Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1482: 1. Marseille (9)

As a native of Lüdes, Marseille is no stranger to the building of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau. He and many Lüdes citizens have witnessed how the Imperial Defence Force took over the Invalides, how to treat the disabled soldiers and archives Records, beautiful works of art and symbolic weapons were transported away, and how did this classicist building be demolished and built on the basis of the old site in this ugly building.

The sharp-eared princes declared that they had a high IQ, and the result was a gadget to prove how scarce their imagination and artistic cells were!

After the construction of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau building was completed, there was a time when similar slang words were popular in society. As a result, those guys who couldn't control their mouths and hadn't learned anything about "Empire. Dictatorship. Iron Fist" either entered KZ or simply disappeared. Immediately afterwards, all kinds of horror legends about the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau began to spread among the crowds, cruel punishment, and the torture chamber buried deep underground, and no one heard anything after entering the "tombstone", spitting black smoke day and night The chimney, the horror story of using body fat to make soap, peeling off a tattooed human skin into a leather bag or lampshade-since then, the square of the Invalides is always full of people, it seems that the Luders are not at home Staying, running all over the grass to play football, flying kites, lying down and basking in the sun~www.readwn.com~ The big lawn for picnics or chats became empty. A month later, the nameplate of the street was also changed to "Avenue of Order", and this place has finally become a taboo place for millions of citizens to talk and change.

It is from that time onwards that Marseille secretly formulated a commandment for himself throughout his life: never, never cross the threshold of this building. Until today, he strictly abides by this commandment, and hopes to continue to observe it in the future.

The huge and abrupt "tombstone" dragged out a long shadow in the **** sunset. As the sun moved, the shadow of the Empire Social Order Security Bureau building would move like a clock hand. This was enough to be a popular point of purchase for sightseeing, but because of the special temperament of the building, neither the effect of the timer nor the building itself appeared in any Rudes travel manual, which was covered by the shadow Residents will only feel terrified.

Walking in that shadow, Marseille felt the surrounding air became cold. Every time he went home from the municipal library, he would see that black-painted building-in a city where most of the buildings are five or six floors, a building more than two hundred meters high, also made black paint The lacquered building is very difficult to see if you can’t see it-every time you walk on the street lined with black, white, red and red stripe banners, he is surrounded by the black shadow, he will have a similar feeling, and experienced today’s sudden During the incident, the air in the shadows became more eerie.

Looking at the bodies full of bullet holes, they were dragged out like broken sacks, covered with white sheets, and pulled into an ambulance. I thought I might become one of them and was sent to the freezer in the morgue of the hospital. As the family came to identify the corpse, an icy chill rose from the soles of the feet. If it weren't for the police's investigation, he would leave the slaughterhouse with debris and dead bodies as quickly as possible, instead of waiting for the gloomy and tragic low air pressure to go home when the sun went down.

The war has ended for three years, and sporadic terrorism is still emerging. Those who were dissatisfied with the outcome of the war and tried to use their own hands to reverse everything took up arms and continued to be enemies with the empire. For a time, various "insurgents" were everywhere in rural and remote areas, and the great cause of reunification seemed to be just around the corner. But since even the regular army of the old Charlemagne can't beat the defense army, what can they do with a few people and a few guns? Under the strong suppression of the defense army, all the uprisings in full swing were suppressed within a month . After that, it may be unwilling to fail in this regard, it may be that it can still be revived, or it may be that the last wailing before the annihilation, and the remnant party who have escaped the encirclement and suppression began to engage in terrorist activities.

Launching indiscriminate attacks in crowded areas, driving bomb-filled trucks into iconic buildings, people, bodies, bombs, bombs...as if a group of undead would vent their resentment and drag the whole world into hell, terrorists would be exhausted Your own imagination and action will transform yourself into bombs, and you and your surroundings will be involved in the explosion. However, apart from incurring more resentment and uniting more ordinary citizens around the empire, they get nothing else. Including Marseille, the views on a series of assaults and arrests and siege operations in the afternoon are the same-the empire’s actions are rude, but indulge those terrorists, God knows how many people they will kill, and whether the next terrorist attack will be Come to yourself.

As long as they are not the victims, people can treat everything justly and objectively, and then continue to dedicate themselves to the sacred cause of the self-sweeping snow-this is a portrayal of a model empire national and a portrayal of Marseille.

——It will pass soon.

He mumbled in his heart.

——Sleep to sleep, tomorrow will be the same

Grunting words like magic spells, the bicycle just drove out of the shadow of the "tombstone", the sky was clear again, and the pressure that made him breathless seemed to disappear.

"Get power through happiness (Kraft.durch.Freude)."

Marseille tapped the name of the Imperial Labor Organization, and at this moment, he fully felt the charm of this slogan. The re-energized boy decided to take a short cut back home, make up for the wasted time, and return to the normal life track.

The boy who turned around and drilled into the alley never imagined that an inconspicuous choice made him take a different path from his life.

Marseille is going to pass through a construction site. From the seventh district to the fifth district, there were a lot of iconic buildings from the Old Kingdom era. In order to give place to the labor force and baby boom that flooded into Rudes in the post-war period, in order to Farewell to the Old Kingdom era, many buildings that could be used as exemplars of art were flattened like the Invalides, and a new "People's Apartment (Volksohnung)" was built on the basis of the old site according to standardized drawings-six to seven floors Concrete unit housing, a set of 44 square meters, equipped with underground bunkers. The ugly, monotonous, and seemingly reduced version of the "tombstone". Nowadays, construction sites of such ugly buildings are everywhere, and the fastest way to cross the construction site is to take a shortcut. Ignoring the large warning sign that “no idlers are allowed to enter during construction”, Marseille drilled into the cement forest. As long as he is fast enough, he can rush through the site and return to the 13th district before the night duty worker returns. At home.

His movements were quick and his calculations were very delicate, but he ignored one thing.

That is-he was unlucky today.

Several sounds like firecrackers exploded. With previous experience, Marseille immediately recognized that it was a gunshot, and there were more than one. Almost immediately, the boy tightened the brake lever, and the front brake was pulled in a panic. The huge inertia caused the tail of the bicycle to be suddenly lifted. The whole person of Marseille flew out and flew 3 meters before landing.

Ignoring the many bruises on my face and legs and the painful chest, and even the bicycle and the boat cap were left in place, Marseille rushed into the apartment in the nearest building under construction. The body is hidden in the shadows. He had just done this action, a scream that was not like human beings and a stench like roasted meat on the barbecue came, followed by footsteps, screams, gunshots, screams approaching a little bit, after a while , It was quiet outside. Only one gasping breath and heavy steps left a little.

——Go away! Go away!

Marseille kept on talking about his chest that was about to explode. He didn't want to know who was outside, what happened, and he didn't want to be involved in losing his life in such a ghostly place. He kept cursing his bad luck, hoping that the **** of luck had not given up on himself.

Obviously, the mother **** and the **** of destiny did not hear the prayers of Marseille. The heavy footsteps only advanced a few steps, and then stopped with a dull sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then there was no longer any The sound is gone.


The fist hit the thigh heavily, and as a result of the previous bruise, the boy couldn't help but grin his teeth, and thanks to the help of pain, his anxiety and panic were clear.

At the risk of any armed men around, quickly rushed out and fled? Or wait for the empire's powerful department to rush to the scene, and then get on the free bus and enjoy a one-day tour of the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau? This multiple-choice question is now in front of Marseille, and the time to hand in is imminent.

"damn it……"

After a curse, Marseille decided to take a risk. It may be miserable to be cellularized by terrorists, but at least the probability of being involved in the family is relatively low. Organizations such as the Imperial Social Order Security Bureau have always adhered to the family-style sitting style. Once someone is sent to the "tombstone", no matter how close the blood relatives are, they can finally "get together" in KZ.

Marseille did not want his parents, grandfathers, siblings, and everyone he knew to be implicated in an inexplicable event. Compared with sacrificing others, sacrificing himself would at least not make him feel uneasy.

Take three deep breaths in a row, fist, relax, fist, relax. The boy repeatedly encouraged himself, got up a little bit, and moved slowly against the wall. His movements are careful and cautious~www.readwn.com~ I'm afraid that the movement will attract a shuttle bullet too much. The result was a short distance of 5 meters. It took him three full minutes to walk. After moving to the door, there was another gasp. After repeatedly praying to the mother **** and the emperor for peace, he carefully plucked his head out, and then froze in place.


The clothes are much more dirty than before, especially the dazzling red stains on the arms are spreading, a shocking clump is formed on the gray coat, and the hat is also crooked. The face is facing downwards, and the face is not clear.

Even so, Marseille will never admit to mistakes, even if they only met twice in one day.

"What's the matter……"

Looking at the petite and fragile back, looking at the familiar peaked cap, in the afternoon the "poof" smile that made him fly away overlapped with the suspected terrorist lying on the ground in front of him. Marseille couldn't help moaning.

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