Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 129 - Trapped: Walter's World


The entire room is quiet as Walter is sitting on his laptop, biting his lip as he concentrates on hacking into Heaven's world system. So far he has managed to enter the draft folder, all that's left is to find his world and open it for us.

Judy and I are sitting in a corner, talking quietly.

"This is so crazy. I can't wait till this is all over and I can go back home." Judy pulls the knees up to her chest. "How will I explain to others where I've been?"

"Who are you going to contact first?"

She thinks for a bit. "Probably my parents. And then Michigan."

When hearing his name, I expect my heart to pull together in pain but surprisingly, it doesn't.

What does this mean? Am I finally over her? Has my love faded?

There's nothing I hope for more.

She looks at me. "What about you?"

"Well, I really dread talking to my parents. Maybe I'll give Brandy a call. She'll help me figure out what to do."

"Brandy." Judy chuckles. "That woman really freaked me out."

"She is amazing. She makes me look normal."

I see the image of my friend in front of my eyes and speed through the memories we've made together. I really miss her.

"Why? You're normal."

I snort.

Nox looks at me angrily, like an annoyed librarian but I ignore her. Still, I start whispering.

"I think I'm going crazy. A good ten years ago, Brandy wanted to be an actress and starred in a small independent movie. I went to the premiere with her. I know I did. But earlier I thought about that evening and noticed that I can't remember anything. Not even where it was or what I wore. Nothing."

Judy's eyes widen. "A premiere? With a red carpet?"


"And camera men shouting her name?"

I smile at her amused. "It's not like she's Beyonce but that's how premieres work, yes. Why?"

Judy looks very concerned and I'm not sure how to interpret her expression. Yes, me forgetting the night is strange but not actually worrisome, right?

"Isa?" Her voice is shaking.


"I need to tell you something."

Oh god, what's coming next? I don't think I'm emotionally stable enough for any bad surprises or shocking revelations. 

Judy looks beyond scared which isn't very calming. Whatever it is, it's big.

"First, I never meant to disrespect you or use you."


Where is she going with this?

Judy looks over to Nox who nods slightly. So she knows what this is about as well?

Now I'm really scared.

"Judy, what is it?"

She turns back to me. "When we were in the hotel basement and I went to bed, I-"

"I did it!"

Walter jumps up from his chair.

"I got in!"

All eyes are on him and everyone walks over to look at his screen.

Judy gets up. She seems…relieved?"

"I'll tell you later, okay?"


What the hell was that?

Seems like Judy was about to reveal a big secret and used Walter'S success as an excuse to delay revelation.

What could be so big? Is she pregnant? Or is she trying to get back together with me?

No, that's just wishful thinking. 

Before I can start fantasizing, I walk over to my friend group who are surrounding Walter.

"I found Project Hidden Temple and loaded it. We have a five minute time frame to enter before it shuts down again."

"And how will we get out?" Parker asks.

Walter scratches his neck. "That's the least thing we should worry about. Loading the world sent a notification to the main server. They are most likely noticing right now that we are on our way. There's a way to delete each world from the inside but like I said, let'S not focus on that now."

"Well then, how do we enter?" I ask.

"I can teleport us by putting in the information of each. First, Clemens. Full name and birthdate."

The German steps closer. "Clemens Fischer, March 2nd 1985."

Of course his name is Fischer, he was born to be a sea fanatic.

Walter types in the information and the next second, Clemens disappears in front of our eyes.


"Okay, quick. Next, Nox."

"No, I'll go last."

He looks at her confused. "Why? It doesn't-"

"Do Parker next."

Walter sighs. "Fine. Parker?"

"Parker Jones, September 7th, 1998."

And with that, Parker is gone as well. 

Whatever this witchcraft is, I don't trust it. Who guarantees that this is safe? What if Clemens and Walter are now dismembered blobs of human DNA?

"Judy. You're next."

She looks at me and I look at her. I try to find answers in her eyes, she is scared.

"Guys, we only have 2 and a half minutes left. Come on."

Judy rips her gaze off of me.

"Judith Hill. December 10th, 1999."

I watch as Walter types in what he hears and then hits a button. My ex-girlfriend turns into thin air.

"This better work," I mumble.

Funnily, it's Nox who defends Walter's work.

"Of course it does. Come on."

I take a deep breath. Goodbye Always Night City.

"Isabella Green. October 30th, 1982."

"Damn, you're old."

That's the last thing I hear and I manage to throw Nox a death glare before I'm being teleported.

Everything turns black and it feels like I just jumped out of an airplane.

I'm falling and falling but can't move any of my limbs.

Eventually, I land with a loud 'oomph' and feel a solid ground beneath my body.

With my hands I try to feel my surroundings.

Is this stone?

I hear Clemens' voice. "Let me help you up."

Two hands grab me and pull me off the ground.

Finally, the vision kicks in and I open my eyes.

I stare into blue water.

"Oh crap!"

I stumble back but Clemens stops me.

"Wait or you'll fall down."

I take a moment to look around.

Clemens, Judy, Parker and I are standing on a very tall and very long stone bridge that is shaped like a viaduct.

The bridge connects a cliff range to…nothing.

A white cloud covers the other end and I assume that this is where Walter had stopped developing the world.

Under the bridge lies an ocean, rocks are peeking out near the cliffs.

The scene is very peaceful yet the bridge is strange. Who built it and for what? What lies at the end that made all the effort worth it?

"Where are the other two?"

For the first time, Clemens seems to be nervous. "What is taking so long?"

"Relax," I try to calm him down. "I'm sure they'll be here any sec-"

Nox falls out of the clouds and lands next to me. Only a few seconds later, Walter follows. 

As they get up, I look at the sky. Dark clouds are starting to form and within seconds, the blue turns into grey.

Suddenly, white lightning rips through the air and before we know it, everything is blue again.

"What the f*ck was that?" Parker asks.

"The world shut down again. We can't get out anymore."

We stand there in silence as we realize the situation we are in.

Either we'll die here once the Mayor and her army arrives or we succeed and delete the world.

"How long until the Mayor gets here?" I mumble. 

"She can't come, she got locked up. Didn't you hear the news?"

I look at Nox confused. "No? When? What happened? Who locked her up?"

"Yeah and why do you only tell us now?" Judy shouts.

Nox looks unimpressed. "I thought you knew. I'll tell you later, let's find those artefacts. Any ideas, Walter?"

She is obviously trying to distract us from someone and it seems to be working. At least with Walter.

"In the crystal ball we saw the jungle and waterfall. That's behind the cliffs so let's go!"

He starts marching down the bridge and one by one the others follow until Parker and I are the only ones left.

He shakes his head. "What is going on here?"

"I don't know but something is off. Do you trust Nox?"

We start walking slowly so that we stay out of hearing distance.

"Why? Because she didn't tell us about the arrest? I think we should worry about Walter if anyone. Don't you think it's weird that he didn't make a plan as to how we'll get out here? What if he secretly still works for Priscilla and lured us here to trap us?"

"I hadn't even considered that." And now I'm feeling paranoid.

Can I trust anyone at this point?

I do trust Judy blindly, may it be stupid or not. And Parker and I have gone through so much together, he would never betray me. But the other three…

Nox who goes on secret trips when everyone's asleep.

Walter who used to have connections to our enemy and acts too nice all the time.

And Clemens who barely talks but watches everything.

One of them has to be an imposter. I'm now convinced of that.

But who?

I have to find out.

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