Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 125 - Secret Lovers


"This is so annoying," I announce as I take another sip from the fairy beer.

The golden sparkly liquid swishes through the glass jug.

"Very much so. Why did I even have to come? I could have stayed with the others."

Pool has her arms crossed and looks outside the window.

After we had found Seledrin and informed him of what happened, he decided that he would fight and kill the Human king. To do so he chose two fighters to accompany him.

Walark and Aehorn got lucky as the half-giant has the most physical strength and the hybrid is the most experienced. His level being 122, he knows how to fight and strategize.

Pool and I got the short end of the stick. We were sent back to meet up the others. And now the five of us are waiting inside a tavern.

Goldres, Fatima and Cordon had used the time to explore the surroundings of the mountains so that we'd be prepared in case somebody attacks us.

"How long have you two be in Heaven for? And what worlds did you see?"

Cordon tries his best to make conversation but I have no interest in chit chat. I let Pool answer.

"Not that long, honestly. So far I've been in San Andy, Always Night City and the Government District. You?"

"Board Game Paradise and Hiker's Dream," I grumble and take another sip from the almost jelly like fairy beer.

"You enjoy board games? I didn't think you're that kind of person," Goldres comments.

"Wasnt voluntarily."

I try to avoid further questions by looking out of the window. The hot summer day has turned into a Witter paradise. The snow is lying thickly and flakes are gliding through the air. All trees are covered in white.

"The way the weather changes is quite strange."

Cordon's eyes light up. "It's randomize! Every 12 hours in Earth time, it switches. You usually get a good mix but a little while ago we had days of just rain."


"Yeah. Not really."

The waitress comes over to our table.

"Would you like anything else? We have got fresh rabbit legs today with bread."

Oh, what would I give to be able to taste again. If I ever make it back to Earth, I'll probably spend two days just going from one meal to another. Some good meat is already on top of my list.

"No. Thank you, Grace."

She smiles sweetly at Goldres and then walks to the next table.

"That was flirty. Do you two know each other?" Pool wants to know.

"No, no. We-"

Fatima interrupts him. "He has a crush on her but is too afraid to ask her out."

Great. Slumber party conversation. Just what I needed.

"Why? You're a good catch!"

The centaur blushes at Pool's compliment.

"It's just...I don't know. Let's not talk about it."

"Yes. Thank god."

Everyone turns to me.

Oops. Did I say that out loud?

"Uh... Thank God that..."

I search for something to end this sentence with when I see three familiar figures stomping through the snow towards the tavern.

"Thank God, they made it. Look!"

Cordon jumps up.

"They are back!" He rushes over to the door to open it. Freezingly cold air swoops into the tavern and a few faces turn around angrily.

Walark, Aehorn and Seledrin step inside.

Their coats and hair are covered in snow. The general is smiling. That's a good sign.

"We did it. We succeeded. Let's not waste any time and free the king!"

The others jump up and Goldres puts a few silver coins onto the table.

Ah. Now we have to hike again?

I basically walked all the way from the top of the mountain to Bieri, the capital, for nothing as I wasn't needed in the fight. And now the same shit again.

"I have ordered horses to lead us up. There is no time to waste. Let's go!"

The group leaves the tavern and I trot after them, unsure.

Horses? I'll have to ride on a horse? Suddenly walking sounds great.

"Uhm...I don't know how...guys?"

But nobody hears me, except for Pool.

She smiles amused. "Are you scared of horses?"

"Scared? No! I'm not...scared."

"Right. Well, I took horse riding lessons when I was younger." Of course she did. "I'll help you. Don't worry, I'm sure these are well trained and tame."


My hands glide into my pockets.

We are walking through the snowy forest until we reach a clearing. 8 horses are waiting for us. Luckily they are equipped with saddles.

As Seledrin leads each to their horse, I examine the animals to figure out which one is least likely to throw me off or kick me in the face.



"You shall ride on Storm."

Storm. That name isn't very promising.


"So that the lady can have Blossom."

I look to Pool for help and she nods slightly.

Then she turns to Seledrin.

"I'm very confident in horseback riding. I will take Storm and Parkos Blossom."

I expect the elf to mock me for being a pussy but he just smiles. "Very well. Let's go!"

I look at Blossom. She looks at me. We both seem scared.

This is going to be fun.


I'm the slowest one in the group and soon I can't see the others anymore.

Pool is a good 100 feet in front of me, the others are way too far ahead for me to catch up with the.

Blossom is very timid as well and staggers through the snow like a foal.

"Come on girl, let's speed up a bit."

But she refuses.

"Parkos!" Pool shouts. She has stopped and turned around. "Come on! Or we'll lose the track!"

Because we are so far behind, we have to use the hoove prints to know what way to go. But snow keeps falling and she is right. It won't take long until there's nothing left and we'll get lost in the woods.

"How do I make her go faster?" I yell back.

"Gently push your heels into her sides!"

Okay. Gently.

But Blossom seems to be unfamiliar with this gesture. It take sher by surprise.

The horse neighs loudly and rears up. I almost fall down when suddenly she starts sprinting in full speed.


She doesn't stop and soon I've left Pool and Storm behind me.


Many describe their journey to the afterlife as a light they felt destined to follow. The media decided that right before you die, images of your life flash in front of your mind.

But standing on a motorway bridge and looking down at grey cars and even greyer asphalt? This version is completely new to him.

Cameron's hands are resting in the pockets of his black windbreaker and his eyes wander all the way to the horizon. The cars passing behind him create a pleasant backdrop of sound.

Something consistent to fight be silence.

He knows this highway well. Sonny and him had spent most of the ride on the 101 on their trip to Pismo Beach. A lot of grey and some green until you finally reach the exit and drive right towards the sea.

So what is he doing here? The last thing he remembers was... 

Cameron frowns. 

His mom made lasagna which he usually would be obsessed about. But not that night. All the flavor had dissolved berore the fork could even reach his mouth. 

That's the last thing he remembers. Apart from another thought:

He should be dead. 

He is not supposed to be standing here, breathing in the gas. 

Strangely, those dark thoughts don't manage to cloud his mind. He feels...calm. Like he'd just have to turn around and there'd be his best friend standing, car keys in hand, asking if they could continue now. 

But Cameron doesn't turn around. Not yet. There is no rush. 

Next to him a pair of hands appears, grabbing the railing. The body leans forward to look down onto the passing cars. Cameron doesn't have to turn his head to know who it is. 

"I knew you'd come."

Kaz laughs and looks at him. 

"Of course you did because I told you so. You should have been a bit more patient and not kill yourself 5 minutes later."

"I thought you liked the hopeless romantic shtick. How could I live without my Romeo?" 

Looking into the big green eyes, Cameron's stomach fills with warmth. 

"I know I wasn't the only reason behind your decision. But I still don't like how you made me the center of it, like everything ressolved around my affection. There's more to life, you know?" 

"This isn't entirely my fault. Your little psychopath rival left me no choice." 


Kaz puts his head on Cameron's shoulder. The curls are brushing against his neck. 

"You promised me to answer all my questions." 

"Well then, ask away."

Putting his arm around the boy's waist, Cameron feels nervous.

"Are you real? Right now?" 

"Counter question. Does it matter?" 

"Well yes. I don't want to wake up just to see that you are gone again and that I just imagined you."

"And what would happen if that was the truth? If I was gone and you'd never see me again?" 

"It would break my heart."

"Maybe. But your life would continue."

"Okay let me rephrase the question. Was any of this ever real?" 

Kaz smiles. 

"Everything. It was all real. And you and I aren't over yet. Destiny might not exist but our paths will cross again. Maybe..."

He puts a finger under Cameron's chin to turn his head towards his own. 

"Maybe I'm currently sitting next to your hospital bed, holding your hand. But you won't know until you wake up."

Could it be true? Kaz sitting by his side? 

"One last question."


"Do you love me?" 

A kiss. S oft and familiar. Yet new. 

"I think you already know the answer to that one."

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