Bring Lan Lan down and get pushed by Xiao Xiao?

 Of course Shen Mei quits!

She rolled her eyes briefly and looked back at Lin Shouyu, feeling aggrieved: "Brother, Lan Lan is still young... This is not good..."

Kelin Suyu is also a strong and straight man. He has seen these things with his own eyes and his conscience and morality cannot bear them.

"Lanlan is little, does being small make her big?" He asked directly with a stern look on his face.

Shen Mei was startled and burst into tears: "Brother, Lan Lan is your nephew."

"Because we are dear, we cannot watch her make mistakes again and again. If this continues, it will only harm her." Lin Shoyu's attitude was very firm, "It was Lan Lan who made the mistake this time. How to solve the problem can only be decided by the injured party. The only thing you can do is to get forgiveness from Mrs. Li and Xiaoxiao. Only if they forgive you can this matter be considered resolved."

Shen Mei's face turned pale after hearing this.

"Sister, I'm sorry, please forgive Lan Lan this time, okay? I promise there won't be another time." She had to turn around and beg Shen Ning.

"Impossible, you've been doing this every time, but you haven't corrected it once. If I still believe you, then I'm stupid." Shen Ning refused with an expressionless face.

"Then what do you want to do? Do you want me to beat Lan Lan to death?" Shen Mei simply changed her attitude and asked loudly.

"Look, this is your attitude. No mother, let alone a child, should have the attitude to admit a mistake. Let me tell you, in order to prevent Lan Lan from bullying Xiao Xiao again in the future, Lan Lan must transfer to another school and leave. Blue Whale Kindergarten." Shen Ning said sternly.

"How dare you." Shen Mei almost jumped up when she heard this, pointed at Shen Ning and shouted loudly, "Shen Ning, don't bully others too much."

Blue Whale Kindergarten is a place where children from the upper class of the imperial capital gather, and it is a symbol of status. If Lan Lan is transferred to another school, it will be tantamount to lowering Lan Lan's status even more.

Shen Mei, who loves vanity, will not agree to it under any circumstances.

Originally, she was very concerned about Lan Lan not being included in Mr. Li's will. She would not be able to accept it if he transferred to another school.

"What are you afraid of!" Before Shen Ning could speak, a deep male voice came from the door. Everyone turned around and saw Li Zhenting walking towards him with a gloomy expression.

The moment he walked in, there was an oppressive and low atmosphere in the whole air. The biting coldness on the man's body caused the surrounding temperature to drop several degrees. Everyone, including Lin Shoyu, was immediately in a cold state.

 Shen Mei's expression immediately changed.

Li Zhenting strode over, picked up Xiaoxiao who was sitting on the ground, and asked with concern: "Xiaoxiao, how are you? Does it still hurt?"

“Daddy, Lanlan pushed me and fell, and it still hurts.” Xiaoxiao had tears in her eyes when she saw her daddy, feeling very aggrieved.

"Xiaoxiao, didn't daddy say it last time? Whoever bullies you, you have to take it back. A person can't always let others hurt him. If he hurts you too much, he is a coward. If a person is too cowardly, he will be more likely to be hurt. If others bully me, I feel sorry for myself." After Li Zhenting inspected her injuries, he hugged her and spoke sincerely.

 Xiao Xiao lowered his head: "Daddy, I didn't know who was pushing me from behind at that time."

"Okay, it was a plot." Li Zhenting touched her head, "Don't be afraid, daddy will make the decision for you."

At this time, when Shen Mei heard Li Zhenting's last words, "Daddy will help you make the decision," she realized that something was wrong, and her whole body felt cold.

 “Zhen Ting.” She said delicately.

 “Shut up.” But as soon as she opened her mouth, she heard Li Zhenting shout angrily.

Shen Mei shivered with fright.

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