Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 40 - One Slice Of Homophobia, Please


I definitely had not expected Judy to wake up fine and dandy this morning. But when I got up at around 9, still completely exhausted from what I had to deal with last night, she had already made coffee and was following a talk show on TV.

I couldn't believe it.

A few weeks ago she was knocked out after just one drink but now Judy was life itself, not showing any traces of the vodka escapades. 

Or the fact she had rammed a child into the hospital.

At around noon I had my final session with Jeremy and after successfully digging for tears I thought I had hidden for no one to ever find, he smiled at me, put down his notebook and told me what I had prayed to hear.

"Based on our work together, I don't think there is any reason for you to not go back to work. But I appeal to you to take it slow and should you start experiencing any anxiety again, don't hesitate to contact me or another professional."

I felt a weight lift from my heart and almost started crying again. Finally, I could go back to work.

My old life was within my reach and all I had to do was grab it.

This heaven-like elation hasn't left me yet and I still feel like I am walking on cloud nine. 

Sitting together on the couch, watching TV, I wrap my arms around Judy and pull her closer to plant a kiss on her cheek.

She raises her eyebrows. "You're not mad anymore? I thought you were going to kill me yesterday."

"Oh, I was so close. I had to hold myself back." I smile at the girl and stroke her hair.

She starts playing with the drawstrings of my hoodie. "Thank you for sparing me." And then a kiss.

Judy grins.

"I'm sober now. So maybe we continue where we left off last night?"

I can't help but chuckle. She'll never stop trying.

"Couch sex instead of car sex?"


I sigh. "Not right now, baby. I-"

But the doorbell interrupts me by playing Smetana's 'The Moldau'. 

When moving in, I had no say in the choice of melody and at first I was eager to get it changed but overtime I've gotten used to the majestic tune. It's a joy every time I get to hear it.

But now it sends a shiver down my spine

"But the concierge didn't call? He shouldn't let anyone through without my permission."

I get up from the couch.

Judy laughs. "The fact your apartment block has a receptionist says everything." 

"It's not a receptionist, how often do I have to tell you?"

I walk over to the door as my heart starts beating faster. 

"Wow, why so prickly?"

I roll my eyes, disappointed in Judy's lacking ability to understand the situation. 

"Last time someone sneaked by the concierge, I almost got strangled. And since Jasper is still a free man…"

I push away the brass cover of the spyhole and lean forward to look through.

I immediately recognize the two figures.

Oh no. 

Way worse than Jasper.

I swirl around to Judy and hiss: "Quick, you gotta change! Put on something nice!"

She looks confused. "What? Who is it?"

"Go!" I shoo her away and finally Judy gets up and walks over to the bedroom but not without shaking her head.

I look down at myself. An old hoodie and pink sweatpants. Not ideal. But there's no time for me to change too so I just take a deep breath and unlock the door.

I swing it open and put on a surprised expression.

"Mom, dad, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you're funny." My mom wastes no time and grabs my hands. "We haven't seen you know. Your 'accident'. Where were you? And why didn't you contact us? We were worried sick!"

"I needed a break. I was…" I shrug my shoulders. Now, how do I explain this?

"It was too much." 

"That's not an explanation, Isabella!" My mom's voice is loud. Loud enough for everyone in New York City to hear her. 

"You disappeared! From the hospital! We thought you were dead!"


"No! I'm not done yet! First you disappear and then, when you're back all of a sudden, you don't even contact us? The only thing we get is a text? What were you thinking?"

I can feel how my hands start shaking and try to take a deep breath.

"Mom, everything that happened was too much for me, okay? I needed to settle in first before I talk with you about what happened. But can we please go inside and not discuss everything in the hallway?"

Without a response my mom pushes me aside and struts through the door. 

I stumble but my father grabs me. I look at him.

"Dad, I'm so-"

"I know. It's okay. I'm just glad you are safe." He smiles down at me and pats my shoulder.

"Let's go inside as well, your mom brought cake."

Cake. Yeah, that's typical.

She is mad at me but not mad enough to turn up at my door without food.

Back in the flat, I immediately spot Judy peeking through the bedroom door, her eyes widen as she watches my mom clean things that don't need to be cleaned. 

"This place is a mess! What filth!"

She walks into the open kitchen and opens my dishwasher to put all the dirty plates inside.

"Mom, I had lunch a few hours ago and got distracted. It's not that bad."

"Lunch? This much stuff for one person? Are you eating for two?"

She shakes her head and huffs. 

Well. Now or never.

"Actually, I want you to meet someone."

I wave Judy over. Reluctantly, she leaves her hiding spot.

"This is Judy."

Before she can say anything, my mom huffs again.

"So you've got a friend over but seeing your parents is too much?"


I grab Judy's hand.

"She is my girlfriend."

My mom freezes. "Oh."

I look over at my dad but he shows no reaction.

"Since when do you have a...girlfriend?"

"We met about a month ago."

Judy extends her arm and smiles. "It's a pleasure to meet you." 

My mom shakes her hand but not because it's a pleasure to her as well. It's simply a side effect of living in the public's eye for almost half a century. 

When you see a hand, you shake it.

My dad steps forward. He smiles politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you too. I am Gustav."

Mom watches the scene with raised eyebrows, then she waves me over.

"Isabella, make some coffee. I brought cake. I hope you still like Red Velvet or is that something that has changed as well?"

I roll my eyes at the snarky comment but walk over to her to turn on the coffee machine. 

Once it starts humming, my mom leans over to hiss into my ear.

"You can't be serious. How old is that girl? You could be her mother! That is disgusting."

I say nothing. And can you blame me? 

My dad and Judy on the other hand are having a friendly conversation. My mom is not happy about that and sends death stares over to my dad but he simply ignores her.

I pour the hot liquid into porcelain cups and carry them over to the coffee table. When Judy sits down next to my dad, I quickly take the seat on her other side, making sure she is out of reach for my mom. 

"The cake looks great, mom."

"Thank you," she says coldly and folds her napkin.

As we start eating, an unpleasant silence develops. Judy is uncomfortable. My mom is mad. And I'm stuck in the middle.

I look at my dad with pleading eyes and he winks.

"Florence, Judy told me that she works as a singer. Isn't that lovely?"

My mom looks at her. "Why? Weren't you able to find a real job?"


"Maybe because you don't have any credentials yet because you are still a child?"

Judy looks puzzled. 

"Ma'am, I'm 21."

"21. Oh my god." My mom focuses on her cake again and I feel tempted to ram my fork into her leg. 

Where did her manners go? Where is that etiquette she has been preaching since the day I was born?

"So you are paying rent, am I correct?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "No, she is not."

Judy shrugs her shoulders. "I could. Now that I've got a job, that wouldn't be a problem."

I look at her shocked. "What? No, you're absolutely not going to 'pay me rent'!"

"Why? She lives here and eats your food. Financial contribution is the least she can do."

"I don't need her money."

My room rolls her eyes. "My God, Isabella. Don't play dumb, this is why people keep taking advantage of you."

I just stare at her in disbelief. Then at my dad. He seems to have already withdrawn from the conversation, a sign that he does not want to get involved. Typical.

"Isa, really. It wouldn't be a problem. I can-"

"No, shut up." I glare at Judy. "And you two…" Then I get up. "Leave. Seriously. This is why I didn't contact you, because there is always drama. Mom, for the millionth time. I'm an adult. I'm almost 40. Stop micromanaging my life, okay?"

My mom doesn't look at me. She slowly dabs the corners of her mouth with the napkin and gets up from her chair.

"Come on, Gustav. It's time to leave. We are clearly not wanted here."

"Florence…" But she ignores him and struts over to the door.

"Give me one minute."

Dad grabs my hand and lowers his voice.

"We still haven't talked about the accident. Do you know who did it? I will get you a lawyer and-"

"Jasper. I saw him."

He shakes his head in disbelief. "And you didn't go to the police yet?"


"But why?"

I shrug. "I don't know, I just…"

"It's okay. We'll do all of that together. He has to pay for what he did to you. Do you hear me?"

I can feel warmth spreading out inside me. I smile weakly. "Okay."

He nods. Then he quickly puts a kiss on my forehead.

"Gustav, I'm waiting."

"I know. I'm coming."

He looks at me one last time and then walks over to my mom, waiting at the door.

She ignores me and flicks her hair. Then they are gone.

Immediately, Judy pulls me into a hug and with a shaking breath I take in her calm scent.

"It's okay. She doesn't have to like me. You're the only one that matters. I love you."

And for the second time today, I start crying.

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