Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 144 - Hell On Earth


After turning into a demon in front of my friends, arguing with Isa and pissing off Lynn, the week had started dimly. I had a talk with my girlfriend and was able to explain the situation.

Luckily Lynn is more mature than any of the other shits here and understood my perspective. We are now back to normal but the fight had created anxiety inside of me.

What if she had broken up with me? I could have lost her. 

For the first time in my life, I don't want someone to leave me. And I'll do whatever I can to keep this relationship going, although it feels like I don't deserve her. Stupid self-pity.

I know that sooner or later I'll screw up as I always do. And that'S what is creating the anxiety.

It is Wednesday night and I'm lying in bed, dozing. I can't sleep properly, too much is going on inside my head. And in addition to that, I'm constantly scared Michael and his friends might break into the room and do something with me without me being able to defend myself.

Michael practically moved out that night, I've only seen him twice since then, when he packed some clothes and picked up his laptop. But he still has a key.

They tied up Greg to the roof simply for not helping with a stupid paper. Who knows what they'd do to someone who beat them up?

Okay, I didn't really beat them up but it did get physical. But maybe I'm lucky and they are too scared to attack me in my sleep.

I had left the window open before going to bed and now the cold January wind is making my naked shoulders fizzle.

I pull my blanket up higher because I'm too lazy to get up and close the window. I might wake up tomorrow with the entire room covered in frost but who cares?

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, hoping that sleep will grace me soon.

"Parker," I hear a man whisper and I shoot up, sitting in my bed straight as a die.

I look around but there's no one here.

"Parker, are you awake?"

It sounds as if the voice is coming through the window, so I get up to look outside. Still, I can't see anyone.

I am greeted by the pebble ground and the dark pine trees in the distance.

"Are you awake?" the voice asks again.

"Who are you?" is my response.

I try to find any sign of life but can't even spot a bird.

"Get dressed and come to the lake."


The lake? This has to be one of Michael's dumb pranks. I'll go there and then they'll try to drown me or something.


That doesn't answer my question but the voice doesn't say anything else.

So, what now?

Should I dare? Or go back to sleep? Who would want me down at the lake?

If only the person didn't whisper so I could recognize the voice.

I sit on my bed for a while, debating my options. But in the end, curiosity wins. 

I put on pants, shoes, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt and my jacket.

Before I leave the room, I quickly grab a hat as well. Who knows how long it will take, I don't want my ears to freeze and fall off.

I'm about to unlock the door when I realize that the front door of the building is locked as well and I don't have a key for that.

This means… I look over to the window and groan.

It's not exactly made for people to fit through it but I have as much fat and muscles as a piece of leek so I might be able to worm my way to freedom.

I open the window completely and get onto the desk. 

I stick my arms and head through the hole and grab the window frame in order to push myself.

It surprisingly works well until I reach my ass and get stuck.

Oh no. 

This can't be happening.

I feel panic rising as I realize that if I get stuck, I'll have to hang here until someone finds me and gets help. And knowing the people on campus, they are 10 times more likely to take pictures and videos that end up online.

I start wriggling like a cat that is too fat to get through the flap. 

The window frame fights with the waistband of my pants which causes them to open and glide down my legs.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse…

The additional space of my missing pants is enough to let me slide out, I barely manage to not fall head first and instead jump onto my feet.

I swear, if anyone is watching this…

But all the windows are dark.

I pull up the jeans that are hanging around my ankles and close them. Once I'm dressed properly again, I start walking towards the woods.

If any staff catches me, I could actually get in trouble. 

Yes, I care about whether I get in trouble or not. Crazy, right?

Look, this is my third attempt with college. I already was dead serious the last time but had to take a break because of something I had no control over. This time around, nothing can go wrong. 

I'll go to my classes, write all the papers and then in a few years I'll graduate and get a job. That is all I want right now. Normality. I need normality to feel normal.

"Parker." The voice is back, whispering through the wind.

I follow it, trying to figure out what kind of device could create such an effect.

Speakers? No, it's way too quiet and would have to get louder the closer I'm getting. Or maybe I'm dreaming right now? Sleepwalking? Hallucinating?

The trees are towering far above my head and the ground gets uneven. The lake is only a minute or two away.

Now let's think about it, who could be waiting for me?

First I eliminate all females in my life. The voice was clearly male and didn't sound like a recording.

Greg it won't be. He's too nice to trick anyone and also too much of a loner. He is pretty much a friendlier version of me.

Michael and his hellhounds? Maybe. I don't trust them as far as I can throw them. They are nutcases and I'm not avoiding them for no reason.

Who else? Walter? Clemens?

This seems a bit more likely, I'm used to experiencing weird shit with them and Walter might be the only person who knows how to build a device that can let his voice travel through an entire forest, directly to my window.

But I don't even know where either of them are. After Heaven our ways split. They wanted to start over. Why would they get back into the drama?

If we take out my dad and Alex, these are all the men I talk to. 

So who could…?

The question answers itself when I step through the last few trees and arrive at the meadow in front of the lake.

Stan is standing in front of the water, his arms folded in the back. 

"Parker! What a joy to see you!"

I stop in my tracks and stare at him. "What are you doing here? This isn't Hell."

"I know, I know. But you need my help and I owe it to you to be by your side."


"Thanks, dad," I joke. "But I don't need your help."

Stan seems confused by the first half of the comment but shakes it off.

"Really? What happened last weekend? Your powers took over you and you were unable to control them. People saw you. Do you realize how dangerous that is?"

Dammit, how did he find out about that? Does he have a sixth sense or something?

"For that reason, to protect you and me and Hell, I will train you so you know how to use your powers. Even though you really shouldn't make use of them at all. Go stand there."

He points to a spot in the grass and I walk over.

"First, I will teach you how to evoke and restrain your powers."

"Before we do that, what are my powers exactly?"

Stan shrugs. "I don't know. Apparently you get inhumanely strong but maybe there is more. Only time will tell. Okay, so-"

"Wait." I interrupt him again and Stan starts looking annoyed.


I clear my throat. "I've been wondering…I've had these powers forever, right? Could it be that they somehow…messed with…I mean, influenced my…personality?"

Stan thinks for a second.

"Are you asking me if my powers are the reason you're suffering from depression?"

The words hit me unexpectedly and I don't know how to respond.

"My powers have no influence on you unless you use them. Does that answer your question?"

I nod.

"Good.. Let's start then."

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