Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 67 - Noah Vs. Parker


I've been trying to distract myself all day but the crystal keeps pulling me back every single time. Looking at it, I feel a strange connection and when I stare at it for a while, it seems like the lines start to dance under my eyes.

I don't know where this fascination is coming from, I'm not the kind of guy who gets wild over sparkle and shimmer. But maybe it's the fact that this is not just some random gem I'm holding, but instead it belongs to the devil. The scariest being a human can imagine.

I mean, I personally grew up as an atheist and planned to die as one but according to my companions, Satan is real and tonight we are going to summon him.

When the rebels had disclosed their plan earlier, us mortals almost shat our parents.

Yes, rebels and mortals.  That's how we like to separate our groups.

The rebels are Nox, Clemens and Walter, those three robots that decided to kidnap us. And the mortals are me, Isabella and Judy although Judy is no longer a physically present member.

Isabella told me that she decided to stay in NYC to make sure she won't get fired. But I think that's just an excuse and she is simply sick of hanging around her ex and doing mentally crazy things.

I was highly disappointed when I found out that the rebels had decided to take us all to Texas where we would perform the summoning.

Texas, my home and the last place I was missing. Couldn't we have gone to Cuba? Or Japan? Even Transilvania  would have been more inviting than Texas.

Before Walter had taken me with him to Peru, I had to lie to my parents and tell them I'd go on a road trip with a friend.

I was worried that I might run into someone I know and expose my dirty lie. But instead of Austin,  where I grew up, we got teleported to Dallas.

Funnily enough, the last ghost summoning with Noah and his friend had been performed in Dallas as well. What a coincidence.

"Okay guys, everyone grab a crate and sit down in a circle."

This time, we we aren't stuck inside a hotel room but instead an empty warehouse.

I don't know who came up with this idea but I guess it is a bit more private. Well, as private as a huge hall next to the highway can feel.

I pick up a wooden crate lying around and look at it.

Red Grapefruits - Texas' Best

I remember this brand, my mom always used to buy Texas' Best Grapefruits when she was on a diet trip that lasted a solid five weeks.

The same period in my life where she also replaced all candy with oatmeal and frozen strawberries.

I was somewhat able to deal with it because I knew it would pass, my mom never stuck with any diet. I was fine. Alex not so much. He used to be low-key addicted to candy and would throw scream fits on a daily basis.

Afterwards, my mom had lost 5 pounds but I think that was less because of the food and more a result of having to deal with two sugar deprived kids plus husband. Stress really does burn calories.

Isabella stops next to me and looks at the crate I'm holding.

"Let's swap, I'm allergic to cantaloupes."

She winks at me, clearly trying to lift my mood and I give her the joy of smiling back.

With a Cantaloupes - Texas' Best crate under my arm, I join the others and complete the circle.

The only one missing now is Walter.

Nox is clearly bothered that she has to wait for him, her feet tapping aggressively on the concrete floor.

"Where are they? We don't have any time to waste! Do you have the crystal?"

Clemens unfolds the cloth in his lap to show the gem.

"I do. Please stop asking every 5 minutes."

My eyes are once again drawn to the stone and I wish I could hold it. Just for one minute.

"Alright, we're complete!"

The huge door gets thrown open and with energetic steps, Walter walks over to us, behind him...a way too familiar face.

I jump up from my cha-, I mean crate.

"Hello my children! I am Noah Capricus and here today to help yo-OH!"

The blonde stumbles and stares at me.


I stay quiet and watch how he slowly pulls a wooden cross out of the pocket of his jacket. Then he holds it in front of him.

"Stay back, demon!"

I shake my head.

"What? Are you shitting me?"

I walk up to him but Noah fleds backwards.

"Don't come near me!"

"Dude, what are you doing? I'm a human!"

He scans me with his piercing blue eyes.

"You? A human? You were dead. Now you're here. You're a zombie at best!"

I turn around to the others. "Guys," I whine but they seem too entertained by the show.

"You two are familiar with each other?" Clemens wants to know.

"Yes, we went to the same school and... " 

... we summoned a ghost together. But I can stop myself just in time and remember that that was Jordan, not me. To Noah, the last time we saw each other, was prom night in 2017.

"...and I have a friend called Jordan. Remember him? He told me that you guys tried to summon a ghost together but as it turns out, you're just a scammer! Where's your f*cking ouija board? Come on, show us what you got!" 

Noah has gotten smaller and smaller under the increasing volume of my voice. 

"B-but we d-did summon you-u."

"Did you really? Or was that just a prank?" I can't stop myself, my inner bully has awoken. Noah is just too easy to not be a victim.

The guy shakes his head. "I saw it with my own eyes. It was real. The board spelled your name."

"Okay, if you think so. Go unpack your ouija board and we'll see what happens."

I walk back to my cantaloupe crate and take a seat. 

After a bit, Noah follows with careful steps. His voice is quiet.

"Ouija boards only work for ghosts. We will have to do things differently this time."

He opens his blue cloth bag and pulls out a few things. I watch as he unpacks a bag of salt, candles and an old looking book.

"One more question."

I lean forward and smile. 

"I was told that you ran away screaming after the quote on quote ghost made its appearance."

"N-no I didn't," he tries to defend himself.

"Yes, you did, you were shifting your pants. Why would you do this again, knowing that this time it won't just be a ghost but Satan himself? One would only accept the challenge when they knew that it wouldn't work because their acts are not real and only there to scam superstitious people out of their money."

Noah seems to have difficulty finding the right words. "Eh...I...I..."


He clears his throat and straightens his shoulders. 

"I've grown since then. I've gained experience and I know that we will be safe. Satan can't travel between realms. We can open a gate to speak to him but that's it."

He smiles, apparently impressed by his own answer but I just roll my eyes. 

In the end, the summoning will work because of the crystal, not because of Noah. 

"Enough blabbering. Can we start already?" Nox asks impatiently. 

Noah seems happy by the interruption and turns away from me.

"Of course.. First, we need to pour a pentagram of salt."

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