Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 32 - I Want You To Live


Austin. The city I had always despised the most.

Back in highschool everyone in my town had dreamed of moving to Austin, experiencing metropolitan life in one of the biggest cities of America. And for that exact reason I had never wanted to live here.

But now looking back at those sour thoughts I realize that the problem wasn't Austin itself but instead my insatiable ego, always needing to stand out, hating everything mainstream. And in the end that is what made me be like everyone else.

Everyone wants to be 'different' and therefore we are all the same, no matter if we live in Austin or any other place on Earth.

I was surprised Isabella didn't take any clothes with her, considering she would need to spend at least one night before she could fly back. Right now she is only carrying her baby blue handbag and judging from what I saw earlier it doesn't hold much besides her wallet, a charger and a pair of sunglasses, which she is now wearing on her head.

Despite this sparse equipment, Isabella doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all. She almost seems hesitant walking towards the exit of the airport, as if she is worried of what comes next

'Hurry up, we might miss the bus.'

Of course she doesn't respond, considering the masses of people flowing in and out of the building. Her hand is clenching the strap of her handbag and I can feel her taking a deep breath.

Finally she steps out of the glass door and into the rain.

Cabs are lining up right outside the terminal and the digital display at the bus stop is showing that the next one is going to arrive in two minutes.

But instead of making her way over there, Isabella starts walking in the opposite direction, trying to find a quiet spot until she decides to hide behind one of the bushes decorating the neutral grey facade.

'Okay, we need to take the bus and get off at St. David's Medical Center. From there I should be able to navigate us to my room. Ready?'

But against my expectations, Isabella shakes her head.



This is exactly the plan we had talked about so I'm even more surprised now as she pulls out her phone.

"I'm going to call the Afterlife Help Center now and tell them you're stuck inside a defective body. I bet they will get you to their IT department in no time and fix the problem."

I can see her opening the Afterlife app, scrolling to find the phone number.

'What are you talking about? If you inform them, they will get rid of you and delete your memory! Are you crazy?'

She sighs and rubs her forehead.

"Look Parker, of course I can drive you to your hospital but we both know that nothing is going to happen. You'll still be stuck in a coma. The only way for you to get out and back on your own feet is if I report the incident."

'No missy, you could also tell Afterlife how those psychos tried to kill you for their stupid machine and get them fired! I bet we would both get our bodies back!"

Isabella shakes her head. She stares at her phone.

"I spoke to the middleman yesterday and I saw him on the plane earlier, he followed us. If we make the information public, he might break into the hospital and take you off the machines!"


"Look, we cannot both make it out alive. So let's save you at least."

She dials the number and holds the phone up to her ear.

'Dude, stop! You don't know what you're doing!"

But no matter what I say, the woman doesn't listen.

After a few seconds, someone picks up.

"Hey hun, you done reached the Help Center of Afterlife Ltd. You talking to Shanice, who dis?"

Shanice. I remember her. She was the one who picked up when I called after accidentally buying Isabella. That seems like it happened 20 years ago but hardly two weeks have passed.

Isabella takes a deep breath before putting on a scared voice.

"You have to help me! I got stuck inside a body I bought and can't get out again!"

"Did ya try to unequip?"

"Yes, it's not working!"

"Did ya check out our FAQ and follow the steps to-"


"Okay sweetie, calm down. You'll be transferred to our headquarters asap and we'll fix it. Okay?"

"Please. Thank you."

"Alright love, I'm reporting your problem right this second. This will take a minute but don't be scared, we've got you."

The call ends and Isabella puts her phone back into her pocket.

She fixes her hair.

I don't know what to say.

This woman just sacrificed her life for mine. And I couldn't stop her.

"There goes the bus." Isabella chuckles as she watches the bus open its doors to welcome new passengers. But I can hear that she is crying.

'You shouldn't have done this.'

"It was the only option. You deserve to live. It's okay."

'But what about you? What about your family? And Judy?'

She quickly wipes away a tear. "You still have a future, Parker. Use it well, okay? Oh look, it's happening."

As she is saying that I notice how the colors and noises around us start fading out.

Isabella looks down at a puddle that has formed next to her feet, her face reflecting in the water.

She is smiling at me.

And then everything goes black.

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