Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 38 - Fake Friends & Real Enemies


I've never eaten on a roof terrace before and now I'm wondering why. 

The Adolfo seems to be a small Italian restaurant, offering traditional cuisine with a modern twist. Or at least that's what the front of the menu says. 

Lamps and lanterns are shining their light onto the wooden tables and there are flowers everywhere. Green ivy is covering the brick walls and slithering its way into the night sky. 

Somewhere soft music is playing, underlining the quiet chatter and adding to the romantic atmosphere.

This might be my new favorite place. 

"Honestly, I wasn't sure if you'd get the job. Not because you're not good enough or lacking talent but Beatrice can be a bit tough. I'm sure you've noticed."

I look up from the menu and into Isabella's pretty face. "Oh, I have. She is intimidating! I thought you're already a boss bitch but that are you guys friends?"

She chuckles. "When you're a socialite, friend is a very loose term. Watch this."

Isabella looks around, then she raises her arm to wave at someone. "Oh my god, Benny!"

A few seconds later, a man is standing next to our table, smiling brighter than the lamps lighting up the open-air restaurant.

"Well, hello! Who do we have here? I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?"

"Oh, I'm doing wonderful, thank you!" Isabella smiles brightly. "This is Judy, my partner. Judy, this is Benny, a friend of mine."

She winks at me.

"He is actually one of the owners of this restaurant. We made some video ads for them."

"And they were a-ma-zing! Isabella is fabulous! You won't find a more talented marketing genius, even if you tried."

"Oh please, you'll make me blush!" But it's obvious that she loves hearing it.

Benny sighs. "Anyway, I gotta get back to work. You two have a wonderful evening, I'll send over some free desserts." 

He smiles at Isa and me, then he walks away. 

Once Benny is out of earshot, Isa leans forward.

"See what I mean? We didn't hug, not even a kiss on the cheek. I bet he doesn't even know about my accident. Still we call each other 'friends'. It's all about connections, you do someone a favor in hopes of them returning it."

"That's pathetic."

I've always taken words like 'friend', 'love' and 'hate' very seriously. I couldn't imagine myself ever faking something like that.

She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe, but it's part of the etiquette. At least I got us some free dessert. Now where is the waiter?"

Isa looks around impatiently but then her eyes widen. Her face goes white.

"Isa? Everything okay?"

After a few seconds, she turns around to me.

"Yes. I just thought I saw someone."

My heart starts beating faster.

"Who? Jasper?"

"No. The guy from...I have to use the toilet. Can you order for us both? Just pick anything, I trust your taste." 

"Sure." I look at her doubtfully.

"Don't worry, it was just a hallucination." She smiles at me sweetly and gets up to find the bathroom. I watch her walk away in the long-legged cream colored jumpsuit and feel how the edges of my mouth keep rising. 

What a perfect day. 

First I signed the contract for the job of my dreams. And now I'm having a romantic dinner with my beautiful girlfriend. 

Life seems to be extra nice to me right now. 

"May I take your- Oh. Hi."

I look up at the waiter and immediately my smile disappears. 

The brown hair and edgy face are familiar to me. 

It's one of my new coworkers.

I had introduced myself earlier but for some reason he hadn't been as welcoming as the others. Instead he kept side-eyeing me and making weird faces whenever I had something to say.

What is he doing here? 

"Oh hey, long time no see."

Michigan raises his thick eyebrows, then he clears his throat. 

"I work here. Part-time."



He grabs his pen. 

"What can I get you?" 

I return my attention to the menu. 

"One large coke, a raspberry ice tea. And then could I please have the gnocchi and…" 

Dammit, Isa. Why did you make me choose for you?

"The pasta Adolfo. Is that a good choice?" 

"If you like pasta, I guess."

Very helpful. 

Michigan takes the menus but instead of leaving again, he stares at me. 

"So, I heard Bea offered you the feature."

Do we really have to make conversation right now?

"Well, she wants to see me perform first. But it's a really big chance, I think."

Michigan nods. His grey eyes are narrowed. 

"It is. And I find it a bit…funny that someone who has never performed at the club already has a bigger chance than some of us who have been working our asses off for years."

Oh god, so that is where the bad blood is coming from. I bite my lip. 

"I get that. But it was Beatrice's decision, not mine. And besides, it's not clear yet that I will get the feature. Anything can happen."

He snorts. "Right."

I just roll my eyes and look away. Luckily, I spot Isabella, caught up in another conversation. She smiles at me and I put as much pleading into my eyes as possible.

'Come save me'. I hope she can read that.

"Oh. My. God."

Now Michigan is staring at her as well. 

"I know that woman. Bea has been talking about her non-stop. She was on the news because she disappeared from the hospital. That's her, right? Are you guys friends?"

"We're dating."

Michigan's eyes almost fall out.

"No. F*cking. Way! You have to introduce me to her!"

I want to tell him to get lost but Isa has already started walking over to us.

He pretty much jumps at her and grabs her hand. 

"Ms. Green, my name is Michigan Lake. It's so nice meeting you!"

Isabella seems taken aback but smiles politely, shaking his hand.

"Do we know each other?"

"Not yet. I'm Judy's coworker. I've heard about your accident, I hope you're okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

She sits down, probably hoping Michigan will take the hint and leave us alone but he doesn't. Isa flashes me a questioning look but I just shrug my shoulders.

I have no idea what he is trying to do either.

"I know that you are a very successful business woman, your story is really admirable. Could I maybe ask you a bit of a personal question?"

Isabella raises her eyebrows but continues smiling.

"If that means that we'll get our food, sure. Go ahead." She laughs and I wonder how she can stay calm in this situation. I wish she would just send him away.

Michigan leans down a bit and clears his throat. His voice is low.

"How do you find the strength to live openly as a lesbian in this industry? Do you ever get discriminated? Because I can imagine that-"

"Oh my god, shut up!" I stare into his face.

"Leave us alone, okay? That's none of your business!"

Isabella looks at me surprised. "Hey, it's fine." She takes my hand calmly. 

"Though very personal, it is a fair question."

She turns to Michigan as I just stare at her in disbelief.

Then she smiles. " I like separating my work from my private life."

Michigan's eyes widen. "Oh, I see. Well, it's nobody's business anyway."

"Exactly." She tucks some hair behind her ear. "Could we please get something to eat now?"


I take back what I said. The free dessert made all the brownnosing worth it. 

I close my eyes happily and sigh.

"Can we eat here like every day?"

Isa laughs. "That is going to be quite expensive. And I'd also rather not get pestered by your new friend on a daily basis."

"He is not my friend. I think he hates me."

"He doesn't know you."

And with that attitude he probably never will get to know me. I still don't understand why he was acting so diffident. (Oh, that's a new word right there.) And what was up with that question?

Isa and I have never talked about that topic before. And only by listening to their conversation I already felt like I was invading her privacy.

But then again, I do want to know so I look at her as she is focused on her plate.

"So...did you tell the truth earlier? You haven't come out yet?"

She shrugs her shoulders. "It's not about coming out, really. I have never hidden my relationships. But I don't discuss the topic either. I just do what I want, you know? I guess I can't come out because I've never been in the closet to begin with."

"So you've never questioned your feelings?"

She shakes her head. "No."

"So what do you identify as?"

Now she looks up at me. Our eyes meet. Then she grins

"A lesbian. What about you?"


I look down at my plate. 

"Honestly, I don't know. I haven't found the right term yet. Basically, I've only ever fallen in love with women. But that doesn't mean that I only like women. You know?"

Isa puts her hand on the table, asking me to take it. And so I do.

"You don't need to label yourself. Just go with your heart. And as long as I'm the only one you like, I couldn't care less." She winks at me and I can feel my heart flutter.

I'm still getting nervous like it's day one. That must be a good thing.

I look down at our hands.

"I f*cking love you."

She chuckles. 

"I f*cking love you too."

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