Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 66 - Good Cop, Bad Cop


The second level of the club is a dimly lit gallery that leads around the dance floor down below.

There are few people here, all of them sitting on comfortable sofas and talking with overpriced drinks in their hands.

We walk over white marble flooring and I hear my stilettos echoing, despite the loud music.

With Jasper next to me, I find a quiet spot behind some green plants and we sit down.

Immediately, he puts his arm around my naked shoulders and pulls me closer.

The heat of his body makes me shiver.

"So? The answer to my question?"

Right. The answer to why I invited him. He has every reason to be suspicious but obviously, I can't tell him the truth. And as much as I don't want to push him in this direction, it is my only option at this point.

I smile seductively and slowly lean over to purr into his ear.

"This might sound crazy but I just can't stop thinking about you. I know you hurt me and I hurt you but for some reason that really turns me on. The way we hate each other is so sexy."

Jasper looks at me surprised and if I'm not mistaken, he is blushing. But he definitely likes what he is hearing.

"Really, bunny? So you like it rough?"


"Maybe I do. Should we find out, dear enemy?"

Maybe it's the light in here or maybe Jasper's eyes are just darkening with lust but the black I'm now staring into makes me shudder.

Before he can say anything or I can change my mind, I press my mouth onto his which he responds to by immediately pushing his tongue forward.

After only a few seconds, I can tell that this is not the place where he is hiding the crystal. What a pity.

Maybe under his shirt?

I lasciviously unbutton it halfway, inch by inch, and glide my hand underneath it. Jasper chuckles and grabs my ass. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

I explore his clean shaven chest with stroking motions but no necklace.

Please don't tell me he left the crystal at home and I'm doing all this for nothing.

Because it is definitely not enjoyable.

After kissing only women for years I am spoiled by their abilities and now making out with a guy, I wonder how I ever voluntarily had a sexual relationship with one. The wild tongue, the teeth, the saliva. Everything is uncoordinated and sticky.

Although, it does remind me of the good times we used to have. Maybe his kissing abilities aren't grand but it was decent sex, let's be honest here. Being admired by someone has always felt good and this man did give me all he had to give, even too much at times.

If he just wasn't such a psychopath...

The DJ puts on a new tune, a louder one with lots of bass and feeling how Jasper's hands start moving upwards, I know that this is my only chance. If I wait too long, the right moment will pass.

Distracting him with my hungry mouth, I quickly pull the small pill I've been hiding out of my bra.

Okay, so far so good. I'll have to find the glass now.

Pretty much blind, because my face is buried in his, my free arm feels its way around the glass table next to us.

At the same time, Jasper moves onto my neck and starts sucking on the skin a bit too harshly.

I hope that my hair is blocking his vision. I fake a moan as I finally find his scotch glass and let the pill fall into it.

How long will it take to dissolve? Because I really can't take any more.

That's when Jasper suddenly pulls back and looks into my face.

"Did you just..."

My heart stops. My stomach drops.

No. Please no.

"Did you just moan? Is this turning you on, you slut?"

I cringe. Belittling nicknames - not a kink I'm into.

I've never understood how some can enjoy being called a slut. I mean to each their own but I personally prefer mutual respect.

Either way, I've been playing the bad girl so I have to continue.

"You're making me so wet, baby," I whisper into his hair and as I continue stroking his skin.

"Oh yeah? And you like how everyone is watching?"

Oh shit.

My eyes widen and I pull back.

But when I turn around I see that nobody is paying attention to us.

I playfully slap his chest.

"You asshole!"

"What? Are we being shy now?"

He winks and then takes his glass.

"Let me get a sip, you're making me thirsty."

I look at the Scotch, luckily the pill seems to have dissolved but Jasper pulls his face together.

"Ugh. Gross. What did that guy pour in here? 10 bucks for a drink that tastes like dog piss."

I innocently shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, I've never liked Scotch."

Then I hug him and bury my face in his neck.

We sit like this for a minute while Jasper's hands keep exploring my body. It's almost romantic and I feel how much I've been missing the daily cuddle sessions with my ex. Would you call this loneliness?

Then Jasper gets slower.

"God, what time is it? I'm so tired."

"You are?" I cheer on the inside but put on a sad face.

"Maybe you should take a little nap, hm? Get some rest so you have enough energy for...later."

I whisper the last word but with his half-closed eyes, Jasper doesn't seem to comprehend my words anymore. He just hums.

Then he has fallen asleep.

I wait another minute or so before I start looking for the crystal.

Where could he have hid it? Maybe his pocket?

I unbutton the cloth and slide my hand inside.

"Can I help you?"

My head shoots up but luckily it's just Judy. She kneels down next to me.

I quickly get her up to date. "It's not in his pockets, around his neck or in his mouth."

"His mouth? Did you guys make out?"

She laughs but I can hear the displeased undertone.

"Yes and I wish to get my tongue removed after thist. But let's focus on the crystal first."

We both think for a second before Judy speaks up.

"Didn't you say you used to love detective shows? Where did those criminals hide their stuff? Maybe up his butt?"


Good question. TV always provided the craziest tactics and tricks. But this is real life. And as far as I'm concerned, Jasper is no crime specialist.

I think for a bit.

Then I get an idea and bend over to untie his shoe.

"Ehm, in his socks? Or...?" Apparently Judy can't follow my thoughts but once the shoe is off I turn it around. I take a closer look.


"See this thin line around the heel? I bet I can..."

I fumble with the shoe but it's hard to get my fingers in the right position.

God, I really need to cut my nails again.

"You's inside there?"


Finally I manage to loosen the heel and pull off the top.

"And voila!"

I pull out the crystal and hand it over to Judy.

She stares at it with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, that's it. How did you think of this?"

The gem shines in the neon lights and reflects the colors onto its surroundings.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just really smart," I try to joke.

While Judy enjoys the light show, I put the shoe back onto Jasper's foot, making sure he won't notice what we did right after waking up.

Judy looks at me. "What now?"

I get up and straighten my skirt.  "Time for me to end the party and get out of here."

I take the crystal from her and turn to leave but she grabs my arm.

"Uhm, Isabella..."

My heart starts beating faster as my hopes rise. Hopes that she might say something I've been dying to hear. 


Her eyes shy away and she lets go of me again.

"I know it's extremely inappropriate but...I don't really have a place to stay. I slept at Cleo's for a few days before coming to Peru but I don't want to bother her that much. Could I...maybe...stay at your place? Only while you're gone."


And there is the disappointment. I shouldn't be so stupid. It's over. Why can't my head accept that?

But back to her question.

Back when we met, I did promise Judy that she can live with me and that I won't throw her out. And I'm not a woman who takes promises lightly.

So I say: "Of course."

Judy exhales with relief. "Thank you, that's really kind. I-"

"But you'll have to sleep on the couch."

With that I turn around and make my way back to the party. 

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