Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 13 - Make Me Feel Like A Woman


"So, how many guys have hit on you in the past hour?" I almost choke on my third drink and giggle.

"I don't know, I didn't pay any attention. I was focusing on you."

The bar is empty now, the last waiter had finished cleaning the tables a few minutes ago and given Judy the key so she would lock up.

"Oh…" She looks away. "I'm just asking because Andre had been staring at you for a while but he's probably too young for you anyway. I mean…I don't mean that you're old! I just...he's a nice guy."

I smile lasciviously and lean a bit closer. My eyes are searching for hers.

"Let me ask you a question. Why are you ignoring all of my advances?"

Her fingers are clenching her glass, she chuckles nervously. "W-what do you mean?"

Oh god, is she really this oblivious or just too shy to admit it?

"If I was interested in Andre or whatever his name is, why would I be sitting here, talking to you?"

"I-I don't-"

"Are you not interested in women?"

The question comes unexpectedly and she stares at her fidgeting hands.

"I-I mean, y-yeah."

"But I'm not your type?"

"W-what? N-no! I mean yes! I mean...oh god."

I almost feel bad for making her uncomfortable but that is the place where I find comfort myself. And I know that it's going to be worth it in the end.

"Then I don't understand what you're so scared of. I won't bite."

I carefully touch her shoulder. Judy tenses up, then she relaxes a bit and looks at me. Her voice is quiet.

"I thought you were just joking around and being nice."

"Baby, you must be a bit naive if you think people are this nice without having any ulterior motives. I'm not saying this to insult you, please don't misunderstand my words. But-"

Judy shakes her head. "No, you're right. I guess I just don't think that you would have any interest in me."

"Someone like me?"

"Yes, I mean look at you!"

I look down at myself. "Okay?"

"No, seriously. You're like a goddess, you seduce anyone who looks at you." She bites her tongue, regretting her openness.

"No, don't censor yourself. I won't judge you." But Judy doesn't say anything else.

That's a pity, I really enjoyed her compliment but I'm sure there's more for me if I find the right buttons to push.

"Do you want to know how I see you?"

She shrugs her shoulders.

I take a curl of her blonde hair between my fingers and tuck it behind her ear. "I think you are very intelligent and talented but also breathtaking and sexy."

She keeps averting her blue eyes. "I wouldn't call myself...that. Most days when I look in the mirror I see a girl, not a woman and definitely not a…'sexy' one."

Her honesty surprises me. I didn't expect such raw vulnerability and I don't think Judy did either.

I continue playing with her beautiful hair, then I stroke her cheek.

"I can change that if you want."

Judy's timid eyes glide to my lips before she looks at me again.

Her gaze speaks volumes, something behind her pupils is begging me to love her.

My hand wanders to her chin.

Judy hesitates but when she realizes that I'm waiting for a clear answer, she whispers, so quietly that I can barely hear her.


I softly put my hand on her knee and lean forward. My voice is merely a sensuous breath.

"Just do me one favor. Let go. I'll do the rest."

Then, without waiting for an answer I kiss her.

Judy freezes, she is tense beneath my touches and for a second I worry that she might push me away. I bury my other hand in her locks and put as much tenderness into the kiss as possible.

Finally, Judy responds. She moves her lips carefully against mine, our mouths start to synchronize but I make sure to keep the dominance.

After a bit she dares to wrap her arms around my neck and I pull her closer while pushing my wistful tongue into her mouth. I pick up the speed but try to keep the moment as tender as possible.

I can feel her warm skin, it is vibrating against mine and without a second thought I decide to pull her onto my lap. Judy flinches and looks at me surprised. I pull her closer again. "Is this okay?" My nose brushes against her ear and she breathes in quickly. "Mhm."

I let my nose wander over her neck and face, feeling the silky skin vibrating below my touch. Once I'm back at her mouth, Judy's breaths are flat and shaking with anticipation.

The kisses are now hot, they burn down my throat like cayenne pepper. I take the hand that has been resting on her knee and slowly glide it under her skirt. I can feel goosebumps forming and start stroking her inner thigh with my thumb. Judy sighs deeply but doesn't break the kiss. Instead she slides as close to me as possible, signaling me to keep going. And there is nothing I would rather do.

But the fact that we are in a public space and anyone could walk in on us stops me. I may be shameless but traumatizing the girl I'm trying to seduce is not the best idea.

"Let's take this to my suite, shall we?"

Judy seems a bit disappointed that I broke the moment so soon but she nods. We get up from the sofa and I take her hand, feeling her slim fingers wrap around mine. We leave the bar, lock it up and quickly walk over to the next elevator.

The door opens as soon as I push the button and I pull Judy inside. Meanwhile my dress has risen, it definitely is not made for making out and running and for a split second, before I can fix it, Judy sees more than she should have.

She stares at me with wide eyes, her voice is low. "Y-you're not wearing underwear? Did you know this was going to happen?"

I quickly pull the dress down again. Then I chuckle and wrap my arms around her waist. "I didn't know but have you ever heard someone say: Dress for the job you want, not the one you have? The same goes for dates."

Judy furrows her eyebrows. "Is this your shtick? How often do you make out with chicks in bars?"

"Not as often as you might think. I'm not promiscuous, darling. Just confident in my own skin."

I cup her face with my hands and pull her into a kiss, pushing my tongue in deep. Judy is startled but the noise that leaves her mouth cannot be concealed. Noted.

The elevator stops and the door opens again. I break the kiss to take the key card out of my little handbag and pull Judy behind me until we reach my room.

She looks surprised. "The Terrace Suite? Are you secretly an oil baroness?" I laugh and hold the card against the scanner. "Not quite." Although I wouldn't mind the thought.

I close the door behind us. Now it's just us two.

"So, where were we?"

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