Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1320: Li Zhenting's powerful wife 46

  When Shen Ning pushed the babies into the living room, he happened to see Li Zhenting walking in from the outside.

  The man was dressed in black, with shiny cuff buttons, followed by a middle-aged man who looked like a contractor.

  The middle-aged man was respectful, holding some bills in both hands, which further brought out Li Zhenting's majesty and dignity.

   "Ning Ning." Shen Ning turned around and was about to leave, but Li Zhenting stopped her and walked towards her.

  Shen Ning forced a smile: "Don't you have to go to work today?"

   "With cold blood, do I still need to go to work in person?" Li Zhenting stepped forward, leaning down to tease the two little treasures.

  The two little treasures saw Daddy dancing and dancing for joy, and barked.

   Li Zhenting's heart was melted, he bent down and just teased the two little treasures, no matter how embarrassed the man was standing there, he couldn't bear to leave the children for a moment.

  Shen Ning cleared his voice.

  Li Zhenting raised his head.

   "Ning Ning, this is Mr. Huang, who is in charge of the reconstruction of the back mountain." He finally introduced the man to Shen Ning.

   "Hi, young lady." Mr. Huang immediately greeted her politely.

   "Hello, Mr. Huang." Shen Ning also replied, and was about to leave.

Li Zhenting's big hand fell on her waist, clasped her, pulled her into his arms, and smiled: "Ning Ning, here are the drawings for the reconstruction project of Houshan, how do you think it should be transformed, do you have any suggestions? "

  Shen Ning immediately said: "You can do it as you see, how can I have any suggestions."

   Isn't this a matter of their Li family, it has nothing to do with her!

  She doesn't want to offer any advice either!

   "Ningning, Keke, and Tintin have all had accidents on the back mountain. I remodeled it for the sake of the children. You can make some suggestions to see how it can be safer." Li Zhenting hugged her tightly.    In front of outsiders, Shen Ning's face was shallow, and his cheeks were flushed.

   In front of outsiders, Shen Ning's face was shallow, and his cheeks were flushed.

  She thought for a while and said: "Isn't the side next to the back mountain a scenic spot? You can also find some elegant or recreational projects, so that it will become popular and be considered a real development."

   "Yo, my wife is right, it is indeed better and can make money." Li Zhenting grinned and agreed.

  Mr. Huang also praised it repeatedly!

   "By the way, my wife, I've already published an article about our marriage." Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning tightly, and whispered in her ear.

   Shen Ning's heart shrank, and his face turned pale.

   "Cough, cough." There were two coughs from behind, and Shen Ning recognized Li Wanqing's voice, and immediately pushed away Li Zhenting's hand and pushed the two babies away.

   Li Zhenting still has more ideas, but the reconstruction of the back mountain is imminent, so he has to hurry up.

  Liang Ruqi was looking at her mobile phone in the bedroom, and Rao Yajing hurried in with a newspaper.

   "Mom, did you see that? Li Zhenting has published in the newspaper to remarry Shen Ning?"

  Liang Ruqi took the newspaper and glanced at it, then said calmly: "It's just that he's published in the newspaper, but it doesn't mean they're married. Why are you panicking?"

   "But Li Zhenting published it in the newspaper with such a big fanfare, which shows that his determination is great. Can we have a way to stop it?"

   "So what? It's just a piece of crap. I don't believe that Li Zhenting won't care when he knows the truth about Shen Ning." Liang Ruqi sneered.

   Rao Yajing nodded upon hearing the words.

  Liang Ruqi narrowed her eyes, she wanted to see how Li Wanqing would break up Li Zhenting and Shen Ning!

  Mr. Li, the security guards of Zhu's family caught Xu Xiangzhi at the Imperial Capital Airport today, and have brought her back to Zhu's house. "Li Zhenting and Mr. Huang were standing on the back hillside discussing the project, and they called in cold blood.

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