Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 131 - The Deadliest Gameshow


"Why? Why should we choose you?" Parker asks and crosses his arms. "Why are you the one who deserves this?"

"It's not about deserving."

Nox steps in front of the tree and turns to us like she is about to give an enlightening speech.

"Friends," she says. I don't think she's ever called us friends before. This is the moment where the fascist lead we gets manipulative.

"We need to choose someone who can defend this place while the others are busy getting the artefacts. I'm with no doubts the best fighter."

She pulls out her gun to underline the statement.

"But wouldn't it be smarter to have the quote on quote best fighter fight for the artefacts?" Isabella asks.

"No. You went to the fortune teller, you said it yourself: We will have to face our biggest fears. You cannot prepare for that. Everyone is scared of something. None of us have a better chance of conquering, we are all equal. Therefore, the strongest has to stay in case we get attacked."

I look at the woman unsure.

Her reasoning is logical, yet I feel a lot of pressure trying to find the correct answer.

"Don't be selfish now. We all would rather stay here than experience the promised horrors but in the end we are a team. It's the team I have in mind when I volunteer to stay, not my own convenience."

She stands strongly but I can see something unfamiliar in Nox' eyes. Is she worried? Not partaking in the challenges really must mean a lot to her for a reason I yet need to discover.

"I think she is right," Isabella mumbles. "Show off hands, who votes for Nox to stay here and not compete in the challenges?"

She raises her hand, Nox and Walter do the same.

I still don't like this quickly made decision but don't have a better proposal so I lift my arm in agreement.

So does Judy.

The only one who doesn't vote, is Parker.

His hands are buried deeply in the pockets of his jacket and he shows no interest in pulling them out to partake in our little democracy.

"Parker. Don't be stupid," Nox urges him.

He shakes his head. "No, I don't want to be responsible for this decision."

"You never do," Nox hisses. Then she shakes off the anger. "It doesn't matter though, you are outnumbered anyway."

She turns to the tree.

"The group has voted and chosen me as the one who will stay."

It doesn't take long until the wind is back. A few of the leaves fall down and into the sparkling channels. They swim out of the temple.

"Strangers. A decision has been made. Let us hope it was the right one. The first artefact can only by retrieved by the hands of two men. Cast a vote and choose wisely."

The voice quiets down and we are alone again.

"Okay, we are three guys so there aren't that many combinations," Walter comments. He seems to be getting impatient.

"Three combinations to be exact. Which one do we choose?" I look at my male friends.

I'm convinced that I could work with both. Both have a certain intelligence and street smartness while I additionally glow with physical strength.

Parker crosses his arms. "You two do it. I'm not good with team stuff."

"Very well. Show off hands. Who is voting for Walter and me?"

There are no hesitations this time. Everyone raises a hand although Walter appears to be very intimidated.

I smile at him reassuringly but he doesn't even notice.

"Tree, we have decided. We choose Clemens and Walter who will retrieve the first artefact," Nox announces.

"Strangers. You have made a decision," the tree whispers.

"Clemens and Walter, go through the door and pray to return."

Walter looks at me unsure, ready to follow my lead so I strut over to the door between the pillars.

I have no idea what lies behind it but waiting won't change the likelihood of things. We can't prepare. We can't make a plan.

So let's hit it head first.

The door is heavy and I have to use my entire body weight to push it open.

Creaking fills the temple and the black behind it isn't very promising.

I walk through and wait for Walter before I close the door again.

"What now?" he asks.

"Let's wait."

We stand around for a good minute, listening to the other one breathe until our eyes start getting used to the dark.

I recognize the faint outlines of what I assume must be an altar with a big bowl standing on top of it.

"You go look," I pressure Walter, hoping that pushing him out of his comfort zone will make what's ahead easier.

He slowly walks over and carefully peeks into the bowl.



He jumps back at the sudden noise.

A blue flame arouses from the bowl and dips the room into strange light.

The fire wavers highly.

"Welcome to the first challenge. You have been chosen to compete. Walter."

Walter shivers next to me as he watches the hungry flame.


"You're a scared individual who hides for comfort. But who are you hiding from? The answer is, yourself."


"Your biggest fear is to be seen." Suddenly, the flame turns red and shoots into the air. Then it's blue again.

So these kind of fears? Not the typical spiders or death.



Let's see what they have to say about me.

"You are quiet yet always have something to say. But your eloquent ways are just a facade you hide behind. You're worried others might identify you as a fraud."

I want to protest but...

I can't.

"Your biggest fear also is to be seen."

I look at Walter and he looks at me. Who would have thought?

"The following challenge will force both of you to face your fears. Either you succeed and return more powerful than ever or you'll break and burn alive."

"Burn alive?" Walter shrieks.

"Strangers. Prepare for a game of Truth or Fall."

With that, the flame disappears and the whole room is black again.

Before I get a chance to discuss what was said with Walter, I feel how three metal wires wrap around my arms and neck. Then the floor beneath my feet disappears.

I look down and stare into red lava.

"Walter," I croak. The metal makes it hard for me to talk.

"Are you okay?"

"No. But-"

A loud fanfare interrupts him and within a second, a dozen spotlights turn on, blinding us with white lights.

"Welcome to Truth or Fall!"

A crowd is cheering and I look down.

20 feet beneath us is a stage and a giant audience. The people are cheering like crazy and applauding for the moderator, a faceless red imp.

The stage is to our left, Walter and I are dangling above the lava.

"Meet our candidates, Clemens and Walter!"

They cheer again, jumping up and down on their chairs and I look over to my friend. His face is filled with horror.

"How is it hanging up there?"

Everyone laughs as if the moderator just told the most hilarious joke. I do enjoy a pun or two myself but this one was rotten.

"Let's get to the rules! I will ask each of you questions. If you tell the truth, you get a point. But if you lie or refuse to answer, we will cut one of your wires. If only the wire around your neck is left, you might choke to death. If you're lucky, you don't. But lose the last wire, you will-"

The whole audience screams."FALL INTO THE LAVA!" Then they cheer again.

What nutcases.

"Clemens, you're up first! What's the first digit of Pi?"

Oh! Okay, I know that. "3."


But the crowd boos. They really want to see us dead.

"Walter. Who is the president of the USA?"

"Joe Biden."

"Also, correct!"

Walter looks relieved. If the questions continue like this, we'll easily make it out of here.

"Clemens. Is it true that you once started a cult where some of the members committed suicide because of the things you told them?"

"Oooh," the audience comments.

Holy shit. How could they know? That was like 10 years ago!



The audience cheers. "CUT THE WIRE! CUT THE WIRE!"

My right arm falls down and now swings freely.

I look at Walter, wanting to explain myself but he stares at me horrified.

"Walter! Is it true that you and your friends killed baby birds when you were little?"


"That's the truth!"


I know children are cruel but wow.

"Clemens. How many months have 28 days?"

"All of them."


"Walter. Is it true that you hacked into the computers of women to retrieve their nudes for personal pleasure?"

"Oh my f*cking God!" he screams. "What's wrong with you?"

"Wrong answer!" The imp laughs. And now Walter only has two wires left as well.

This is madness. I look at the lava beneath.

Even though we are already dead, I doubt we'd survive if we fell down. We'd go straight to hell.

"Clemens. Is it true that you think of Walter as a subpar human?"

I turn to my friend. All we've been through together.

I can't. I can't say yes.



The second wire gets cut and now my entire body weight is pulling me down.

I grab the wire around my throat, trying to losen it but instead it tightens.

It's not even about the oxygen, this thing is literally going to crush my larynx.

"CLEMENS!" Walter yells. "FIGHT!"

I try to pull myself up but won't be able to hold this pose forever.

I hear a faint voice inside my head.

"Warning. System is overheating. System will shut down in 10 seconds."

F*ck. That's really not good.

The crowd is having the time of their life as they cheer their lungs out.

"5 seconds."

Everything starts blacking out.. And before I know it, I'm gone.

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