Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1480: 1. Marseille (7)

The waiter with a standard business smile put coffee and water on the table in sequence. The middle-aged man nodded with a smile, and gave a mark to the girl in the black and white maid uniform. The consciously lucky girl stooped and thanked her for not knowing. His open-collar uniform revealed a deep gully when bending down, and almost lighted the eyes of a blinded middle-aged man.

"You're so generous."

The young man showed a smile that didn’t look so disdainful, and the afterglow of the corner of his eyes swept around and carried the "Signal" magazine from time to time-a small dentist’s mirror was pressed under the magazine, and the situation behind the side was A glance in the small mirror.

They are leaning against the corner of the wall, with windows on the right hand side and aisles and large empty tables on the left side. It is near lunch time at this moment, and no meals are allowed in the reading room. Most people are still waiting for the steamed fries, chicken wings, and Fanta set meal to be released in the nearby fast food center. In addition to the three tables in front, there are two unscrupulous bastards, and the rest is only theirs.

As far as the secret talks are concerned, except that the two flies in the youth league uniforms are a bit obtrusive, they are pretty good.

Even so, careless.

"It's just a small amount of money. Sometimes the investment of one mark will get a huge return above expectations."

The middle-aged man picked up the coffee cup and blew it away, and quickly wrote a word on the misty desktop with his fingers.

—Go to hell.

"Indeed, after all, it is a good year to get rich."


The moment the young man's finger finished the exclamation mark, the middle-aged man's tense face finally soothed, showing a gentle smile, and the full excitement and joy turned into a slightly trembling watermark.

——Welcome to Rudes, comrade.

The expression of joy in words rather than words is somewhat disappointing, but in Rudes, where this place is full of whistleblowers, political detectives, and secret police, such cautiousness is never unnecessary. Know that those secret policemen, known for their nervousness, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and control freaks, are **** who even eavesdrop and monitor in their garages, bedrooms, and toilets.

The corners and ceilings of the reading room, the tables and chairs they sit on, and whether the eavesdropping device or camera is installed in the cups used. Will anyone in the far room hold the directional sound collection device to point them, or simply Make a mezzanine under the floor and let someone stay inside. Use a stethoscope to monitor the conversations of people on the floor... Waiting for you to get unexpected monitoring methods is very common in Rudes.

There is nothing we do not know;

This is a boastful statement by the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau and a simple statement of facts.

From domestic violence, neighborhood disputes, student fights, to gang crimes, terrorist activities, almost everything can not escape the monitoring of various powerful departments of the empire, and sometimes the same person is monitored by several departments, eating and drinking Lasa Things such as sleeping and other physiological activities are observed from all directions.

In such a country, it is impossible to be too cautious to talk about things that will lose their heads.

"The enthusiasm in my heart is like the strongest stove."

"Is it "Sky Cavalry"?"

"No, it's "Air Mother Lightning Strike Team.""

"Isn't that bad movie?"

"It's just that the actors' acting skills are not in place, and the visual effect of the big scene is not bad. After all, it's the dispatch of real troops and equipment, and the battleship plays itself."

Disguised as a movie lover's voice, the information is quickly exchanged on the desktop.

There is good news, such as the continued operation of the underground team, and the successful development of members and facilitators, as well as news of the recent movement of the Imperial Defense Forces.

There is also bad news, such as where the team is detected, which contact lines are abandoned, and which sites and important people need to be transferred.

The above is still barely daily, and the following news is not very pleasant.

In this world, whenever and wherever, fighting is the eternal theme. The organizations to which these two revolutionaries belong are no exception.

With the empire, with the criminal organization, with other resistance organizations.

Not to be mistaken, not all resistance organizations are partners in common advancement and retreat. In addition to various conflicts in personal, ideological, and appeal, a very realistic problem also lays in front of all resistance organizations in the empire. That is, with limited resources, if you want to survive and continue the struggle under the strict control of the empire, foreign assistance and the enemies who come here are indispensable. But those foreigners are not philanthropists. They are speculators who are good at calculation. They will only bet on the dark horse with the most potential, bringing the greatest trouble to the empire with the least investment. And those potential resistance fighters will think about similar issues.

So the question arises, who is the most worthwhile investment? Who can exclude or even eliminate other competitors to obtain assistance?

The fierce competition for survival began, and in order to compete for resources, the resistance organizations extended their **** hands to their compatriots.

Among them are other resistance groups and unrelated civilians.

——The National Revolutionary Front intends to create explosions and indiscriminate attacks on the Youth League’s sports exchange activities.

-Are they crazy?

The young man almost shouted out the words directly, and subconsciously glanced at the two members of the Youth League who were laughing softly in front.

If you want to market yourself and want to highlight your self-worth, the easiest and fastest way is to make a big news and draw everyone's attention to yourself. From this point of view, it is no different from Internet celebrity, it is a topic by some means, and in this way to gather popularity and money. The only difference is that Internet celebrities attract eyeballs by making fun and selling their cuteness. Some terrorist organizations under the banner of "freedom fighters" and "resurrectors" use killing to focus on the world.

"Beheading show of the traitor", "The dogs will kill the enemy", "The adulterer with the enemy is broken by the car"...

Those organizations that dare not challenge the imperial military power head-on, but urgently need foreign aid, find that indiscriminate attacks on civilians is a very good errand-only a small amount of investment has caused a major riot, successfully attracted attention, and made the empire unpredictable. . This time, however, there is a clear difference from the previous act of "stalking".

——The guys hope to change the country with power and terror, exclude everything from the empire and the empire, and restore the distorted society to its proper form.


The evaluation of young and middle-aged men is this one.

This is no longer a show for foreign aid, but a veritable terrorism.

The purpose of terrorism is to control it with terror, which is both a means and a means.

For example, to openly kill a high-ranking official or economic giant in the empire, others have to shut their mouths before fear that they might become the next target. Only a handful of people are willing to put their lives on the empire. These very few people cannot shake the general trend. Eventually, in the tide of terrorism, the empire will step up and collapse its fate.

This is the basic logic and strategy of terrorism.

But in this way, the ban on related organizations and ideas will become more and more stringent, and the general public will also abandon this group of guys who will do nothing but kill and set fire.

So terrorism began to move to the next stage, turning the target to ordinary citizens, so-called indiscriminate attacks.

Different from the need to ensure supply lines at all times, otherwise you can only choose to retreat in frontal combat. Terrorist activities carried out in urban villages and towns are easy to obtain supplies. Basically, as long as there is money, they can be carried out semi-permanently.

As long as they continue to kill ordinary citizens, those citizens who hold up the "not related to themselves" acupuncture symbols and shrink into their own small world all day have to notice that whether they are angry, sad or pleading, this kind of killing It will not stop, the victims will be produced continuously. If this state continues, the citizens will point the finger at the incumbent, accuse the government of inaction and incompetence, and eventually the pressure will continue to accumulate and become a revolutionary wave enough to bring the government down—

The above is the idea of ​​a terrorist organization. If you change to another country, their ideas may have a great chance to become a reality step by step. However, they faced the sacred Gilmanian empire, a huge machine with a powerful military force, a highly developed intelligence transmission network, an efficient administrative system, and a powerful operational force. On top of this, there is an emperor who has a combination of powerful force and efficient **** alone. Compared with that kind of horrible existence, it is better to create an explosion, to make an indiscriminate attack in a crowded area, and to be alone. The attack is not so much a step as to subvert the empire, but rather a last cry before dying.

They have no chance. Apart from uniting more civilians around the empire and the emperor, no positive results will be produced.

-Do you want to stop them?

——We are continuing to follow up. The Imperial Social Order Security Bureau and Stasi also seem to be aware that the risky shots may make them focus our attention.

——What should I do?

—— Try to obtain the qualification to participate in the exchange meeting, enter the scene, in case the “Reunification Front” wants to take force action, you have to act by chance.


Even if there is no group of people who kill civilians indiscriminately, humans will win this war and regain dignity and pride. At the same time, it is necessary for other organizations to figure out who the protagonist of Rudes' underground resistance is. Although the guys who protected the empire and drunkenly by the way were somewhat unpleasant, there was no need to worry about it.

The young man with a sense of mission in his chest is ready to get up and leave~www.readwn.com~ After that, middle-aged men will also leave the camera. In this way, even if the meeting is successfully completed, the next step is to prepare forged documents, prepare a new identity, beforehand Step on... In short, there are a lot of things to do.

However, things in life are not always smooth sailing.

The young man who had just stood up suddenly changed his complexion, and the middle-aged man tightened his expression, and at the same time, he leaned his hands into his arms.

Marseille and Ricardo are still working hard to learn the great achievements of the country. It may be too invested, it may be a relationship of position, and it may be a layman, so it is not noticed.

Obviously the lunch time has ended, as a matter of fact, there should be a crowd of people entering the reading room one after another, at this moment still only them and another table of guests.

Outside the closed door of the reading room, a large group of trained guys approached the reading room little by little with no sound.

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