Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 113 - Supernatural For A Second


The fire rustles inside the fireplace, the logs are cracking as they are slowly turning into ash. 

I'm sitting on Isabella's lap, she is looking deeply into my eyes. Her lips are curled into a soft smile.

I loosen her hands on my waist.


"Hey," she responds. "Are you tired already?"

I look outside the big window front into the night sky. We are back inside the mountain hut.

Soft music is playing on the Smart TV.

I check the title. 

'A Swan Song' by We Lost the Sea. I used to listen to that band back in highschool. Why did my subconscious choose this song out of all the ones I've ever heard?

"Should we go to sleep? You'll love my bedroom. You can look right into the stars and in the morning the sun wakes you. Even when it's cloudy outside." She smiles at my lips.

"That sounds very tempting but we need to do something else first. Come with me."

I grab Isabella's warm hand and pull her out of the armchair.

She leans her head against mine as I slowly lead her out of the room. "Where are we going?"

"I need to test something. Do you have a pantry?"

"I do. It's next to the hallway."

The entrance area is dark, only the sharp moonlight shines through the wooden framed windows.

I open the door to the pantry. It's a tiny room with a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Very spooky.

"Okay, good. Can you go inside?"

Isabella seems unsure. "Why?"

"Just trust me."

Because she literally can't say no, Isa sighs and gets into the pantry.

I quickly close the door behind her and turn the key before I pull it out.

"Hey!" She bangs against the wood. "What are you doing?"

Saving your life, bitch.

"There should be a key inside the lock. Do you see it?"

"I can't see anything!"

"Well, then just feel."

I wait nervously as Isabella follows my instructions.

"Yes! There's a key!"


"Okay, turn it and come out."

I hear how the key turns and then the door opens.

Isa looks at me confused. "What was that about?"

"I freed you. I hope. I gotta leave now. Lexa!"

"Wait." Isa grabs my arm.

She looks into my eyes. "You're leaving already?"

God, I really don't want to. This reality is so much nicer than whatever is going on when I'm awake. But my life is on the line here.

Then I get an idea.

"Lexa, is there a way to slow down time in real life?"

The robotic voices echoes down from above.

"I can slow down time for the duration of one hour. This way, only a minute will pass in real life. This one-time service costs an additional 500 KP. Would you like to purchase?"


The bed is warm and soft and for the first time in ages I feel physical exhaustion. My body is now matching my tired mind and if I could, I'd sleep for one hundred years. 

Through the roof window I watch the moon and a few birds flying past it. They are merely black shadows against the bright white but their wings wave graciously.

I can hear the shower run smoothly through the door and a smile shapes my lips.

This is so calm and pure, I never want to go back.

"1 minutes left," Lexa announces

"Just five more minutes!" I pull the cover over my head and breathe in the familiar perfume. Who knows when I'll ever be able to smell again.

Orchids, jasmine and honey. A gentle combination that is just so beautiful.

With my hand I feel the spot where Isa was lying earlier. It's still warm.

"Controlled waking up in 10 seconds."

"No," I whine. "Please."

But it doesn't help. Time is over and white light pulls me back into the nightmare.


"Is she awake?"

"Yes. See her brainwaves?"

"Oh yes! Wow!"

Ugh. Judging from the hard surface beneath me as well as the annoying voices, I am back in the laboratory. 

"It's really strange. Robots aren't supposed to sleep."

"Maybe it's a bug?"

"Maybe. But it's pretty unlikely."

God, can't they just shut up?

I try to turn my head and open my eyes but it's not working.


"I'll need to put that in my report later. Can you remind me?"

"Me? I don't even know what I had for breakfast."

"That's because you don't eat breakfast, Howard."

"Oh, right."

I can't use my hands either and my feet stay still as well. And then I notice that I can't even feel them.

Well, looks like they did it. They hacked into the body and detached it from my soul. What'S next? Will they turn me into cotton candy?


"All we have to do now is replace the microchip in her neck with this converted unit and we will be able to control the body via remote control."

"Damn. That sounds awesome."

No, it sounds AWFUL. They would be able to do anything with me!

They could turn me into a literal weapon and use me against my own friends.

I shouldn't have slept. Maybe I could have done something before I lost control!

Now my only hope is that my plan worked and Isabella somehow - I don't know how - finds me. That would presuppose that she knows where I am, gets here without anyone noticing and fights the scientist as well as his friend.

Yeah, I'm dead.

"Now where…wait a minute. Why is this connected?"

I hear some rustling behind the scenes.




Then screaming.


"What? I didn't do anything!"


I guess they are talking about the clamp the guy had put on his nose earlier to play robot.

"Oh. Yeah, i didn't know where to put it so-"

"So you just connected two different circuits. Fantastic."

If only I had paid more attention in physics, I'd know what they are talking about. Or at least I'd have an idea.

"Why does it matter?"

"Why? Oh, because maybe this one happens to be connected to- Hey!"

Connected to what? I have to know!

I hear how the scientist jumps up. 

"Who are you? You have no permission to be here."

It seems like somebody new has entered the scene. Could it be Isabella? Did she find me?

"I don't need any permissions. Now you better undo this mess quickly."

That voice. Cold, sharp, emotionless.

It's Nox.

"Or what? You're threatening me with a gun? I'm a robot, sweetie."

Oh my god, I'd give everything to be able to watch what's going on.

"This isn't just any gun," she sneers. "I got this out of your little closet next door. I assume that a shot against your head will paralyze your cycle? You'll be spasming on the floor like a fish on land."

"You wouldn't dare…"

"You're wrong again. Now let her free or I'll turn both of you into toast. I don't know how your boss handles scraps but if you're lucky, you'll find out very soon."

I anxiously listen to the silence that follows, then a few buttons are being pushed.

I feel how my soul is heating up. It starts expanding and before I know it, the skin sucks on its edges, gluing everything back together.

The feeling lasts for a little, then it abates. 

I try to open my eyes and this time it works.

Thank you, Jesus!



I turn my head to the little control room. Through the perspex I look right into Nox' eyes. She smiles at me briefly, then she turns to the man she is holding at gunpoint. The other guy seems way too scared to help him.

"There are different levels on this thing?" she asks, examining the gun.

The scientist slowly nods.

"The higher the level, the stronger it is. When set to low, the effect only lasts maybe 10 minutes-ZZZZ"

I watch in shock as Nox shoots the white beam at him. The man falls onto the floor, unable to control any part of his body. He is twitching like he has been possessed by the devil. 

Then she turns to the other guy.


He falls down as well.

Nox looks at the two, nods to herself and then opens the door to get to me.

"What the fuck," I yell. "Why did you do that?"

"So we'd have a head start, of course. Let'S get out of here."

With a knife she cuts through the leather straps and then pulls me up. 

"There's a tunnel leading out. We have to hurry, we've only got a few minutes before they return to normal and inform security."

She grabs my arm and pulls me behind her, out of the room. 

"But we have to find Isabella! We can't just leave!"

"Judy, have you ever been on an airplane before?"


I watch as Nox pushes a shelf to the side. Another secret entrance hidden behind books.

She turns to me, extending her hand. Nox stares right into my soul.

"In case of emergency you have to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others.. Now let's go."

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