Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1319: Li Zhenting's powerful wife 45

   "Yes." Li Wanqing agreed with a smile, first lowered her head to tease Xixi and Beibei, then looked up at Shen Ning and said, "The weather is fine today, let's go for a walk."

   "Okay." Shen Ning knew that she had something to say to her, so she fed some water to the two babies first, and they were in good spirits, so she agreed.

   "Ning Ning, you and Zhen Ting are going to remarry, right?" She asked knowingly.

  Shen Ning pursed his lower lip, his heart beating suddenly.

  Whether Li Zhenting told Li Wanqing about their remarriage, she didn't know, but she must have a purpose for asking her this way.

  She couldn't guess what she meant.

   "Zhen Ting has already told me." Li Wanqing glanced at her indifferently, and admitted directly.

   "Oh." Shen Ning said softly.

   Li Zhenting wanted to remarry her without her consent, and she still kept silent.

   "Ning Ning, tell me, do you really love Zhen Ting? Or did you remarry him because of the child?" Li Wanqing asked again.

  Shen Ning's eye circles were inexplicably reddened.

   "Hey." Li Wanqing sighed suddenly, "I know my son is sorry for you, but if you disagree, you can tell me and I will help you."

  If Shen Ning really loved Li Zhenting, she would definitely not do those things with Zhu Qixiong. She is still sure about Shen Ning's character.

  The fact now is that she and Zhu Qixiong are so close, she definitely doesn't love her son anymore.

  She knew her son, it was his dominance that forced Shen Ning to give in.

  If Shen Ning doesn't love her son, she might be able to start with her and Zhu Qixiong to stop this unhappy marriage.

   After all, they have already been divorced twice, and if there is a third divorce, it will be unbearable for the parties.

   "Auntie, it's true that I'm not ready yet." Shen Ning replied after thinking for a while.

  Li Wanqing was relieved when she heard that, although she regretted that she could not become her daughter-in-law, compared to those indecent photos and the consequences of her not liking Zhen Ting and marrying him reluctantly, it was only a pity.     "Okay, I understand, I will persuade Zhenting." She replied slowly, "I will not see you in pain again."

   "Okay, I understand, I will persuade Zhenting." She replied slowly, "I will not see you in pain again."

   Shen Ning's eyelids jumped, and he asked suddenly:

   "Auntie, what do you think of me now?"

  Li Wanqing's words were weird, but the feeling of being disgusted by her inexplicably was really bad, and she wanted to find out the reason.

"No." Li Wanqing immediately shook her head, took her hand and smiled gently, "How could I have any objection to you, you are a great hero of our Li family, you have given birth to five children for our Li family, we owe you, How can I have any opinion on you, now that you are divorced from Zhen Ting, what you want to do is your freedom, and we have no right to interfere."

  Shen Ning was dumbfounded.

  Hearing her meaning, it seems that she has done something, but has she done anything?

  Except for Li Zhenting pestering her these days...

  Her face was slightly red.

  Is Li Wanqing worried that she will spoil her son!

   Pantothenic acid in her nostrils.

   "Grandma, Mommy."

   At this moment, Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao finally found Mommy, and they all ran towards them excitedly, shouting as they ran.

   "Hey, my little grandchildren." Li Wanqing agreed with a smile on her face, squatted down and opened her arms to hug the three little ones, and kissed them on the face.

   "Mommy." After getting tired of grandma, the three little ones ran to their own mommy, hugging her thighs one by one, and Xiaoxiao threw herself into her arms, very affectionate.

   "Coco, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao." Shen Ning stroked their heads, with friendly smiles on his face, and the love in his eyes couldn't be hidden.

  Li Wanqing stood aside and saw the scene where the three little grandchildren were intimate with their mother, feeling extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

  She can accept that she doesn't love Zhenting, but she can't accept that the five children will not have a mommy in the future!

  At this moment, her heart was extremely bitter, and her eyes were red.

   And over there, a pair of eyes stared at them coldly, full of jealousy and calculations!

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