"Mrs. Li, don't worry, I will definitely criticize Lanlan and ask Lanlan to apologize to Xiaoxiao. No matter when, I will always adhere to principles and be fair and just." Lin Shoyu pondered for a while and then replied decisively.

"Well, I just want to see how fair Mr. Lin is?" Shen Ning sneered.

"Brother." At this time, a woman ran in from outside. As soon as she came over, she pushed aside the people around her and rushed to Lin Shouyu's side, shouting affectionately.

"Meimei, where have you been? Lan Lan got into trouble, didn't you know?" As soon as Lin Shoyu saw Shen Mei, he immediately frowned and spoke to her seriously, hoping that she would teach Lan Lan a lesson.

"What's wrong with Lan Lan?" Shen Mei's face changed slightly and she asked with concern.

"Lanlan just ran here and pushed Xiaoxiao down. Xiaoxiao's knee was injured. This is of a very bad nature. Go call Lanlan down quickly and criticize and educate her. This kind of thing will never happen again. , and today she went to grab a small comic book, and if she couldn't grab it, I would beat her, which has been severely criticized by me." Lin Shoyu's face was full of righteousness, and he was also very indignant.

"That's it. Lan Lan is too troublesome." Shen Mei glanced at Shen Ning, who was holding Xiaoxiao with an angry face, and replied unhurriedly, "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely do it." Go educate Lan Lan."

After saying that, she bent down and said affectionately to Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, Lanlan hurt you, don't be angry, I will criticize Lanlan when I get home, don't be angry."

After saying that, in order to show intimacy, she reached out to touch the little head.

"Don't touch my daughter." Shen Ning, with quick eyes and quick hands, immediately held her hand away and said sternly, "Shen Mei, I have already said that if Lan Lan hurts my daughter again, I will never agree."

"Oh, sister, you are so cruel." Shen Mei's hand was held away by her, she stroked her wrist and said condescendingly: "Don't be angry, can I apologize to you and Xiaoxiao on Lanlan's behalf now? I'm sorry. , sister, Xiaoxiao, please forgive us."

"Is an apology useful? Shen Mei, let me ask you, how sincere are you in your apology?" Shen Ning felt disgusted when he looked at her pretentious appearance, and sneered, "I will never accept such an apology."

"Bad woman, if Lan Lan pushes me again in the future, I will push her until her knee is injured. See if it hurts her. Why can she bully me like this?" Xiao Xiao stroked her injured knee with tears in her eyes. , glared at Shen Mei angrily.

"Sure, if Lanlan pushes you next time, just push her." Shen Mei agreed shamelessly, without any sign of remorse.

Looking at her rogue appearance, Xiaoxiao became angrier and more angry, with tears streaming down her face.

"Shen Mei, since you said that, I won't be polite. Please go up and bring Lan Lan here immediately. I will let Xiaoxiao push her down from behind. Who is afraid of whom?" Shen Ning immediately He put Xiaoxiao aside and sat up, then stood up and shouted at Shen Mei.

Shen Mei was startled, glanced at her sideways, cleared her voice and said, "Sister, I'm talking about next time."

"There is no next time." Shen Ning refused sternly, "Next time and next time. There are so many next times. Today alone, this kind of thing has happened twice. If I let this kind of thing happen again, it will be me. You have neglected your duty. Today’s matter must be settled. You actually want to have a next time. Is this what people say?”

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