Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 143 - Break A Neck


When I walk back into the restaurant, everything is back to normal. The paramedics have already left, the couple is gone. The other guests are enjoying their meals and drinks. 

My eyes glide over the people until they stop at a very pretty young woman standing at the bar. 

She hasn't spotted me yet.

My heart starts beating faster and I take a deep breath, straighten my back and put on a smile before I walk over.

The bartender, who seems to be talking to my date, notices me first.

"Ah, there she is. I knew she hadn't left yet."

The woman turns to me, she looks relieved.

"Hi, I'm so sorry. I was using the bathroom and then a friend called, it was kind of important. I'm sorry you had to wait."

"It's alright, don't worry." A smile flashes over her slender, tanned face.

We hug awkwardly and I kiss her cheek.

"It's nice to meet you, Tegan. I'm Isabella."

"Nice to meet you too. Should we sit down?"

I nod and lead her to the table I had booked.

As she sits down, I use the time to study her face and figure.

Dark straight hair and even darker eyes. A body that would belong on the runway.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"26," she replies with a small smile on her lips and she grabs the menu.

I'm way too nervous to eat anything right now. But I can't be that person that only orders a salad.

Besides, I hate salad.

"To be honest, I really didn't think you'd actually be the woman from the pictures Brandy sent me."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why? Did you think she was tricking you?"

"Sort of. I really couldn't believe you'd be this…"

"Gorgeous?" I joke.

Tegan doesn't respond but her expression says enough. I can't help but blush.

"I'm pleasantly surprised as well. Brandy has tried several times to play cupid but her choices for me were usually…funny."

"Funny in what way?"

"Crazy personalities." I grin. "She once tried to set me up with a chain smoking dog groomer. Another time with a cult leader. You're not a cult leader, right?"

Tegan chuckles. "No. I'm not."

"Phew. Good."

A waitress comes up to our table. "May I take your order?"

Tegan and I exchange a glance. 

"We need another minute," my date says and the waitress leaves again.

Tegan rests her arms on the table and leans forward a bit.

"So, Isabella. Tell me more about yourself."


It's freezingly cold outside but her hand lies warmly in mine as we walk through the park together.

I really hadn't expected this date to go so well and I can't wait to thank Brandy for introducing me to this woman.

Only a few benches are taken; most New Yorkers don't enjoy being outside during the winter months.

My legs are shaking and I can't tell whether it's because of the temperatures or the nervousness.

"Should I call us an uber?" I ask.

Tegan's eyes widen nervously.

"Uhm…I don't think we should…that's a bit too…"

"Fast. I'm sorry."

God dammit, Isa! 

"No, don't apologize. I really like you but…"

I nod and make her stop. "You don't need to explain yourself. I like you too."

We look into each other's eyes for a little while and I watch as her anxiety abates.

"The subway is just around the corner. I think we need to take the same one."

"Let's go then before I turn into an ice cube."

We stroll out of the park and cross the street to get to the entrance.

The subway station is a lot more lively.

I never take the subway, I hate it. So many people, so many weird smells and curiously warmed up seats. But tonight I'll make an exception for Tegan who seems to be way more comfortable with public transportation.

We don't have to wait long for the train and manage to find two empty seats that don't require us to cuddle with the sweaty arms and legs of strangers.

I check what station I'll have to get off at, it's 8 stops away.

I feel a hand on my lap and look at Tegan.

"This was really nice," she says, smiling. And then she kisses me.

It's not a short, innocent kiss. It's deep and passionate and if I wasn't sitting right now, my legs would give in.

Tegan feels so good and I notice how horny I really am. 

I've been single for way too long, I need this.

But before I can get too wild to the point of no return, I pull back a bit and look into Tegan's beautiful eyes.

She smiles at me but then her eyes glide to something behind me and she frowns.

"What's wrong?" I ask. 

She sighs. "There's a woman staring at us. F*cking homophobes."

"Don't let that bother you. Who cares?"

But I do turn around to take a look at the person myself and…oh f*ck.

Judy stares right at me.

She looks shocked, angry and hurt all at once.

Come on, what are the odds? Why does the world want me to suffer?

"Sorry, let's just ignore her," Tegan says and tries to regain my attention.

"Yeah, you're right."

I'm about to turn back to my date, when Judy quickly gets up and walks over to one of the automatic doors.

She's about to get off, should I follow her? Explain the situation to her?

But what's there to explain? This girl got a new boyfriend months ago. She has no right to look at me like I'm doing something wrong.

Still, I feel like I need to apologize.








"Sorry, this is my stop," I lie and kiss Tegan's cheek before I get up.

"Get home safe. I'll call you." That might have been another lie but I hope it's not. 

"Okay, goodnight." Tegan waves after me as I jump out of the subway, right before the doors close behind me.

Judy's steps are fast and I try to catch up without being too fast. Tegan would see that.

The subway starts moving again and rushes out of the station. As soon as it'S gone, I start running.


A few people turn around but I ignore them. Just like Judy ignores me.

"Judy, wait!"

I catch up to her and grab her shoulder.

"Judy, please-"

"I'm in a hurry, I don't have time to talk."

"Oh, bullshit."

I step in front of her and hold both her arms so she can't escape.

Judy is fuming. "What?"

"Why are you angry?"

She grunts. "I'm not angry. What would I be angry about?"

"I don't know but you look angry."

"Well I'm not."

She shoves me to the side.


"This is really unfair," I pant, trying to follow her up the stairs in my heels.

"What's unfair?"

"That look you gave me on the subway. I didn't look at you and Michigan like that. Do you not want me to be happy?"

"Oh please! You're ripping on my boyfriend any time you can! What, do you think I'm jealous? I really don't care, okay? F*ck whoever you want. Do what you're best at."

Shocked, I'm at a loss for words. How can she say something like that?

"F*ck you!" I yell.

Judy turns around and throws her hands up into the air. "Yes, Isabella. F*ck me! Isn't that what you want?"

And then everything happens very quickly.

A man dressed in all black shoots down the stairs, another one chases him.

"Thief! Help!"

The robber needs to get past us but there's no time to dodge.

He elbows Judy out of the way. She stumbles and before I can grab her, she falls down the stairs, head first.


She hits the ground but keeps rolling down, I run after her.

On a small plateau, midway up the stairs, her body stops.

I fall down next to her and what I see rips me apart.

Blood is running down her neck and bones are visible through the skin.

Her neck is broken.

"No, no, no…"

Tears are streaming out of my face, I can barely see anything but manage to put her head onto my lap.


No response.

The thief has run past us but the man stops. He says something but I can't hear it.

My arms tighten and the veins clog with Life's power.

I put one hand on her neck, the other one I press against her cheek.

My tears fall down, mixing with the blood as the energy streams out of my palms.

Her skin heats up but nothing happens.


"Judy, please," I beg. "Please come back."

The man is shaking my shoulder but I ignore him and I continue talking to the girl.

"Judy, don't leave me. I love you. I love you so much. Please stay."

The power seems to be pulling all my energy with it and with every second that passes, my arms are feeling weaker. Then my torso. And my head.

"Judy," I sob. "Baby! Don't go!"

My ears fill with high-pitched buzzing and I feel like I'm about to pass out.

Before I lose consciousness, somebody kneels down in front of us.

I recognize Death, disguised as Nox.

"'I'll never do it again,' you said. How long did that last? 3 hours?"

Confused, I use what's left of my energy to look at Judy.

Her eyes have opened.. And then mine close.

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