Too Broke For Afterlife

Chapter 80 - Two Milfs Is One Too Many


And now I'm standing in front of her door, ready to ring the bell.

I could come up with a million things I'd rather do.

Eat a pound of dog food.

Get a facial tattoo.

Throw myself off a bridge.

But no, instead I have to talk to Isabella. Get right into the lion's den. 

How wonderful.

I ring the doorbell and wait with shaking knees. 

I could count the seconds. But it won't make me less nervous.

Then I hear how the key turns and a second later I look into Isabella's face.

My heart starts beating faster once I take in her full presence.

Unlike earlier in her casual chic attire, she is now wearing a short tight dark blue dress and the amount of cleavage makes my head buzz.

Every curve is highlighted perfectly and- Judy, concentrate! Look into her face, not down! Be strong!

Sadly her face isn't any less beautiful and I feel silly in my jeans and tshirt.

"Oh hello, what a sweet surprise. Did you come to join the party?"

Party? Oh, right.

"No, I need to talk to you."

"Oh, I'm sorry gorgeous but I can't right now. I told you I'd have business partners over."

I had forgotten that. 

"It's extremely important."

Isabella sighs slowly. "I really can't. But you can stay and we can talk afterwards."

"What? No, I don't want to disturb you guys. I'll just come back later."

"Don't be silly, pretty."

Before I can stop her, Isabella has grabbed my hand and pulls me into the apartment.

"No, I-"

"Erica and Reynold are on the balcony right now and James is on the toilet. We just took a little break, you know?"

Her warm hands guide me towards the couch where another woman is sitting.

"This is Brandy, my best friend in the world, though we hardly see each other because she lives in London."

Looking at Brandy I know that I'm about to become the victim of another milf. Her luscious brown hair is curled elegantly and just like Isa she is dressed to impress, showing more womanhood that I could ever dream of growing although she is definitely more on the petite side.

Isa forces me down next to her friend and Brandy extends her hand.

"Hi Judy, I've heard so much about you."

"Oh, have you? I hope only good things."

Brandy chuckles and leans closer, her thick sweet perfume clogging all my brain cells.

She smells expensive and my head immediately starts producing lewd thoughts.

Oh my god, Judy. You don't know this woman and already start fantasizing. What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Brandy's voice is soft. "I've heard that you're a real heartbreaker."

"Am I?"

"Shut up, don't flirt with poor Judy. You'll confuse her." Isa takes the glass out of Brandy's hand and refills it.

The woman ignores her and purrs into my ear. "Did you know that I was her first kiss?" Then she puts a hand onto my knee. "She just kissed me out of nowhere, so shy but the softest lips I've ever felt. What a shame that I'm straight."

Brandy winks at me as I feel my skin tingling. 

If someone doesn't come save me, I won't make it out alive.

"I think I'm a bit wilder than Isa when it comes know what...but sadly I won't be able to prove that to you."

She tucks some of my hair behind my ear and my face heats up. I look at Isa for help but she just grins to herself, probably enjoying my suffering.

Luckily, at that moment, a man appears next to us.

"I see, our group has grown." He holds out his hand to shake mine and I take the chance to get up from the couch and out of Brandy's reach.

"My name is James Peterson from FaFemme, it's a pleasure to meet you."

He smiles at me kindly which calms down my heart a bit.

"I'm Judy and I have no idea what's going on here."

I mean, what kind of business meeting is this? Or was that just a cover up for an orgy? Would Isabella take part in an orgy?

Would I?

Once I have let go of James' hand, Brandy pulls me back onto the couch and now I'm sandwiched between her and the man. Maybe his presence will stop her from groping.

Isabella hands me a wine glass which I take reluctantly.

"I've decided to start my own business, something I can do besides Green Vision. And tonight I'm trying to win over these lovely friends of mine as investors."

She smiles at James who winks back. "She is doing a great job at that," he says to me.

Yeah, I can imagine what her winning arguments are. They are very much fleshed out, held together by a lace bra.

But no, I shouldn't be so disrespectful. Isabella is a business woman after all, maybe her idea is actually great and will be a full success. And that completely unrelated to her looks.

"So what kind of business?"

"Fashion." She smiles suggestively. "For women. You'll see in a bit. I'll have to prepare some things."

With shaking hips she leaves us three alone and for the first time since our breakup I actually wish she would stay with me. 

But I don't have to be alone with these two for long, after another minute Erika and Reynold join us. They work for another company called Secret Silk but don't pay much attention to me.

Instead, Brandy chatters like a waterfall. After only 5 minutes I know everything about her job, her husband and the cat she is planning to adopt. I stop listening after a bit and just nod and smile. When I hear her use the name 'Pete' a few times I can't tell whether she is talking about her man or the cat. Or maybe both?

Imagine adopting a cat who has the same name as your husband. The thought makes me smile.

Then, finally, Isabella is back and leans against the couch.

Everyone quiets down as her mere presence already demands attention.

Having that kind of charisma must be amazing.

"I started my presentation with comfortable everyday wear first but now I'd like to dive into something more special. The kind of pieces that speak for themselves without taking over the person."

I wait for something to happen but then my heart almost stops. 

A woman walks around the corner wearing nothing but lingerie.

Oh my god.

Oh. My. God.

That's what she meant by fashion for women?

The red-headed beauty poses for us and I almost close my eyes, that's how embarrassed I am.

"Usually women avoid purple underwear as it easily makes you look older but we picked a shade that is absolutely modern and chic. The shape and padding of the bra gives the illusion of a fuller bust while the lace on the sides of the thong compliments the hips."

Somebody please shoot a bullet through my head.

I thought talking to Isabella was already torture enough but looking at half-naked women together? This is just one step too far.

As soon as the model is gone, I get up from the couch.

"Sorry, I need some fresh air."

I don't look at anyone as I stumble out of the living room and onto the balcony, trying to find a corner from where I can't be watched. Then I glide down onto the ground.

You might think I'm overreacting but right now that apartment is so full of eroticism that I don't know how to deal with myself. 

I should be home with Michigan. Not here. I should be anywhere but here.

What if I'm not as done with Isa as I thought I was? We can't be friends at this point and that says a lot. 

So the best thing for me to do is to remove myself from the situation, to withstand all temptation. I'm clearly not ready yet.

I'm not ready to face what I can't have anymore. 

And f*ck, I want her so badly.

Just for one night.

I feel how my insides pull together as they shiver. The thought of Isa's hands makes me want to go in there and just pin her against a wall.

This stupid sexual attraction. Like a spider's web I keep running into. 

But being with her is not good for me and I should accept that.

F*cking let go already.

After a while, the door slides open but when I look up it's Brandy who approaches me.

Great, what does she want?

I quickly get up. 

"Judy, what are you doing out here? It's cold."

"I'm not a big fan of...lingerie."

Luckily, Brandy takes some distance this time and leans against the metal railing.

"From what I heard your breakup must have been quite nasty."


Do we really have to talk about that now?

"But you still like her, am I right?"

I avoid her eyes and instead look down at the city.

New York by night. How beautiful. How stunning.


"It doesn't matter. It's too late."

"Is it?"

I nod. "I'm in a relationship. Isa and I didn't work out. It's as simple as that."


Brandy turns to leave but looks at me one last time. For the first time today, she looks serious.

"Don't lie to yourself, Judy.. That's the worst thing you can do."

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