Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 114 - The Mayor


Emergency lights are flashing every few feet, the rest of the tunnel system is dark. There are numerous ways but we are staying on the main path. Always straight ahead.

Surrounded by stone I'm reminded of the graveyard in Austria. I hate tunnels.

Imagine getting chased by someone down here, there's too many ways to go, too many tunnels and I wouldn't know where any of them end.

And what if all exits were occupied by evil? I'd be stuck in here like a baby inside a burning house.

Slightly bent over I follow Nox to wherever she is heading. We aren't talking, just walking but something burns on my mind.



"We aren't leaving Isa behind, right? You weren't serious earlier."

She sighs. "I was. But no, we are not just leaving her here. We have to get out first and make a plan before we come back to get her."

"But what if something happens in the meantime? She isn't safe here!"

"But neither are we."

"So? We can't fight the Mayor without her."

Suddenly, Nox stops. She turns around to me.

"I know that. But if we aren't smart from now on, we will risk our lives. The Mayor won't kill Isa, she is the bait that makes us come back after all."

"What do you mean?" 

Nox rolls her eyes. "She knows that we will come to find your friend. And she knows that Isabella might have information she needs. Killing her would be counterproductive. Plus…nevermind. Let's get out of here."

Nox turns back around and continues walking. Her steps have gained speed and I have trouble keeping up.

"'Plus' what?"

"Nothing, forget it."

"No, tell me!"

"For f*ck's sake, Judy," Nox yells. "It's none of your business, okay? We have to get to Clemens now."

My chest lifts and drops quickly as air runs through where lungs should be.

"I refuse to leave Isabella behind! Afterall, I told her to come look for me. She needs us now, not later!"

Ignoring my rebellious refusal, Nox keeps marching. 

"We can't help her when they catch us too. Accept it."

I stop in my tracks.


Why do I have to accept it?

Why do I have to do what Nox tells me?

If I want to save Isa, I can do it on my own. And if I fail, at least I tried. At least I did something. At least I wasn't selfish.

Nox doesn't seem to notice that I have stopped following and I watch as the distance grows.

This is my chance. I look around and a few feet away I spot another tunnel channelling off to the right.

As quietly as possible I rush over and enter it, without looking back.

It's almost completely dark in here and with my hands I quickly navigate my way forward. 

I don't know where this leads. Maybe to safety or maybe right back into the laboratory but the chances of finding Isa are definitely bigger than if I was to follow Nox.

Speaking of Nox.

"Judy?" she yells in the distance.

Oh dammit, she has noticed that I'm gone.

"Where did you go? Come back!"

I speed up and hope that her voice will fade but instead it sounds closer.

"Are you hiding? Get back here right this second or I'll make you regret it!"

I want to reply to the threat but the direction of my voice might lead her towards me.

The tunnel turns to the left and I continue to follow it.

"Did you go in here? You know, I can see in the dark."

Oh f*ck, no!

I almost stumble over my own feet but manage to catch myself. That's when I hear somebody else.


'Isa? We are still connected?'

'Yes, listen to me!' Her voice is urgent.

'I can guide you the way. There's a door inside this tunnel leading out. It'S to your right. You're almost there.'

'How do you know that?'

But I don't get an answer. 

As I am in complete darkness, I use my hands to scan the right wall.

"Judy!" Nox' voice is coming closer, soon she'll catch up and grab me.

My hands slide over the cold, rough stone, my skin is grinding and I wouldn't be surprised if I was leaving behind bloody fingerprints.

'There it is! There's a key on the other side. Open it, lock it and then run.'

I have no idea how Isabella knows where I have to go but I follow her direction blindly and as soon as I feel the knob, I turn it and push the door open.

"Judy!" Nox' voice is right behind me.

I slam the door shut and turn the silver key.

Only a few seconds later, the red haired woman is banging against the wood.

"Judy! F*ck!" I hear her muffled screams.

I better get away before she breaks it.

'That was close! Where are you?'

I rush up a set of stairs and through a short corridor until I stop in front of another door. Dammit.

'Right behind you.'


I slowly turn around.


But it is not Isa who is smiling at me.

The woman's skin is of a pinkish blue and her white hair is put up, parted in the middle.

She is wearing an expensive looking, light blue suit that sits perfectly. 

I stare into her eyes.


No irises, no pupils. Just white.

I can't say anything as she slowly steps closer. 

(A/N: Check the Character Glossary!)

"Hello again."

The voice. It's the same voice I heard inside the dark room before I passed out.

I step back.

"Where is Isabella?"

She chuckles lightly, the smile on her lips is chilling.

"Not here."

"But I heard her voice."

"Not quite" She weighs her head. "I am a master of imitation. Let me show you."

She clears her throat.

"Hey baby."

I cover my mouth with a hand as I stumble backwards.

That was Isabella's voice. 100%.

"And in the laboratory?"

"That was your friend indeed. A mistake connected your souls for that moment. I assumed you hadn't figured out the cause of your telepathy so I used this chance to lure you to me and away from your companion."

Right, Nox! 

She has stopped banging and probably continued looking for me.

I am once again all alone.

I look back at the woman and into the milky eyes.

"Are you..?"

I can't finish the sentence.

She smiles smugly and extends her hand. It's sticking inside a white leather glove.

I don't want to accept it but as she doesn't move and just waits, I shake it reluctantly. It's ice cold.

She grins.

"Priscilla Godwin, Mayor of Heaven. I'm very pleased to meet you."

I quickly let go again and wipe the hand on my trousers. Priscilla watches me.

"You're lacking manners, I see. Well, no hard feelings. Would you please follow me to my office? We need to talk."

I don't move. 

"Where is Isabella?"

The Mayor chuckles.

"I don't know, you tell me."

Then she turns around and heads to the door. I have no choice but to follow her.

She swings it open energetically and behind it lies a big hall.

Everything is made of polished stone and marble, pillars are supporting the high ceiling and through glass mosaiques I can look up into the sky. Judging from the sun it must be early afternoon now.

Somebody rushes towards us, it's a young man with gelled back hair and thickly rimmed glasses.

"Boss, the fink has escaped."

"I know already." She pushes him away. "Security are on it. Keep me updated on their success."

"Will do. Oh and boss, Afterlife has sent another letter. They requested a meeting."

Prisicilla huffs as she struts over to the elevators.

"I have better things to do. I'm in my office now and wish to not be disturbed."

Without having to press a button, the door slides open and she pulls me inside.

I turn to the assistant, hoping I can send a signal of 'please help me' but he isn't looking at us anymore, he is busy on his phone.

Now I'm stuck inside a tiny space with my biggest enemy. She is staring.

"What?" I grunt. 

My brain is too much in alarm mode to remember any manners.

She seems amused. "You're adorable. Would you like some tea?"

The door slides open again and we step right into a huge, modern office. 

Through arched windows I look down at the Government District.

Somewhere out there are Nox and Clemens. 

I can see tiny people walking around the small park. But they can't see me.

I'm hidden in plain sight. 

"It's a nice view, isn't it?"

She puts a hand on my shoulder but I'm too scared to shake it off.

"I designed this world myself."

"You can code?"

She shakes her head. "No, I drew it. You don't want any tea?"

"I don't."

The Mayor shrugs her shoulders.

"Let's sit down then.. I'm sure you have a lot to tell me." 

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