Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1499: What about my own business, can it be called a cottage?

"It's a grand occasion."

Xiao Ma with his team is watching the game ahead at the e3 exhibition.

In addition to the press conference, the e3 venue will also showcase many games.

Xiao Ma's dnf was not exhibited at e3, but was postponed to the Tokyo Game Show, but this did not affect anything.

On the contrary, after seeing these games at the e3 exhibition, Xiao Ma came up with the idea of ​​whether or not to rework his own games.

Sony is an absolute behemoth in this era. Although Morinya has a lot of big moves, there are still a lot of games on Sony, and they are rich in money and good at investing money. The quality of the games is still very good. .

But let’s talk about the live demo...

Xiao Ma looked at the demo site of Monster Hunter.

The ten machines are already surrounded at this moment. The media with their media credentials are all staring in the audience at this moment, holding various devices to record what they have seen and heard.

Xiao Ma estimated it, and he felt that the people who lined up to try it out would probably only be able to experience such a game today.

The Monster Hunter game can be said to be very eye-catching, as the opening giant, this game is definitely heavyweight.

Little Ma did not line up, but walked to the front to watch.

At this moment, some people have started to try hunting, but some people are watching the interface.

Monster Hunter also provides a pinch system, which is about to become a routine of a company. Someday if a large-scale game of company a does not provide pinch people, it might be surprising.

Monster Hunter’s pinch person, as always, has the style of a company, and also provides a preview of armor equipment, allowing players to see how their character looks when wearing some basic costumes.

A player in front of Brother Xiao Ma was holding a sister paper.

The other party is wearing a bikini. This is a hot spring suit, but it looks pretty good.

However, a player next to him was holding a man, obviously trying to pinch his face to a hunk.

But Brother Xiao Ma discovered that there are basically not many macho guys, but there are a lot of girls here.

"Except for watching games, everyone else is watching girls..."

Xiao Ma looked at it and nodded silently in his heart.

Everyone else is playing games. There are only two people watching the face pinching system, but it is undeniable that everyone is definitely concerned about sister paper.

"It seems we can go this route..."

Xiao Ma thinks that such a design may be quite reliable.

Speaking of which, our dnf is a 2d game. The style of painting is not good. Would you like to design more characters like this?

The dnf of Xiao Ma version is similar in style to the original version of another world line. Although there are some differences, the style and feeling are similar.

However, Xiao Ma always feels that there is something lacking.

These days, Xiao Ma has been thinking about this issue.

He even referenced many games.

Before that, Xiao Ma also made a reference. He found a lot of arcade games and compared them.

Then Xiao Ma found that the more well-known arcade game in China should be the King of Fighters series, which is a bit more accurate. It is the game "The King of Fighters 97".

Among the King of Fighters 97, the most popular character among sister papers is Mai Shiranui.

This character is very austere in the picture and has a very good figure, so many people like it.

But in the King of Fighters, the players that are most concerned about are actually not the sister paper, but the male protagonists Iori and Sokyo.

Sister paper or something, the relative rank is actually very low.

Before, Xiao Ma didn't care about these elements.

However, after seeing this picture in front of me today, Xiao Ma had a sudden sense of openness.

The element of sister paper...maybe there are!

Domestic players, the performance of these sister papers will not be too obvious, but this does not mean that there is no demand.

In fact, in a large eastern country, a certain online game under the banner of "18x" can directly attract a large number of players, which shows the power of this game.

For example, a game called a3, this game is under the banner of 18x, it can be described as the best, but what I really miss is that the content of this game is the wrong version, which directly makes the game hit the street.

When Morinia was making games, he paid great attention to the content of promotion. One of the reasons was to prevent this kind of word-of-mouth burst.

Xiao Ma couldn't think of what happened two years later, but seeing the picture in front of him, it is still okay to make him infer other things.

"Sister paper can be the main driving force of the game."

The previous games that Xiao Ma was doing were in cartoon style, so he knew nothing about the power of sister paper.

But now, Xiao Ma believes that this will be an opportunity for development.

After watching the demo here, Xiao Ma continued to wander behind.

This time, Xiao Ma came to the trial area of ​​"Sword Art Online".

Sword Art Online is an online game, but the game itself has been secretly developed for a long time. At this moment, players can see different situations.

The machine here provides sixteen machines for trial play.

Brother Xiao Ma took a look and found that the number of people here is also very large.

However, unlike other areas, he found that there are more people of Asian descent here.

"There are still Chinese..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ma realized that the consumer group targeted by this work should be the Asia-Pacific region.

But not necessarily.

Among these people, there are many white "foreigners", but these people are relatively silent.

Of course, there are also kind of careless things, they are talking about cool actions.

Well, the combat system of "Sword Art Online" is indeed much faster than Monster Hunter.

Xiao Ma has been shocked once before.

But the shock of a small team of oneself, and the shock of the people, this concept seems a bit different.

Xiao Ma went to the front and watched.

Brother Ma with purpose, this time is still looking for players who pinch people.

Not to mention, there are really three machine players who are pinching people.

"Sword Art Online" is a fantasy style painting style, this style is completely different from the style of "Monster Hunter".

But it is undeniable that the face pinching system of "Sword Art Online" is also very powerful.

Moreover, because of the fantasy style, the freedom of squeezing the face on this side is higher than that on the other side. Players can even change the textures in their pupils, and you can even pinch a round eye for yourself.

Of course, this pinch out of the writing wheel can only be used to look at it.

"All sister paper..."

Brother Xiao Ma was surprised to find that the players who pinched their faces here were all pinching sister papers.

One is pinching his face, one is looking at his chest, and the other is playing with his legs...


easy to understand.

"Sister paper is the primary productive force..." Xiao Ma suddenly realized this.

Not to mention, even in the official presentation, in most cases, the presentation is done with sister paper. There are also boys. When there is more need to be handsome, there are basically boys, but the content of the qte presentation is sisters. The paper comes.

Little Ma still remembers the sickle girl who chopped off the spider's head all the way. That handsome picture is really shocking.

In fact, when someone was playing boss at this time, they were trying this set of qte over there.

The actual effect and the content of the demonstration are basically the same, but the roles are not very similar.

"But every time there is a finishing move, will anyone dislike the trouble?" Brother Xiao Ma suddenly thought of a question.

In the game, it does not mean that qte is necessary to end the boss. If it is flat, the enemy is still not an opponent.

However, if you use this qte to end, you can deal a lot of damage. The setting in the game is that if the monster has only the last health bar, the player can use the qte to kill the enemy directly and this is regardless of the equipment and level. of.

If you don't need to fight hard with qte, of course you can, but if you make a hard fight, it will be more troublesome if there is a mistake, but if the qte goes on, the enemy will definitely be tragedy.

But the qte action looks very handsome, but after a long time...will the players find it troublesome?

In fact, the production team also asked Morinya about this question to see if he could simplify and skip the show, but he was rejected by Morinya, and Morinya said that the action must be gorgeous and the performance must be wonderful. But absolutely cannot be skipped.

This is the essence of the game, understand?

When you play fgo, can you skip the treasure animation?

No way! Absolutely not!

This is the feature of the game.jpg.

Brother Xiao Ma slipped to the other side at this time.

Players here are trying life skills.

In Xiao Ma's dnf, there are not many similar life skills.

Brother Xiao Ma used to consider whether to add some life skills to it, but at least now the internal beta version of dnf, there is no such thing.

This system of Sword Art Online, Xiao Ma saw some bright spots.

He also knows that this system is based on "Boundless", but that is a web game after all, which is very special and has no reference meaning.

But the life skills in "Sword Art Online" are different.

This player learned an engineering skill and mining skill.

Because it is a trial version, players can directly receive the material package from np.

After the player received the material package, he tried to make equipment.

The opponent made a pair of rocket boots.

As soon as the rocket boots were used, the player character went straight for a long distance.

Not to mention, it's pretty easy to use.

Rocket boots itself is a piece of equipment, and there are special skills, this life profession, it seems to be quite good.

At least this engineering seems pretty good.

The player seemed addicted, and he walked twice in rocket boots.

But at this time, the rocket boots suddenly exploded.

This player lost two-thirds of his health, and the durability of his boots became zero.

This player is also a little inexplicable, he opened the equipment bar, and then looked at the rocket boots.

Xiao Ma held his glasses, and then glanced at the attributes.

It turns out that although the attributes of the rocket boots are relatively powerful in the same level, the rocket boots may explode directly due to instability during the use process. seems like this.

The player understood, and then began to try another item. This time, he chose a parachute.

In engineering, there are two items that can help players descend: parachute and paraglider. The latter is an advancement of the former.

The material for the paraglider is not provided by the game, but the parachute can still be made.

After the other party made a paraglider, he came to a cliff and jumped down.


There is no more.

The character was not good, so he landed directly on the strange pile, and was caught by the monster in minutes.

After that, the poor player had to leave because time arrived, and the next player came to the stage.

This man did not study engineering, but learned tailoring skills.

In this game, the equipment system is also very rich, and players can also build their own weapons or armor through skills such as blacksmiths or tailors.

The production in the tailor is mainly cloth armor and leather armor, and it can also make backpacks that can hold large objects, which is really very useful.

There are many drawings in the game There are also various types of equipment. During the trial, only a part of the equipment was opened to players.

At this time, the player made a set of dressing dresses. The role was sister paper and put on himself.

The dressing dress has the ability to special defense against monsters. Although it is cloth armor, the damage of the monsters is directly reduced by half, and it can also enhance the patience of poisons, which is very useful.

"Can you customize the color?" At this time, Xiao Ma discovered that these clothes can not only be made directly, but also can be customized to a certain degree, such as changing the color of the clothes.

This seems pretty good.

Unlike 3d, my own dnf is 2d. In the 2d screen, it is easier to change the color of a piece of equipment with dyes than in the 3d screen.

In this way, the player's matching can be more free and more personalized.

Hmm, we can also have this kind of design.

Xiao Ma took it down.

"Well, wait a minute to find Morinia to have a trial version."

Well, Xiao Ma decided to wait a while and learn from it.

Well, you mean cottage?

Hey, we are not others, our own business... can this be called a cottage? !

You say cottage, my little Ma brother is the first to not agree!

Never agree!

Uhhhh, this is called reference!

Brother Xiao Ma is righteous.

Although he had made up his mind in his heart, Xiao Ma did not leave, he was still watching.

It’s true that you can play the game yourself, but sometimes, players can often notice some places that they don’t notice. He feels that it is necessary to continue to observe the places that interest the players.


ig has entered the finals, the game is simply a face of various rng...

Two-in-one meow~


Two-in-one meow~

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