Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1406: Twenty-seven. Long live the emperor! (5)

"Since ancient times, reforms have been escorted by bayonet. Compared with moral preaching and follow-up, punishment and punishment are more impressive. So although we will try to avoid excessive use of violence, it does not mean that we will not use it. Violence. After all, this is a conquest, not a treat."

A dictator dressed in a military uniform carries a coffee cup, bright red eyes print out the green summer garden outside the window, and a carefully designed air conditioner sends out a cool breeze.

Because of the persistence of some old grandpas, the design of the council building was magnificent, and the Roman-style building like this hill bag can be seen from afar. In terms of visual effects alone, it can really highlight the power of the center of power with its hugeness, and indeed, as some old grandpas have said, let people who first saw this building deeply appreciate their smallness and Yar. The greatness of Werheim.

Based on the morbid paranoid requirements, the entire building of the council is extremely pursuing visual effects, and it is full of designs that waste a lot of space, so that the functionality and practicality are seriously weakened. Many employees privately believe that the dictator would rather live in the officer’s dormitory than the dedicated room in the Parliament Building because the design style and the dictator are too out of place. A dictator who is seriously paranoid about efficiency will live insomnia.

In fact, Li Lin really has no requirements for the living environment. Not to mention that the toilet of the Parliament Building is larger than the family of three, and the bathroom is like a villa design. It is the classic inhuman palace without the toilet and the bathroom in the Palace of Versailles. , Or a field tent on the front line, this one is no problem to live. For him, it's all the same. The reason for not staying is on the one hand too busy, wandering around all day, and has no time to use that room at all; on the other hand, he does not want to waste time beyond what is necessary to meet the morbid requirements of the grandfathers.

Now that this abnormal situation is coming to an end, the dictator is about to go further. At that time, it will be too much to say that he still lives in an officer’s dormitory or something. For the sake of the country’s decency and for its authority, the council has passed a resolution to imitate the specifications of the Palace of Versailles and build an exquisite and elegant palace in Potsdam, which is in line with the identity of the empire’s master, the Sanssouci Palace. After the project is completed, Li Lin will move in. Prior to this, he could only live in the council building in accordance with the requirements of the grandpas and the general public, so as to reassure everyone.

At the moment Li Lin is enjoying the garden through the floor-to-ceiling viewing windows in the lounge. Under the summer sunshine, the greenery in the garden brings a refreshing feeling, and the air conditioner continuously sends out the cool breeze. It can be called paradise.

However, the air in the lounge is not as relaxing as it seems, and as the topic continues, the atmosphere that has been very murderous is more dignified.

"The reason why the defense forces are not allowed to perform certain tasks is because their job is to fight, not to catch people and kill people. These things are the responsibility of Stasi and the guards. Reluctant to do unfamiliar work will never What a good result, and it will cause unnecessary trouble. For example, military discipline issues."

"Just as you said."

The captain of the Guards lowered his head deeply, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Drinking fine wine after the victory is the right that the soldiers take for granted and the reward they won. But if you forget about it and leave the military discipline aside, it will only cause trouble.

Especially now this sensitive and delicate period. Originally, the Charlemagne was dissatisfied with the annexation of Yalfheim. The defense army's unscrupulous stimulation of the Charlemagne would only provoke resistance and give the dispirited nations an opportunity. In this way, the entire strategic plan Had to push it all over again. Therefore, since the defense forces began to receive Charlemagne, the dictator has adopted a zero-tolerance attitude towards military crimes. Once a crime is verified, it will be dealt with strictly and swiftly. In the past week alone, there were three school-level officers, and 17 officers were sentenced to public sentences after being deprived of their military status. A bunch of Defense Force officers and people in the occupied area witnessed how the group of guys were stripped of their shirts and hung on the meat hooks, and their necks were strangled by piano strings.

Niederhogg, who was a dictator’s plenipotentiary, involved in the arrest, trial, and execution of the relevant personnel, was very clear that if the defense forces were to participate in the wet work of those who copied the genocide, let’s not say whether they were not professionals. When the beast in his heart is released, it is difficult to say whether these officers and soldiers can observe military discipline. Rather than remediate afterwards, it is better to insulate them from these dirty jobs at the beginning.

Relatively speaking, the Guards have no problems in this regard.

The Guards have been tasked with dealing with major crises and sudden situations. Things like "involving national security and interests" are also within their scope. They have considerable experience in such work. More importantly, the Guards select elites who are absolutely loyal to the dictator. They are very clear about what can be said and what cannot be killed.

They are very suitable for doing some work under the table.

"Our principle is to cut the speculative group's tumor from Charlemagne's body and treat them differently from ordinary Charlemagne people. But... even a clever surgeon, in order to avoid the spread of the tumor, he must also A part of the normal body tissue connected together is removed. In the same way, when we eliminate the interest groups composed of Charlemagne nobles, bureaucrats, warlord factions, and speculative merchants, it is difficult to avoid the scope of harm from spreading."

Sipping on the black and white floating cappuccino, Li Lin's eyes hung down slightly, and Niederhog nodded his head in a knowing way.

Just like the drug villages in the drug-infested areas of another world, the big landlords and nobles engaged in speculative activities also use their power and interests to combine their leaders into criminal behavior. From transportation, storage, marketing, to coping with inspection... everything is available, even killing and killing. Because of the deep involvement, and the fact that living standards have indeed been improved, everyone has become part of a speculative group. The interests of speculative groups are their interests, and anyone who touches them is their enemy. Either moral persuasion, severe punishment or punitive law, compensation or appeasement, can't make these people look back.

It is true that as long as you are willing to spend your energy and money to help these regions transform, they are not irreversible. Yalfheim has money and technology, only time-this is exactly what Yalfheim lacks. In the current form, there really is no time to identify and transform. In the moment where every second counts, there is only one solution.

"After entering the second stage, the speculative group will certainly try to incite participants to pretend to be nationalists and launch activities to resist our army. But..."

The corner of the mouth on one side was raised, and white canine teeth emerged from the grinning lips.

"Due to the needless brutality of some of the lost Charlie Man soldiers, some villages and towns have been tragically occupied, and a large number of good citizens have been killed. In order to stop more civilians from being victimized, our army decisively dispatched elite troops to launch operations to suppress terrorism, and carried out the above turbulent areas' Appropriate handling'. Do you understand?"

"That is to say-there are no civilians in those villages and towns, is it? Your Excellency."

"Of course, our enemies are terrorists who harm citizens. Are you going to fight anything else?"

——Resistance is terrorists, you can kill them directly~www.readwn.com~Non-resistance is trained terrorists, you must kill them immediately.

——An ordinary citizen was slaughtered? That must be done by terrorists. The glorious defense force would not do such a thing.

-Undifferentiated attacks on villages where civilians exist? Impossible, don't believe it. Those people have weapons in their hands and they are all casual terrorists. what? kitchen knife? Brick? Choppers and bricks are also offensive weapons, even weapons of mass destruction. As long as it is in the hands of terrorists, even the bread knife is an extremely dangerous weapon.

This is roughly what it means.

"Subordinates understand."

When the heel hit, the captain of the guard who raised his hand saluted showed a dangerous smile that could not hide his joy.


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