Chapter 647 Ghost Cultivator

Rong Wu entered the ghost world after his death. Originally, he was going to the Sea of ​​Reincarnation to be reborn in the devil world.

As a result, she was a bit unlucky, and happened to encounter a hurricane in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and Rong Wu's soul was swept directly to the Tuhai Ghost Well, where Su Yan came down.

Unexpectedly, there is a thousand-year-old ghost in the Tuhai Ghost Well. After he discovered Rong Wu, he wanted to eat Rong Wu for a full meal...but instead, he was devoured by Rong Wu.

But the evil spirit of Li Gui was so powerful that it actually backfired on Rong Wu's soul.

Just when Rong Wu's spiritual consciousness was about to dissipate, he asked Ron Ruo for help.

Rong Ruo was about to ascend, so he rushed over immediately after receiving his call for help.

By the time he arrived, Rong Wu's soul had been completely infiltrated by the evil spirits of the evil spirits. If he wanted to continue reincarnation, he needed to purify the evil spirits.

If it is not purified, Rong Wu will have no choice but to give up reincarnation, completely absorb those evil spirits, and turn into a ghost cultivator.

Rong Wu finally chose ghost cultivation.

But the ghost cultivator needed to feed on raw blood at first, so Rongruo contributed his quasi-divine blood to help Rong Wu transform.

It was also dangerous after dangerous, but in the end, the transformation was successful.

When Su Yan came over, Rong Wu was practicing with his eyes closed.

But maybe he noticed Su Yan, so he stopped and opened his eyes.

A pair of black eyes, which looked cold and biting at first glance, but then revealed a warm luster.

"Sister Su." Rong Wu called.

Su Yan was really startled by his eyes, "I thought you didn't recognize me."

"No." Rong Wu replied with a smile.

Su Yan looked at his appearance, she had gone from old to young and handsome.

The facial features are only five points similar to the current Rong Ruo, but the temperament is completely different. One is becoming more and more sacred, inspiring people to believe in and full of hope. One is falling into the cold darkness, but like the clear light of the moon at night, or the cold silence, it also makes people feel calm and peaceful.

"If you want to purify the evil spirit, I have a way here."

Su Yan took out Xiaojiu's bright talisman from the system space, "Do you still need it?"

"No need, ghost cultivators can ascend to the demon world through practice, and they can also find Mo Nu." Rong Wu replied.

Su Yan didn't know, "Oh? Can ghost cultivators ascend to the devil world?"

Rong Wu replied: "I only found out after devouring the soul of the thousand-year-old ghost. Nowadays, there are more and more ghost cultivators in the ghost world, especially the undead souls after the death of the human race. After turning into ghost cultivators, the speed of cultivation is even faster. Quick. The big ghost I swallowed was originally a human being, but I was a beast king and had the blessing of merit, so he couldn't hurt me, and he was swallowed by me in the end."

"It seems that after the Heavenly Dao re-divided the six realms, many rules have also changed." Su Yan sighed, and felt pity for Rong Wu. The merits of the Beast King in his lifetime were just like that.

"I have a bottle of that..." Su Yan took out a bottle of the evil spirit that Qing Linghuan once collected in District 19 from the space ring, "Huanhuan said, this thing is a great tonic for demon cultivators, and for ghost cultivators, It should be about the same.”

Rong Wu took it, his tentacles were cold, but for him now, it was just the right temperature. He opened the cork a little and took a whiff.

Suddenly the whole person's soul froze.

Seeing his abnormal expression, Su Yan hurriedly approached and shouted, "Rong Wu?"

Rongruo pulled her into his arms, "It's okay, look into his eyes."

The black eyes revealed an indescribable took a while before they returned to normal.

"Thank you, Sister Su. This thing is so precious! Do you really want to give it to me?" Rong Wu asked excitedly.

Su Yan nodded, "Of course, if this thing is placed in my space, it is also a time bomb. If you think it is useful, I will give it to you."

"Very useful!" Rong Wu smiled, extremely satisfied.

Su Yan searched for her space ring again, but after rummaging through it, except for the bottle of disaster, the others were all treasures of heaven and earth.

Rong Ruo saw her thoughts and stopped her, "Yan Yan, Rong Wu doesn't need anything right now." "Then let me give him a few defensive talismans." Su Yan handed Rong Wu a bunch of defensive talismans.

But as soon as he got close to Rong Wu, he backed away. "Thank you, Sister Su. I have just transformed into a ghost cultivator. I have to avoid these spiritual things for the time being."

"How about I purify it for you." Su Yan said and took out two more ancient angel talismans that Xiao Miqi gave her.

Rongruo grabbed his hand and smiled helplessly: "If you use this talisman, he will be gone."

Su Yan: "..."

Rong Wu also smiled awkwardly, "I appreciate Sister Su's kindness. I really don't have to work too hard."

"Okay then." Su Yan looked at him with regretful eyes, and then gave Rong Wu an ordinary stone box containing her voice transmission notes, "If you need anything in the future, just send me voice transmissions. After Rong Ruo ascends to the divine world, it will be inconvenient Come down, I still have a way to get to you. There are some defensive and offensive talismans in this stone box for emergencies. "

Rong Wu said gratefully: "Thank you, Sister Su."

"Why are you being polite to me? You are Xiao Qi's biological uncle and also my relative." Su Yan patted him on the shoulder.

But he found that his hand passed through his body...

"When I succeed in my cultivation in the future, it will be tangible." Rong Wu smiled at Su Yan.

Su Yan sighed inwardly, "Okay. By the way, Mo Nu is still with Wen Jin. He is single and has not found a partner."

"...Hmm!" Rong Wu's eyes curved slightly, obviously thinking of someone.

After Su Yan and Rongruo stayed with Rong Wu for a while, they reluctantly left after seeing that his soul and body were a little weak.

Finally, Su Yan turned around and saw Rong Wu still smiling and waving to them.

"Do you want to go to Luoya Continent?" Rongruo asked Su Yan.

Su Yan was about to agree when she heard Xiao Mei say: [Host, Xiao Mei wants to find the skeleton lock. 】

"'s not easy to come to the ghost world. Do you want to take a look around here? I just agreed to help Xiaomei find something."

"Well, it's up to you."

As long as she is with Su Yan, Rongruo can go anywhere.

The two left Tuhaiguijing.

Su Yan held Rongruo's hand and once again used Xiaomi Qi's boundary-traveling talisman to leave the killing array.

"Xiaomi Qi's talent is very good." Rong Ruo praised.

"Yes, Farr beat her before because of this talent. It was really an injustice to the child."


Su Yan took out a few and gave them to Rong Ruo, "One can be used three times, and I also left two for Rong Wu..."

The two of them continued to walk forward along the route given by Xiaomei.

On the way, some ghost vines tried to entangle Su Yan, but they were cut into pieces by Rongruo. Some were unconvinced and called a group battle.

It was difficult to defend against the vines with both fists, and Rong Ruo was injured by a ghost vine.

When Su Yan saw it, she quit immediately and became furious! Uproot all those ghost vines and burn them to ashes!

The entire Guiteng Linhai has become honest!

The second half of the way out of the ghost vine forest, not to mention how flat and smooth the ground is, there are even red tea leaves blooming quietly, like a sea of ​​fiery red flowers...

During a thunderstorm, the community had a power outage. The document was on the computer. I temporarily wrote it again on my mobile phone. Please read it first~~ Mark any typos.

Dearest, good night~~

(End of this chapter)

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