise the matter personally.

Tang Yurou was just a person who was at home and had a pot from the sky.

She was suspended from the West Lieutenant Office without doing anything wrong.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Yurou opened the door and returned home, which scared Tang Jiangxun who was resting at home.

Tang Jiangxun, Tang Yurou's father, was also a leading figure in the cultural relics world in the original book.

But in the world where Lu Tianhao was, the only earth-shaking thing he did was...

Help Lin Chen to identify the Ultraman character portrait.

"I'm so angry!" Tang Yurou put her handbag aside and said angrily.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? You beat up a criminal suspect again and got scolded by your boss." Since Tang Yurou became an agent, Tang Jiangxun was worried every time Tang Yurou had a mission.

Worried about the criminal suspect.

Afraid that Tang Yurou would beat someone to death without any mercy.

"No! They suspended me!" Tang Yurou said angrily.

"Then rest at home for two days." Tang Jiangxun didn't care at all.

Tang Yurou saw Tang Jiangxun looking at her and then went back to read, so she immediately ran over and said coquettishly, "Dad, your daughter was suspended, why aren't you in a hurry at all?"

Tang Jiangxun adjusted his glasses, "You were suspended three times in a month, I'm used to it. Last time it was because of beating a suspect, but it turned out that it wasn't this person who did it, and the time before that it was because they arrested the wrong person, what is it this time?"

"Dad!" Tang Yurou jumped up and down and acted coquettishly, then said very dissatisfiedly, "Not this time! I didn't do anything, and the group of lieutenants came over and said that they were in charge of the work I was in charge of now, and they took over the case of Li Che being beaten, and I could temporarily rest at home for a few days, so I was angry."

Tang Jiangxun glanced at Tang Yurou, and then continued to read...

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