Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1407: Twenty-seven. Long live the emperor! (6)

Since ancient times, most of the tragedies that have been staged on the gambling table have always been rare. Those who have dreams of becoming wealthy overnight are constantly interpreting the story of disappearing from the world after a dream is broken. Such people constantly appear and disappear. These stories will not come to an end until the casino is burnt to ashes by a hostile gangster, or seized by the police, or blown into the air by a tragic explosive that has been lost by a regular visitor. After a while, start again in a new place, still a familiar story, a familiar ending...

Now the stories of gamblers and dealers are staged again. The speculative group, as a gambler, is full of confidence, while Alfheim, who acts as a dealer, is quiet. The very different performances on both sides made people unconsciously tend to agree with the rhetoric previously released by the speculative group. The military of Alfheim is one hundred points, the politics is eighty points, and the economy is zero points.

These words are not untargeted, nor are the speculative cunning speculators of the speculative group. Hey, I forgot what the v.e consortium is, and I forgot how Alfheim started. At that time, the objective environment was indeed not optimistic.

The Charlieman Kingdom's economic situation is chaotic because of the indiscriminate gold coupons of the Charlemagne Kingdom and the damage caused by the war. Agricultural production cuts, factory closures, traffic obstructions, scarce supplies, soaring prices, numerous unemployment, and depression in all industries. Coupled with the flood and waterlogging disasters in the southern region, the situation has become even more difficult. Compared with before the war, Charlieman's overall economic data showed a substantial contraction. Total industrial output value fell by half, of which heavy industry fell by 70%, light industry fell by 30%, agriculture fell by about 35%, and total grain output was less than 40% before the war. The per capita national income is equivalent to two thirds of the average value of each country. Taking into account this benchmark, the main population of the Principality and the crown of Castilla, Ostoria, and Saint Esteban are also smashed. Counting it, in fact most Charlemagne people are in abject poverty.

The economy is so bad, and a large part of the "credit" belongs to the speculative group. It is this group of people who went up and down in the process of trading gold coins, eating a lot of gold and silver that the government officially threw to stabilize the market, and stuck the market supplies. Circulation, put the hoarded materials into the black market to buy and sell, which lured the market to have no goods, the price soared, and then led the government to further abolish the upper limit of the gold bond bond, which eventually led to an economic crash. When Charlemagne announced the defeat, the gangs used the accounts and other means to embezzle and divide up the army's pension and severance resettlement costs, which intensified Charlemagne's economic difficulties.

The consortium is certainly not to be underestimated, and this group of veterans who buy and sell shorts is not a fuel-efficient lamp. At first glance, the two sides seem to have quite the same taste.

Two competitors who did not distinguish themselves at first glance, one of the high-profile announced that they would win, the other said nothing. This kind of appearance will affect the audience with a tendency in the first place. In addition, many people who hope that Alfheim will encounter some setbacks and watch the crowd will help build the momentum, and the entire public opinion will naturally show a one-sided trend. Only a handful of people who are not surrounded by the voice of the public, who can objectively and calmly look at the general trend, will notice that Alfheim is renovating roads and transporting materials at the level of preparing for a group army battle, and this unremarkable behavior What is represented behind is precisely the core that determines the direction of this economic war.

As pointed out in the overall war, the core element of victory is the degree and degree of mobilization of the warring parties. Whoever can preempt the other side to complete the mobilization, and whoever has the first chance of war, will be closer to victory. It is the government's organizational capacity that determines the degree and depth of mobilization. In today's world, there is no government and organization with stronger organizational capabilities in Bialfheim. Relying on an efficient system and transportation network, the defense force can move faster and farther than its opponents, and its continuation capability is stronger. Therefore, they can quickly surround the main force of the 6th army of the Charlemagne family entering the Rhine front and win the victory.

When this organizational capability is applied to economic warfare, the energy it exhibits is equally daunting.

In the previous war, it was the soldiers, equipment, ammunition, food, and quilt that were carried by a train and huge motor vehicles that determined the victory or defeat of the war. Now it is the huge materials that are being assembled and transported that determine the direction of the economic war.

With the time of the exhibition, a simple and basic economic principle has slowly faded out of sight. Especially after the rise of the financial industry, it seems that only exchange rates, stocks, funds, financial derivatives, etc. are synonymous with the economy. Traditional physical trade has become synonymous with "earth" and "outdated" and can no longer represent the economy.

However, in fact, any kind of currency, gold or silver, or paper currency, is only a circulation tool for credit guarantee. If you can't buy the goods, it's all waste. What people need in life is rice, oil, salt, not gold and silver, or banknotes and stocks. The currency that can be exchanged for various daily necessities is the so-called money. So fundamentally speaking, material supply is the foundation of currency stability. In another world, after the abolition of the gold standard in the United States in the 1970s, the United States decisively launched the petrodollar strategy, which gradually established its future hegemonic status. As long as Middle East oil is still settled in US dollars, the US dollar can continue to maintain its status as the mainstream international reserve currency. This is because modern society relies on the black blood of oil to maintain it. Without oil, the entire country will be paralyzed, and if you want to buy oil, you must first use your products and exchange US-printed dollars...

The mark of Alfheim is actually the same principle, except that the industrial products produced by Alfheim are bound. Since these industrial products can only be produced by Yalfheim, in order to maintain the standard of living, everyone can only change their products to Yalfheim Mark before buying those industrial products.

It is too late to bet against such a group of veterans who are well-versed in economic operations. www.readwn.com~ mentions the spirit of 120,000 points, and Charlieman's gang of parasites dare not speak out. Obviously, the previous experience of betting against the Charlemagne government and winning a lot of gambling has stunned their minds, and even the most basic reality is unclear. These people also don’t want to think about the important conditions on which they had previously won the government, officials, strong economic power, huge political energy, and omnipotent intelligence networks that knew nothing about the economy. In this economic war, It's no use. The government has collapsed and officials are worrying about their future. All the cards in their hands are controlled by their opponents, and even the proud economic power sufficient to disrupt prices is not worth mentioning in front of Alfheim.

One side dispatched soldiers, carefully counted the cards in his hand, the other side was blind, and blindly applied outdated experience to examine the situation. Sober bystanders do not even need detailed information to understand that this war is just like the war between Alfheim and Charlemagne. The war has not yet begun, and the outcome is doomed.

At the end of the month, with the listing of a large number of sales companies listed under the name of the v.e consortium, an economic massacre officially kicked off.


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