"Xiao Xiao." At this time, the woman who called Xiao Xiao ran over and hugged Xiao Xiao into her arms. This woman was none other than Shen Ning.

As a mother of children, especially after several incidents, Shen Ning is now very sensitive to Lan Lan. She will pay special attention to Lan Lan whenever she appears.

Just now, when Lan Lan left Lin Shouyu and went to the living room, her eyes immediately followed her.

As expected, as soon as this evil-minded little girl passed by, she ran behind Xiaoxiao and pushed Xiaoxiao. She immediately exclaimed and ran towards Xiaoxiao quickly.

She and Lin Shoyu ran towards Xiaoxiao almost at the same time, but after all, women were no match for men, so Lin Shoyu came one step ahead of her and stopped Xiaoxiao.

"Mommy." Xiaoxiao was held in Mommy's arms. She didn't know what happened, let alone who was pushing her from behind. She felt pain in her knees, felt aggrieved, and had tears in her big eyes.

“Xiaoxiao, show me where you’re injured quickly.” Shen Ning held Xiaoxiao in her arms and sat on the stairs, her face turning pale.

“Mommy, my knee hurts so much. It got stuck on the stairs.” Xiaoxiao pointed to her knee.

Shen Ning immediately opened the small trouser leg and lifted it up. Xiaoxiao cried out in pain. He gently opened it and saw that the knee was red, broken and a little bloody. When he touched it with his hand, the little guy screamed. pain.

 Shen Ning's eyes were red.

 “Get the medicine box quickly.” Lin Shoyu shouted to the people surrounding him.

 “Okay.” Sister Wang agreed from the side and went to get the medicine box.

 “Lanlan, Lanlan.” Shen Ning raised her head and shouted sharply.

“Young lady, she has gone upstairs and is no longer here.” Someone next to me answered.

It turns out that Lan Lan had already noticed that something was wrong, so she ran to the bedroom upstairs and locked the door.

Shen Ning hugged Xiaoxiao and looked at the scars still remaining on her chin, feeling angry in her heart.

 As a mother, she felt very guilty for failing to protect her daughter, causing her to be hurt repeatedly, and failing to fulfill her responsibilities.

"Xiaoxiao, come here, uncle will give you medicine." At this time, the medicine box was brought over. Lin Shoyu opened the medicine box and was about to give medicine to Xiaoxiao.

"No need, I'll do it myself." Shen Ning helped him away and said coldly, "Mr. Lin, I have already said that Lanlan will be left to you these days. If anything happens, I will just I’m looking for you, and besides, you are Lan Lan’s biological uncle. Let me ask you, how did you educate her?”

"I..." Lin Shoyu was very embarrassed for a moment. He was also very angry that Lan Lan had done such a thing, so he could only apologize sadly, "Mrs. Li, I'm sorry, I was negligent. Otherwise, I would send her home now." Xiaoxiao, please go to the hospital, I am willing to compensate for all losses."

"Mr. Lin, are you saying that money can solve all problems? Including minor injuries?" Shen Ning asked coldly, "What about the psychological trauma my daughter suffered? Can it be solved by going to the hospital? Is it hurt? Can pain be compensated with money? This has happened more than once. Look at the scars on Xiaoxiao’s chin, teeth, face, and knees. When Xiaoxiao had a high fever, Lanlan actually ordered Xiaoshi to hurt her. How much compensation do you have to pay for peeing on your head? And Shen Mei, your biological sister, how will you calculate the harm an adult has done to my children?"

Shen Ning's eyes were scarlet and her face was angry.

Lin Shouyu remained silent.

"The harm you think is far more than what you see. Please think about it. Think about Xiaoxiao. She is only six years old, and so far, Lanlan still shows no sign of remorse. I am a mother. , I will never allow this to happen again. What happened this time is in full view of everyone and there is irrefutable evidence. I must hold Lan Lan accountable and ask Mr. Lin to seek justice!"

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