"Shen Mei, please call me Mr. Li from now on, and don't call me by my name." Li Zhenting's tone was cold, and his eyes when he looked at her were cold and ruthless, "Not everyone can call me by my name."

Shen Mei's face was filled with embarrassment.

“Sister Wang, take the key and go upstairs to bring Lan Lan down.” Li Zhenting turned to Sister Wang and ordered.

“Okay.” Sister Wang agreed, immediately took the mechanical key from the utility room and walked upstairs.

 After a while, Lan Lan was pulled down by Sister Wang.

 Lanlan struggled while walking and punched and kicked Sister Wang.

As soon as she got up, she saw Mommy and Lin Shoyu standing by the stairs. She instinctively ran towards them and hugged Shen Mei's thigh tightly.


 She saw Li Zhenting, who looked cold and majestic.

It wasn’t until she saw him that she felt scared. Li Zhenting’s face was so stern as never before.

She was anxious and looked at him pitifully: "Daddy."

 “Lan Lan, come here.” Li Zhenting spoke to her majestically.

Lan Lan was afraid and hugged Shen Mei's thigh tightly, not daring to go over.

 “Come here quickly.” Li Zhenting said sternly, his tone raised a level.

Lan Lan trembled with fright, let go of Shen Mei's thigh, and walked timidly towards Li Zhenting.

 “Stand up, stand up straight.” Li Zhenting shouted.

Lan Lan stood alone in front of Li Zhenting, without any support. Under her father's scolding, her body that had been standing casually straightened up immediately.

"Lan Lan, let me ask you, why did you push Xiaoxiao? Don't you know that you will get injured if you do this?" Li Zhenting's eyes were sharp.

Lan Lan lowered her head and squeezed a few tears from her eyes.

 “Say it quickly.” Li Zhenting was impatient.

“Daddy, I’m not happy because uncle asked me to apologize to Xiaoxiao.” Under Li Zhenting’s stern gaze, Lan Lan had no choice but to tell the truth. "Then why does your uncle want you to apologize to Xiaoxiao?"

Lan Lan lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

 “Say.” Li Zhenting shouted.

"Because, because, I couldn't **** Xiaoxiao's comic book away from her, and my uncle found out about beating her and criticized me. My uncle forced me to apologize to Xiaoxiao. I was so angry that I thought of taking revenge on her." Zai Lin Shouyu With so many people watching, Lan Lan could only tell the truth.

It turned out that Lanlan had been holding a grudge since Lin Shouyu forced her to apologize to Xiaoxiao in the morning. She thought Xiaoxiao did not deserve her apology, so she wanted to find an opportunity to take revenge on Xiaoxiao, but Xiaoxiao had been talking to Coco, Dingding and Lin With giving and receiving together, she couldn't find a chance to make a move.

During dinner, she saw Xiaoxiao walking towards the living room alone after eating. Thinking that an opportunity had come, she ran over and attacked her directly.

"It's ridiculous, it's nonsense. You grabbed Xiaoxiao's comic book, but you still beat her. What kind of behavior is this? It's bullying. Apologizing to Xiaoxiao is already the lightest and most basic thing. You actually want to retaliate against her. , It's simply audacious. Let me ask you, why can you do this? Who gave you the courage? I don't know if this is illegal or criminal!" Li Zhenting was filled with smoke.

Lanlan is getting more and more evil, and I don’t know who instilled these ideas into her. She really doesn’t look like his daughter!

But what Lan Lan said next made him so angry that blood rushed to his head and he almost fell down:

"Xiao Xiao is just a bastard. Why should I apologize to her? She lives in our house and stole my daddy. I hate her."

Lan Lan actually raised her head and faced him confidently, without any guilt at all!

“…” Li Zhenting’s face turned pale.

How could Lan Lan have such thoughts? It’s simply unreasonable!

"Lan Lan, you have gone too far. Xiaoxiao, Keke, and Dingding were born three times. They were born from the same mother. How come Xiaoxiao is a bastard? How dare you insult her like this? It's so shameless!" Li Zhenting was furious. Xiaoxiao looked more and more like Shen Ning, and even looked more and more like him in some aspects. Lanlan actually called Xiaoxiao a bastard.

  It’s Lan Lan, who looks nothing like him!

If Lanlan is not educated, Xiaoxiao will be in bad luck. No normal person can stop someone else's sudden attack, let alone a six-year-old girl.

 with with his little brother?

 He gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with coldness.

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