Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 65 - It's My Party And I Die If I Want To


And now here we are.??

A party in honor of me and my life. Hooray.

Back on my birthday when Judy and I had discussed throwing a party, I had really considered it. But now after everything that has happened - you know, being kidnapped and learning that Satan was real and planning to take over the world - surprisingly, a party is no longer my priority.

Especially not a party I would have to invite Jasper to. Or the friends I haven't talked to yet since my return from the "vacation".

I'm really not ready to answer any dumb questions from people who feed off of drama.??

But sometimes saving the world means socializing and having a bit of fun. Or at least faking it.

Nox had demanded for me to throw the party at a public space for my own security (not because she cared about me as a person but because I'm a tool in her master plan against Lucifer) so I had booked the Camella.

Beatrice was happy about my request, despite the short notice and gave me a good price for the entire club. Bless her heart.??

When it was time for me to get teleported back to New York, I had thought that I would go alone. But apparently it was crucial for Judy to join me to keep up the happy couple facade.

"The less suspicion, the better," were Nox' exact words, completely dismissing the fact that hardly any of my friends knew about Judy.

I mean I guess they do know after seeing the news article but I had never introduced her to anyone, wanting to keep our relationship private. Not because I was ashamed of the girl, God no, but this way I saved us from curious questions and people trying to squeeze themselves into our lives.??

"Here comes the birthday girl!"??

Beatrice walks towards me with open arms and a wide smile on her lips. I'm not used to such enthusiasm from this usually cold woman and feel how despite being extremely uncomfortable in this moment, a smile creeps onto my lips.

"You two look stunning! Isa, what brand is that? Versuce?"

I chuckle nervously. "No, it's not designer."

Beatrice turns to Judy. "Did you prepare a set for tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course."

Judy smiles and I look at her confused. But she ignores it.??

"Great! You guys can go settle down and look around, I'll have to handle a few more things in my office. See you later!"

Beatrice waves and then struts away.

Once she is gone, I turn to Judy. "What set? We'll be back in Peru by tomorrow, you know that!"

"You will, not me."

She looks at a plate with prepared champagne glasses and grabs one.

"What are you trying to say?"??

"I have talked to Nox and Clemens and they have agreed to let me back to New York if I'm willing to let them spy on me."

She empties her glass.??

"Spy on you?"

"Yeah, you know. Cameras in my home, access to my social media and emails, recording everything I'm saying to make sure I don't spoil the secret or endanger the mission."

I look at her in disbelief. Why would she agree to that? Why would she make such a stupid deal???

But I don't feel like asking.

Judy is an adult and if she is fine with being treated like a Jew in the 1930s, then please, let her enjoy it.

"So who did you end up inviting? Apart from Jasper?"

"Just a bunch of friends."


Judy nods.

"But we won't have to act like a couple, right?"

I sigh. "You ignore me, I ignore you and we will be fine. As long as we don't talk badly about each other, nobody will suspect anything."

"Why would I talk badly about y-"

"I'd like to take off my coat now."

I raise my hand to signal her to stop talking. A rude gesture I usually try to avoid but tonight I'm not up for any chatting.??

Then I turn away.??


The party is now at its peak but Jasper still hasn't made his appearance yet.??

What if he won't come? What if he knew it's a trap???

Nox had threatened to shoot Judy should the plan fail and although I don't really believe her, I'm still worried. We didn't think this through enough.??

Jasper is dumb but not stupid. Why would he risk hanging out with me when he is carrying a literal artefact?

"OMG Isaaa!"

A drunk girl falls into my arms, interrupting my spiraling thoughts and once she turns around, I identify her as my cousin Laura.??

She is the type of woman who is always center of the party and never misses any celebration. Usually I get a bit annoyed by her behavior but maybe that's exactly what I need tonight.??

"This party is so fetch! OMG, you look stu-hu-ning, green really is your color!"

I smile at her politely but don't know what else to say except for "thank you".

"I really thought you'd throw such a huge party for your 40th, but girl, I love it! Or..." She stops. Her eyes widen.??

"Did you turn 40? Am I in the wrong year? OMG!"

"No, not yet," I laugh. "Next year."

Laura ignores my words and grabs my hands.

"Come on, let's dance! I love this song!"

She pulls me away from the bar, my safe zone.??

"No, I don't want to-"

"Shut up! You're dancing with me!"

So I give in.

Whatever, a few minutes of some dancing and having fun won't kill me. I don't remember the last time I danced at a club.

Maybe I'm getting too old for this?

God, have I become boring? Am I two steps away from playing bingo and wearing fake teeth???

I do wake up with back pains from time to time and my memory isn't the greatest anymore either.??

My younger cousin definitely knows how to move her body and I'm aware that I must be looking like the biggest fool next to her. I don't even know what music genre this is supposed to be.??

But I try to not worry about that.??

It's my birthday, dammit!

The music is loud and pumping it's bass relentlessly so thankfully I'm safe from anymore awkward conversation.

My eyes wander and I spot Judy on the other side of the room, talking to a few of my friends.

She is laughing, they seem to get along well. I bet she would have fit great into my friend group.??

Again, whatever! I don't care.

I don't care!??

After another unfamiliar song I leave the overcrowded dance floor. Laura doesn't seem to notice, she is way too focused on her boyfriend anyway.

Jasper obviously isn't coming so maybe I should just get drunk and forget where I am. Seems like the best idea.??

"One double shot."

The bar keeper nods and I sit down on one of the uncomfortable stools.

A few shots. Seems like a good idea.

"No white wine?"

I flinch and shoot around to somebody sitting next to me.

Oh boy.

Jasper grins and scans me with his cheeky eyes while taking a sip from his Scotch.

"I didn't think you would come."

He raises an eyebrow.??

"Why? You invited me, didn't you? I just got stuck in traffic. Fucking Manhattan."

Suddenly I ache for Judy's support and look around but she is nowhere to be seen.

"Happy birthday, bunny. You look no day over 33."

He puts a hand on my leg and every hair on my body tells me to remove it but instead I just smile through the pain.

"That's sweet of you but I'm not ashamed of my age."

"I know, you're so confident. You always know what you want."

He bites his lip and I feel the disgust boiling inside of me.

How did this man, out of all people on this planet, end up making a deal with Satan? Just how?

And why did I decide to sleep with this guy? I'm really not proud of that.??

"Baby, you have to understand why I'm so surprised about your invitation. Last time we had seen each other, you had made it clear that I was to stay away from you." Jasper winks and takes another sip.??

"Yes but..."

I make sure he doesn't notice the deep breath I'm taking.

Now or never.??

"Come with me."

I get up from my chair and take his hand. Jasper looks surprised.??

"You do know that I won't follow you into any empty rooms, right? Because last time..."

He raises his well-shaped eyebrows with a smile.

"I know," I whisper into his ear.??

He gets up with a grin and I slowly lead him over to the stairs, hoping nobody is looking at us.

My eyes wander over to where Judy was standing earlier. She stares right back at me and nods. She will make sure nothing unplanned happens.??

Okay, let's get this over with.??

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