Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 142 - I Cause Erections, Not Resurrections


It feels weird. It feels really weird.

My heart is racing, my palms are sweaty and I can't form a single clear thought.

I wish this was a result of the excitement I might feel, about to meet my date but instead it's a sign of pure panic.

It feels like I'm doing something wrong, Iike I am cheating know who.

what a stupid brain!

That's exactly the reason I came here in the first place. I have to finally get over her. It's ridiculous how I'm crying after someone I've only dated for a few months. She has left and yet she is controlling me.

"Would you like another one?" the bartender asks.

I shake my head and he takes the empty glass.

I'm already feeling a bit light headed and wobbly because of the anxiety, more alcohol really wouldn't be helpful right now.

"Waiting on someone?"

I nod but don't say anything because I'm really not in the mood for a conversation. But he doesn't care.

"You seem nervous. Scared he will stand you up?" 

"If it's a he, I'm out of here faster than I just emptied that glass."

He chuckles. "Should I help you kick him out then?"

God, what's up with bartenders and their chattiness? This guy is worse than my hairdresser. 

I saw her just two days ago at the salon and the entire 98 minutes she was babbling about her son and his startup. She asked me if I ever wanted to have children, a question I vividly remember answering at least 5 times already at previous appointments. 

Because I'm not replying to his question, the bartender moves on to the couple sitting next to me.

Honestly, it wasn't even my idea to do this. Brandy was the one who decided to set me up on a date and I almost would have said no for a number of reasons. One of them being that the people she is friends with tend to be…interesting. 

Not necessarily crazy or weird but… Well, you know Brandy. She is a bit special.

God, what am I doing here? Why did I agree to this?

I stare at the entrance of the restaurant, waiting for someone to step through. Maybe I can lock it with my nonexistent telepathic powers?

Let me try.


Somebody shrieks behind me and I almost fall off the stool. I turn around to see what happened.

People are staring at a small table. A woman is kneeling on the ground next to an unconscious man. 

A few of the other guests are walking over to see what happened.

She is shaking her husband's shoulders but he is not responding. 

"Somebody call an ambulance," a man shouts and one of the waiters hurries away to the nearest telephone.

Looking at the unconscious man, I feel something…strange.

Something is running through my blood, traveling down my arm and just like when Life had touched my shoulder, my arteries are tightening. 

Something inside of me is trying to escape.

What did she say? I can't create life but I can preserve it?

I get up from my chair and walk over to the group of altruists and bystanders.

"Sorry," I apologize as I make my way through the small crowd until I reach the couple and kneel down.

"What happened exactly?" 

The woman sobs. "I don't know! His eyes turned inwards and then he fell off the chair! Are you a doctor? Can you help?"

She sounds hopeful and I really wish I could say yes. 

Maybe he had a heart attack? Either way, the heart is the center of the body and she didn't describe him choking so I put my right palm over his chest. There is no heartbeat.

Either way, the energy in my arm finally gets to stream out and I feel my hand heating up. Luckily, whatever I'm transferring is not visible. To the others it's a normal human touch, as if I'm examining him while thinking about what to do.

After a few seconds, I can finally feel the heart beating and the pressure inside my veins abates.

Then the man starts moving. He slowly turns his head to the right before he opens his eyes.


The woman leans down to hug him and cry into his shirt.

I get up and step away a bit. The woman turns to me. "How did you do this?"

I shrug my shoulders innocently. "I didn't do anything. Let's hope the paramedics know more."

Some of the bystanders start walking back to their tables and I decide to do the same in order to not make myself even more suspicious.

But as I'm walking I notice that my knees are dirty. I must have kneeled into spilled coke or something. Ew. 

Let's go to the bathroom then. 

I make my way through the restaurant and push open the door labeled 'Ladies'. 

The sinks are right next to the entrance and with the help of water and paper towels I clean my legs. Whatever the substance is, it's brown and sticky. Yuck.

Okay, done. Now I have to get back quickly in case my date has arri-

I freeze when I look into the mirror and see the face smiling behind me.

If you can even call it a face. It's missing quite a lot of skin in order to pass at one.

"I didn't think we'd see each other again this soon," Death sneers. 

I instinctively take a step back while trying to keep my cool. "Me neither. What are you doing here? What if someone walks in?"

"I locked the door. Listen, missy. We have a problem."

Death walks over to the sinks and leans against them.

"What problem? The Mayor is dead, right? I thought this was over," I groan. "Please, I just want a normal life. I can't-"

"No, girl. You are the problem."

Death pokes one of their bone fingers into my chest.


"Yes, what the f*ck were you doing out there?"

Death comes closer until there are only a few inches left between us. I stare into the empty black holes that once carried eyes.

"I…I don't know. I tried to help because a man passed out. I somehow got him conscious again."

"Hah! No, you didn't 'get him conscious'."

Death tilts their head like they are about to bite off my nose.

I try to not show my fear but my legs are shaking.

"That man…he dropped down dead. You resurrected him."

"I what?"

Death nods. "Yes. Isabella Green just brought a dead guy back to life. Newsflash."

I shake my head. "No, that's not possible. Life said I can't create. You must be mistaken!"

"Mistaken?" Death lets out a short laugh. "Are you questioning my capabilities of doing my own job? Do you think I can't tell apart dead from unconscious?"

"No, I-"

"Listen, bitch." They grab my chin harshly. "Something is wrong here. You're not supposed to have this much power, you're messing with my work."

"I'll never do it again, I swear!"

Death is no longer grinning. They look mad.

"You say that now but I don't believe it. Power corrupts everyone. And what if one day a loved one dies in front of your eyes? Would you not save them?"

I don't know how to answer that truthfully but my silence seems to be clear enough for them.

"I don't have time to discuss this with you right now but know that I'm keeping both eyes on you. We'll talk soon."


The ringing of my phone interrupts us. 

I stare at my handbag.

"Go answer," Death hisses and I quickly open the purse to pull out my MePhone. 

It's Brandy calling.

"Sorry, I have to take-" 

But when I turn back around, Death is already gone.

Before I can start panicking, I answer the call.


"Isa? Where the hell are you? Tegan just texted me that you're not there?"

My date. Dammit. I had completely forgotten her for a second.

"I am, I'm on the f*cking toilet. Can't I get just one minute?"

I rummage through the purse and pull out my Tom Fjord lipstick.

"Are you okay?" Brandy asks quietly.

I never curse at her. 

"Yes, I'm just stressed. Okay? I'll be out in a second." I put on the dark red.

"Okay but don't be bitchy with her. She's a really sweet gi-"

"Yes! Jesus!" I throw the makeup back into my bag.

"Okay, Isa. Take a deep breath. It's just a harmless date. Talk a bit, have food and then see where it leads. Okay?"

I follow my best friend's advice and take a really deep breath. Sadly, it doesn't help much.

"I need some Valium."

"Okay but then don't have any alcohol."

I roll my eyes even though she can't see it. "Yes. Thanks mom. Okay, I'm off now."

"Good luck, babe."

I end the call, throw in a pill and then head out of the bathroom.

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