Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1481: 1. Marseille (8)

Many people want others to devote themselves to their work, such as the police, firefighters, windows for handling civil work, etc. Basically, everyone hopes that government functional departments will work enthusiastically to reduce the burden on the people. However, from the top officials to the nobles, to the civilians, there must be very few people who hope that the "secret police" are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the work.

What's more, the "Imperial Social Order Security Bureau" like a sword hanging above everyone's head, to this imperial populace, even if only mentioned, it will realize that "the next is probably me" is a powerful department, maybe there is a black humor that can Fully explain the problem.

——Go to the police station to surrender yourself if you want to survive. You can only be caught by the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau! The action is fast, otherwise the police will not be left!

This is somewhat exaggerated. Anyway, the police system and the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau are not affiliated with each other. Even if some police officers are suspected of "treason" and "antisocial", they are basically handled by the police system, otherwise it is handed to Stasi, It was not the turn of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau to point the finger. But at least this joke points to a cruel fact that the life of ordinary civilians, especially third- and fourth-class citizens, has been declared end by the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau.

No matter how you say, it is also a strong department that believes that "it is better to kill mistakes than to let go" and "sound ideas are built on sound bodies". This group of diligent secret police is a modern hunting in the eyes of the public Witch personnel, contemporary religious tribunals. Its implementation style of implementing secrecy reinforces this impression.

As the first and current director of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, nicknamed "Blonde Beast" and "Iron Hearts", said Reinhard Heidrich, the Imperial Chief Police-Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, criminal police and security forces , Shrouded in mysterious images of political detective stories.

For the general public, the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau is synonymous with "terror" and "violence." This department always reminds all citizens not to leapfrog Lei Chi, and let everyone pray that they will never make mistakes. In the eyes of those who regarded the empire as a lifelong enemy and willing to give up their lives to pave the way for the latecomers, the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau is one of the most dangerous enemies.

It’s just one of them. The real most dangerous enemy is Stasi and the emperor’s guards. The former is pervasive and cunning, while the latter has the privileges granted by the emperor. Where the figure will become the sea of ​​corpses.

The degree of danger of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau is only higher than that of the criminal police, and it is far from Stasi and the Guard.

This can be fully reflected in the degree of training they have. Instead, Stasi and the guards are going to round up some people. They will not engage in "clearing the field", which will cause the object to be vigilant. They have a more effective way. .

Having said that, it is also a heavily armed garrison police, to a certain extent, it is a group of professional soldiers wearing police uniforms.

As a veritable police country, there were many kinds of imperial police. There are school police in the school, auxiliary police in the community, railway police on the train, and public safety police on the bus... The special police are divided into more than ten categories, and the regular order police is more than twenty. Railways, mines, post and telecommunications, finance, military production, forests, agriculture, dams, rivers, gold prospecting, forest farms, wildlife protection... All important areas have corresponding police units. In this national security system with complex structure, clear division of labor, and extremely high efficiency, the garrison police under the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau are the group with the highest military value.

The resident police is actually a riot police. It is a paramilitary force under the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau. It is usually managed and trained in accordance with the military model. They do not commute to get off work like ordinary policemen, and they will not go home to stay. All the police stationed in the camp concentrated on accommodation, life, and training in the camp area (this is also the origin of the term "garrison"), and lived a semi-closed military camp. This unit is well-trained, equipped with a large number of military weapons such as submachine guns, automatic rifles, machine guns, and equipped with wheeled and tracked light armored vehicles. Specially deal with various civil emergencies, suppress mass riots and riots in urban areas, and various terrorist incidents.

It is also their business to arrest terrorists who threaten the empire.

——I really hope they can be lazy, don't be so diligent.

The heart spit out the common feelings of all imperial subjects, middle-aged men and young people stretched out their hands to hide weapons.

A 9㎜ PPK pistol is hidden under the arm of a middle-aged man. The standard police weapon is portable and compact. If you use an empty bullet, you can easily open a big hole in the chest or fly the entire face. The young man did not carry a firearm, but a piece of crystal was sewn on the shirt cuff.

The battle was ready, and the young man put his hand on the window.

In front of military automatic weapons, the protection of the reading room is almost zero. A machine gun fire or a few grenades can turn the entire reading room into a slaughterhouse. But anyway, it is better than nothing. It can still block pistols, grenades, machine guns and rifle shells from some angles.

But in this way, the two boys in the uniform of the Youth League will be involved in this indiscriminate killing.

Everyone knows that in the face of terrorists who take hostages, as long as the hostages are not first-class citizens, or are authorized by the on-site commander, the rescue method of the garrison police is always to shoot and kill the hostages, and then the negotiation experts who persuade the surrender Shouted "The people inside listen, the hostages have been killed by us! Hurry up and surrender!"

They don't like their compatriots who are numb to everything, and those who wear imperial collars but enjoy themselves, and even the proud guy even makes them sick.

But even so, they don’t want to involve innocent people in their own battles, because then they are no different from terrorist organizations like the “Resident Front” — whether they are subjective or not Unarmed civilians are involved in the killing mob. And in the eyes of young people, it is an intolerable defilement to involve those imprisoned in their own battles. This is their war, and the guys who are eager to be captive by the empire are not worthy to participate.

This is the restraint of young people and the bottom line.

The technique has been depicted in the brain, a strong light technique, a pop sound technique, and a strong wind technique, enough to allow the garrison police who rushed in to drink a pot, while letting them rush outside, waiting for the opportunity Ran away.

All is ready, just waiting for uninvited guests to enter the door.

After a second passed, the garrison police wearing a gas mask and wearing a tactical vest never expected to rush in. Just when the two were wondering what was going on, a fierce explosion and gunfire came.

The subtle gun's crisp burst of fire was almost close, and the two almost took action. Thanks to the accumulated experience, just before taking action, they distinguished that the sound of the gun was coming from other directions. Immediately put away the weapon and squat with his head closed.

The target is not them, other organizations, or its foreign spies?

With doubt, the young man got under the table, just in front of a pair of terrified eyes.

Compared with the calmness of young people, Marseille and Ricardo are a bit embarrassed.

Not all uniforms are soldiers, and paramilitary education is not necessarily a qualified soldier. It is impossible to compare with those veterans who have been tempered into killing machines. Shivering in the gunshots, shook his head and shrunk into something... honestly it was nothing, suddenly listening to the real gunshots and explosions at close range without warning, without urine pants is already worthy of praise Too. Many recruits may not be able to do this.


-Then, that guy...!!

The whole body tremble couldn't be stopped, the teeth hitting up and down made a "click" sound, but a fierce emotion of embarrassment and annoyance was tumbling in Marseille's heart, and the urinary swell in the lower abdomen was pressed down.

In a nutshell, this is what is called "annoyance".

Across a few tables, the young man who had left some beautiful words before was looking at himself, his eyes were as cold as before, but there was a slight smile in his mouth.

Even if you don’t say it, you can understand that it is the contemptuous smile peculiar to others.

A little light is enough to make Marseille feel annoyed. What is even more abominable is that the man seems to be aware of Marseille's state and thoughts. The provocative smile on his face becomes deeper, and he deliberately thumbs up and points to the ground.

——This abominable guy!!!

Marseille, who was completely detonated, was about to get up and refute. A more intense gunfire came, and a few violent explosions directly scared the semi-squatted Marseille to the ground.

As if he could not bear the funny scene anymore, the young man laughed out loudly, and the shy and angry Marseille froze at once, climbing up his cheeks with a blush.

Oath in the name of the goddess and emperor, through the gunshots and explosions, and into his ears, like a bird crying laughter.

It’s the girl’s voice.


The gunfight finally lasted for about a quarter of an hour. When the cafe door was heavily smashed and fell to the ground, the last living unlucky ghost was also carried out and sent to the belated ambulance. A total of fifteen citizens died in the shootout during the operation, two of them were seriously injured, two of the three terrorists were shot and killed, and one was shot in the leg and arms after seeing the hopeless escape, crushed and hid in his mouth Of cyanide died after the rescue failed. According to official announcements, all three terrorists are cadres affiliated with the "Resilience Front".

At the same time, gunfights broke out in many places in the Rudes Special Administrative Region, and terrorists and citizens of varying numbers were killed in the crossfire.

It should be said that this kind of thing can fully demonstrate the efficiency of the empire's affairs. What happened at noon has been officially announced by 2 pm, and even the funerals, insurance compensation, and family pensions of all the dead have been put in place.

It's like knowing what will happen and what will happen.

Do not.

Not simply, the empire's security system does know everything and has everything in mind, because they planned it from start to finish.

"All actions have achieved the expected results, the puzzle pieces have been released, and the rats have indeed received the message, next -"

The young man in black uniform withdrew his gaze from the window. Behind him, the sun was shining and there was no one on the flat lawn. Those who were keen to picnic on the lawn could not be seen. On the farther streets, the pedestrians were also sparse. Before walking to this building, people always bow their heads and speed up their steps.

The headquarters building of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau, located on the south bank of the Seine, is a 60-story high-rise building built on the basis of the old site after the Empire demolished the Rudes Military Academy. The whole building adopts the modular design of steel structure, which is built quickly, and its load-bearing and explosion-proof capabilities are better than the reinforced concrete structure. It is said that it can withstand a large earthquake of magnitude 9. The exterior of the building uses a reinforced glass curtain wall, using the latest bulletproof glass that is claimed to be unshakable whether it is a truck bomb or a high-temperature incendiary bomb. At the top of the building stands a sculpture of a marble eagle emblem symbolizing the empire. A giant eagle with a height of 15 meters spreads its wings, and its claws grasp the laurel wreath. The center of the ring is the Empire Iron Cross. The black, white, and red flags hung down slowly, dividing the building in two.

The citizens of Lüdes privately called the building "tombstone", which has two meanings. One is that the bulletproof glass used in the building has been specially treated, and only black reflections can be seen from the outside. The whole building looks like A tombstone that stands on the ground, gloomy and terrifying; another meaning is to imply that the people who disappeared after entering this building, even those who experienced brutal torture, even the ashes, did not know where they were washed by the sewer. For the souls of death, this building is their tombstone.

And the one thing that dominates this evil building is enough to determine the lives of millions of citizens of the Rudes Special Administrative Region and all the people in the entire empire. It is one of the guardians of the dark forces of the empire, known as the "blonde beast", " Reinhard Heidrich, the director of the imperial social order guarantee bureau "Iron Heart" and "empire beheading officer". That is, the elf officer in black uniform, handsome, but suspicious.

"Let the rat generations suspect each other that the hostile organization has betrayed themselves and launched a fratricidal fight, right?"

The young officer sitting on the sofa responded with humility. He wore a black uniform similar to Heidrich's, but he was closer to the military uniform than the uniform of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau with a strong police atmosphere. There is also an armband composed of a sword and a shield on his right arm cuff, and a circle of Gothic embroidery surrounds the sword and shield.

Our honor is loyalty.

"Familiar recipe~www.readwn.com~ Familiar taste, isn't it? Guerrilla or terrorist organization, as long as the people do not have the motivation and willingness to rebel, they are just a group of rootless duckweed, will sooner or later fight for The living space kills each other. We just need to do a good job of propaganda to let the people understand that'who is a good person and who has done bad things', and then wait for the rats to kill the results, and then come out to clean up the mess."

"Like in the past."

"Yeah, still the same."

Looking at each other with a smile, two crystal glasses filled with red wine were held up and touched lightly.

"Happy hunting."

"Happy hunting."

The bloodthirsty smile illuminated by the fresh red wine resembles two hungry wolves staring at the piglet.

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