After the two lieutenant officers stopped Tang Yurou, they did not immediately question Li Zhen. Instead, they went to the hospital to listen to Li Che's opinions and requests, and then negotiated with the suspect with Li Che's requests.

It is obvious that the two lieutenant officers have not figured out what a ridiculous case they are about to take over, a case of loving father and filial son.

This case cannot be said to be a collapse of the three views, but it can only be said that the case itself is inconsistent with the three views.

Li Che saw that he had already described the two sides of the case, and someone else came to ask about his case. He immediately wanted to jump up and curse.

But thinking of the previous few times, every time he lost his temper, his chest would hurt.

So this time Li Che decided - I will bear it!

"Two detectives, I have answered the questions twice. Can we not ask them?" Li Che's face was full of pleading.

There is no way. My ribs are broken. It is painful to speak!

Now Li Che wanted to kneel down and say to the two agents, "Please be a human being and stop torturing me. Did my father send you to torture me?"

Of course, if Li Che could kneel down, the first thing he would do would be to curse the two people in front of him.

The two lieutenant officers were also quite straightforward. "Mr. Li Che, we are not here to inquire about the case this time, but to ask if you have any requirements for the result of this case?"

The two lieutenant officers are also in their forties. They have been in the position of lieutenant officers for most of their lives. For something that made the lieutenant chief hold a nonsense meeting for more than half an hour, there must be some senior officials above to investigate this matter.

Otherwise, the lieutenant chief would not have spoken for an hour and a half in one breath, which is 50 minutes more than the longest speech of the lieutenant chief in the past, which was 40 minutes!

This senior official who made the lieutenant chief pay so much for this must be at least a big shot who can hear directly from the emperor.

For this reason, the two lieutenant officers came here this time not to uphold justice, but to solve the problem!

Since we can find such a high-ranking official, is justice still important?

The important thing is to solve the problem!

"I demand a severe sentence! It must be a severe sentence! The heavier the sentence, the heavier the crime! The death penalty is the best!" Li Che said weakly.

"Okay, okay, we will try to make the matter more serious in the complaint." The two lieutenant officers nodded.

It is easy to sentence a heavier sentence. Just say the crime is more serious in court so that the judge will take care of it. This is not a big problem.

But the death penalty is simply impossible.

Killing someone means paying with your life!

Li Che's injuries do seem to be quite serious, but he is still alive, so the death penalty is certainly not possible.

But agree to it first. As for how to pronounce the final sentence, that is the judge's business.

"The second point is to let Li Zhen resign and give me the position of chairman of the Li Group!" Li Che emphasized.

Li Che believes that Su Xiaoxi said she broke up with him because he was no longer the chairman of the Li Group and could not give her a sense of security, so she wanted to break up!

"Yes, yes, let the director of the Li Group..." When the two lieutenant officers echoed this, they were obviously stunned.

They felt that they had heard it wrong.

They hurriedly asked, "Mr. Li, you said to let Li Zhen, the head of the Li family, resign, right?" The lieutenant officer asked cautiously.

"Yes, this is the punishment he deserves!" Although Li Che spoke weakly, his eyes were unusually fierce.

The two lieutenant officers obviously felt something was wrong, as if this case was full of a weird atmosphere.

The lieutenant officer asked with a look of surprise in his eyes, "Mr. Li Che, who injured you..."

"Don't you even know this? Of course it was that old bastard Li Zhen! He deserves to die! I beat him like this! Jail is a light punishment! Bastard." Although Li Che did not dare to speak loudly, the hatred in his eyes could not be concealed.

These two lieutenant officers knew how difficult the task they had received was.

The two of them now regretted suspending Tang Yurou. This was the first time they had encountered such a difficult task.

Usually, the elderly sued their children in court because of child support issues.

But this was the first time I heard that a father beat his adult son and the son asked to sue his father.

Are you guys performing a family ethics drama?

The degree of fatherly love and filial piety was hard to understand for a moment.

The officer of the Western Lieutenant had to spread his hands with difficulty and continued to ask, "Then may I ask if you have any other requests?"

Li Che suddenly thought, "I hope Li Zhen will apologize to Su Xiaoxi in person. He doesn't have to kneel down to apologize like last time. Just an ordinary apology will do."

The officer of the Western Lieutenant was obviously not a wealthy family, nor was he a person who was entangled in gossip.

For a moment, I didn't know if Su Xiaoxi wasWho is Xiaoxi?

The two lieutenant officers stared at each other, feeling a little puzzled, it sounded like a woman's name.

However, the lieutenant officer had to suppress his doubts, "Excuse me, Mr. Li Che, do you have any other requests?"

"No! But I strongly request that the murderer be punished! Avenge me!" Li Che added.

The two lieutenant officers walked out of Li Che's ward and looked back, wondering if they had walked into the wrong ward. They came to the psychiatric department instead of the orthopedic department.

They had never heard of Li Che's request in their lives.

"I say, why don't we just give up, let the Li family solve their own problems, if I continue to contact Li Che, I will be tempted to hit him." A lieutenant officer said.

"It's impossible to give up. Didn't you see our lieutenant commander's speech? He was so passionate. If we give up, the lieutenant commander will definitely kill us when we go back."

"Then what do you say we should do?"

"What else can we do? First call back the agent named Tang Yurou. Otherwise, if this case is exposed by either Li Zhen or Li Che, we will be the unlucky ones! Let's call Tang Yurou."

The two lieutenants Shuguang immediately called Tang Yurou as if they were joking to suspend her.

Tang Yurou, who was sitting at home and was angry, suddenly received a call from her director, asking her to go back and continue to complete Li Che's case.

Tang Yurou was happy when she received the call, but her face changed the next second, and she said to the phone, "Director, I won't go. Suspension is suspension. It's good to stay here. I won't go!"

After that, Tang Yurou hung up the phone like a little temper.

Tang Jiangxun, watching Tang Yurou's anger turn into excitement, and then back to anger, Tang Jiangxun asked in confusion, "Xiaorou, you have been anxious to suspend your job, why are you unhappy now?"

"What are you happy about! Those two idiots must have found this matter difficult to solve, and they want me to work for them, but I won't go!" Tang Yurou looked unconvinced!

"What kind of case is it!" Tang Jiangxun asked curiously.

Tang Yurou said unconvincedly, "It starts with Li Zhen and Li Che, the pair of funny guys!"

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