Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 12 - Something You Can't Resist


The piano bar is dimly lit and few people are enjoying the quiet atmosphere. With this little audience, Judy probably didn't need to reserve a table for me but I won't complain. It was a nice gesture.

The short black leather dress feels tight on my body and I know that it sits exactly the way I need it to. The dress is hugging all of my curves while narrowing my waist. My long blonde curls add some softness to the look.

It doesn't even take half a minute until a waiter stands next to me, asking for my order.

"A white wine would be nice. Which one can you recommend?"

The young man smiles brightly with teeth so white, they'd belong in a toothpaste commercial.

"We have a very nice Riesling, we work together with an amazing German winery. Our Italian Chardonnay is also very popular, it's velvety with a slight note of lemon. But my personal favorite is the Moscato, very fruity and musky."

"Moscato sounds fantastic. And please, if I could get some nuts, that would be grand." "Of course, Miss. Coming right up."

I wink at him but the man doesn't even notice, he is too busy staring at my chest. It's awfully hard to hide anything in this piece of clothing.

I fall back into the soft red cushions and let my eyes glide over the other tables. They are mostly taken by elderly couples and some young lovers. They are deeply engrossed in conversations, probably the most trite things paired with pseudo knowledge about politics and music. The usual clownery people tend to when trying to boost their own ego.

It never takes much for me to see whether someone is talking from the heart or just trying to impress. Sadly the latter is what I experience with 90% of the people I am unlucky enough to have around me. The perks and sufferings of being a socialite. I could write a whole book on that.

"Hey, you came."

I turn around to look at Judy.

"Of course. Oh, what a lovely dress!" She looks down at herself.

Okay, I may have exaggerated. It is nothing special, just a red shift dress and maybe it's a bit too casual for a piano bar but she does look stunning in it. Her wild curls surround her face like a halo.

"T-thanks. Can I sit down for a second?" "Please, you don't need to ask!"

She falls down next to me and sighs. "I'm so f*cking nervous. I've never performed here before. What if I look silly?"

I softly take her hand and put it on my exposed thigh. Judy twitches but doesn't pull away. Instead, she is blushing again.

"Don't make yourself crazy. Being nervous is normal but you know your talent. They hired you for a reason, right? Plus, half of these people here are probably deaf anyway. It's like the nearest senior's home took an excursion and forgot to buy a bus ticket back."

Judy chuckles and I smile at her.

"You're a beautiful girl and as long as you don't show how nervous you are and hit most notes, they will think that you are the next big thing. Believe me, I speak from experience. I'm not a singer by any means but I've had to hold a lot of presentations in front of a lot of stuck-up blood thirsty hyenas. In the end you just have to stay positive. Okay?"

Judy nods and smiles, finally looking at me. "Thank you. I should get ready now, my set starts soon."

"Alright, you do that. I'll be cheering you on from over here." But before I let go of her hand I lean closer to kiss her cheek. I take my time, making sure she feels my lips. Judy's eyes widen but she is still smiling. Then she gets up and walks away and if I'm not mistaken, her knees are shaking. But this time I don't think it's because of her nerves.


My god, I don't understand what Judy was worried about. Her voice is that of an angel, so soft and light. The audience is absolutely loving her, even the older ones seem to be enjoying this youngster. I believe I overheard the woman at the table next to me say to her husband: "And I thought they only listen to Post Melon these days."

I think this is where a Gen-Zler would have made a Boomer joke but instead I kept my mouth shut and just rolled my eyes.

Most of the songs on Judy's set list are unfamiliar to me but when she sings a very laid-back cover of Glory Box my heart starts beating faster.

I know this one way too well.

"Give me a reason to love you,

give me a reason to be

a woman."

This was the song that played the first time Jasper took me out for drinks. He was the last man I ever dated and for a second I thought I was in love. But only for a second.

He did love me like a woman that night, I had found satisfaction in the least expected place. But Jasper is in the past and so is the Isabella who accommodated herself by being a passive lover for others.

I smile as I tap against my empty wine glass, mimicking the beat of this sultry song.

"Would you like another drink, miss?" I flinch.

God, these waiters really have to stop sneaking up on me. "Of course, could you please bring me another Moscato?" He nods and takes my glass.

When I turn back to the small stage, Judy is looking at me. I smile brightly and instead of shying away, she holds eye contact for a few seconds. Then she ends the song and with that her performance. The audience starts clapping and so do I. She smiles happily.

"Thank you very much, enjoy your evening."

Oh, I definitely will.

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