Chapter 646 Believe in Xiaomei and get eternal life!

After Aunt Hua entered the Northwest Palace, she handed the skull lock and key to a girl who looked like a teenager.

She put the key into the box, threw it into the well in the backyard, and left without looking back.

The box sank to the bottom of the well and drifted along with the undercurrent of stagnant water... A thousand years later, it reached here and was finally fished out by Su Yan.

[Where is the Northwest Palace? 】 Su Yan held the key, thoughtfully, what is locked with this key?

Judging from the determined look on the girl's face when she threw the key, she definitely didn't want the skull lock to open after being used.

Xiaomei is also very curious, [Does the host want to look for the skull lock? 】

Su Yan said: [It has been more than a thousand years, maybe the Northwest Palace is long gone. 】

Xiaomei: [We can go over and have a look. Anyway, there are no clues to find Rong Ruo. Why not follow the route of this skull key first. 】

【All right. 】Su Yan turned into a mouse again and walked backwards along the river in the video.

Along the way, she also met some ghost tribes. Su Yan picked the ones that seemed easier to talk to and asked about the Northwest Prince's Palace, but she didn't know them either.

One month later.

Su Yan stopped.

Ahead was a gloomy sea of ​​ghost vines. She said to Xiaomei: "It feels a bit ominous." 】

[According to the route traced back in time, as long as you pass through this sea of ​​ghost vines and climb two hills, you will reach the Northwest Palace. 】Xiaomei showed Su Yan a very clear map route.

【Um. 】 Su Yan took out a Rongruo transmission note from the space ring and tried to see if she could find him.

Although she was currently walking the route out of Xiaomei's curiosity, she had not forgotten the purpose of coming here, and she was always thinking about using the transmission talisman to find Rongruo.

The transmission note, which had been silent all this time, quickly flew into the ghost vine forest this time.

Su Yan was surprised, [Is Rong Ruo here? 】

[The host follows. 】 Xiaomei replied.

【Wait a moment. 】 Su Yan took out another defensive talisman from the system space and stuck it on her body, just in case.

This defensive talisman was made for her by Qing Linghuan. Attacks lower than his strength could not harm her.

This was specially made for her by Qing Linghuan in front of her lower realm. The other children also followed his example, and finally gave her a bunch of defensive talismans... It must be said that her children, regardless of their talent in making talismans, could all make a good one after hard work and study. The talisman is gone.

Completely enough for her and Xiao Fengning. Especially Xiao Fengning, he has a huge money bag and can put everything in it. These children also throw all kinds of gifted talismans to him like waste paper.

Following Rongruo's voice transmission, Su Yan came to a hunting trap.

The entire trap was shrouded in a killing array. The teleportation note stopped in front of the killing array and could no longer be entered.

Su Yan put away the transmission talisman and took out another Xiaomi Qi, the newly developed boundary-traversing talisman, and entered the killing array very easily.

[Host, you see, there are many benefits to having more children. Every child's talent will be returned to you in the end. 】Xiaomei said to Su Yan.

Su Yan nodded and said solemnly: [Believe in Xiaomei and you will have eternal life! 】

[...Hehe~] Xiaomei smiled mischievously, like a lively little girl who has been praised.

Su Yan suddenly thought of Xiaolu'er, and felt that if Xiaomei could become a human, her personality would be similar to Xiaolu'er.

The killing formation was not touched at all. Su Yan was very satisfied with Xiaomi Qi's boundary-traveling talisman, "I love this little angel to death, and I will give Farr another one in the future." 】

[Farr will be very happy to hear this. ] Xiaomei supports Su Yan to have more children, but is afraid that she will not.

"Rong Ruo—Rong Ruo—are you here?" Su Yan whispered twice into the trap, and then took out the transmission talisman. The telegraphing talisman followed the trap and got into it.

Su Yan also went down.

She opened the system map, but the range was only four meters around her, and she couldn't see anything at the moment.

The downward trap was like a bottomless pit, flying for a while before stopping.

It's not that it's the end, but there is a stone platform here, and Su Yan is temporarily adjusting it.

[Xiaomei, can you scan Rongruo? 】

[Cannot be scanned, so we have to continue going down. However, wherever the host passes, Xiaomei has marked the route. If there is danger, she can teleport away at any time. 】

【good. 】 Su Yan continued to fall.

The transmitting talisman had disappeared, and Su Yan took out another one. This time she placed it on the transmitting talisman, leaving a little spiritual will behind it, and followed the divine will to move quickly.

At the bottom of the trap is a black stagnant water.

The telegraph continues downward through the stagnant water.

Su Yan thought of the bottom of the Blue Sea, the deep blue abyss on the other side of darkness...could it not only connect the fairy world, but also the ghost world?

[Xiaomei, does the main system have data about the Deep Blue Abyss? 】

[There is nothing about the sea area. The host needs to explore it by himself. Xiaomei will record it one by one. 】

[Okay, my special host is indeed special enough. Not only can I give birth to children, do announcement tasks, but I can also do part-time exploration and observation. You should ask the main system to send me more points in the future. 】

[Good host, no problem. 】

Su Yan took out a deep-sea water-proof talisman made by Xiaoqi and entered the dead water.

It was dark at first, but with the system map, it was not as dark as a blind eye.

Gradually... through the darkness, I came to a place where although there was death aura, it was greatly weakened, and there was still water aura.

A slender and tall figure quickly approached her.

Su Yan looked at the familiar living figure, a smile gradually appeared on her face, but she opened her mouth with anger, "Rong Ruo! Why are you here?"

Rongruo hugged her hard and said in great surprise: "Yanyan, it's really you!"

"Of course it's me." Su Yan patted his back, "G-be gentle...I'm going to be strangled to death by you."

Not only was Rong Ruo's strength no longer light, it was also tighter.

Su Yan had no choice but to turn into a white mouse, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief, "If I die, your Xiao Qi will have to exterminate all relatives out of justice!"

"Haha." Rongruo held her in his arms, his icy blue eyes full of deep affection, "This is the junction of the Deep Blue Abyss and the Ghost Realm."

"Well, there is more water aura here, and there is also a faint smell of sea water. I think it may have something to do with the bottom of the blue sea." Su Yan returned to human form, looked at him, and only after making sure that there was nothing wrong with him, He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why were you injured before? Who was injured?" Su Yan's tone was serious, as if she could directly destroy the opponent.

Rong Ruo looked at Su Yan in surprise, and smiled slowly, with sparkling stars in his eyes, "No one, it was me who fed Rong Wu's soul some blood essence."

Su Yan was stunned, "What happened to him?"

More updates are coming~~Bi Xin Xin~~

(End of this chapter)

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