Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 1609: 7. Travel to the Republic (7)

Ludes Wall.

The Principality officially called it the “anti-expansionist and avenging wall of defense”, Albion officially called it the “inner boundary”, and the empire’s official name was the simplest and most realistic—the “border separation wall”.

People living in Lüdes used to use place names to refer to this tangible wall that symbolizes the invisible iron curtain between the two camps. It is easier to remember, and it also shows that the capital of a country is now divided by a wall. Into three pieces of reality.

The earliest building of the wall was the Principality, and then Albion also began to build its own isolation facilities. Because other countries were on the ground, the empire was at ease to control the underground. After all, Rudes’s intricate underground water channel is a better way to cross the border than the ground. In addition to refugees who want to improve their lives, criminal organizations and spies are also regular customers here. As long as they are looking for the sewer, they may find a gang’s young master. Or a senior officer of a national intelligence agency in Rudes.

In general, the majority of the civilians who want to cross the Rüdes wall are more reasonable. It seems that those who want to escape from the imperial occupation area are mostly intellectuals. Those who try to preserve the Charlemagne's national culture and nationality are the first targets of repression in the empire. The days under the rule of the Principality and Albion may not be much better, but at least they will not be thrown into the crematorium with their hard work; most of the wealthy landlords who have not been caught want to escape from the Principality. In the eyes, the days of the Empire or Albion may be equally bad, but at least they will not be squeezed out and exiled in permafrost or polar circles to hit stones; it is more realistic to escape from Albion Albion’s wages are too low, it’s better to risk crossing the Rudes Wall to get something good from the empire or the Principality occupied area. As long as he is not caught on the spot and turned into a honeycomb, it will be several times the profit after changing hands...

In order to stop this chaos and the series of economic and social security problems caused by them, the three countries have adopted tough measures to restrict the movement of people at both ends of the Rudes Wall.

The simplest and most basic is to set up a strict border patrol system, and at the same time impose harsh punishment on the captured cross-border people and deter with corpses.

The patrols of various countries patrol the border line day and night. At the most dense time, two patrols may pass by at the same location in one minute. Once unauthorized civilians are approached on their side, they will be warned and evacuated according to normal procedures. If anyone finds that they are trying to cross the isolation facility, they are authorized to shoot without warning. If the stowaway is lucky enough to save a life after overturning the wall, he doesn’t have to be too happy, because the patrol on the other side of the wall has already been attracted, he will be arrested, and then extradited to his previous affiliation The side. This is equivalent to the death penalty for those unfortunate ones. No matter which side, after extraditing the smugglers from other countries, they are basically on the spot. The only difference is that the empire likes to use piano strings and meat hooks. The Principality likes to target or take the bayonet for the recruits. Albion is more traditional, that is, to find a meat cutting board from the butcher shop, press the person on it, and use the axe to put it. Chop off the head.

In addition to these "soft" means, countries have also invested heavily in hardware. Designers from various countries have fully exerted their imagination and ingenuity. They even went to concentration camps, prisons, and fortresses to learn from the experience. The masters of the facilities are enough to make all stowaways who are not crazy enough to retreat. As for those who are crazy enough and bold enough, they are destined to use their lives and experiences to write a **** legend for this "wall" Chapter.

"Actually from the day the wall was built, the wall was overturned and shot. The earliest principality began to build the wall when a desperate woman with a baby tried to jump from the balcony on the third floor of the apartment to the side of Albion , The people failed to catch her, the woman fell to the spot and the baby survived luckily."

"Robin" threw two sets of uniforms to Marseille and "Nightingale", then took out her own set, took off the cap, and the golden hair rushed down like a waterfall. The original tomboy instantly became a flower girl.

"It sounds cruel, okay, but compared with what happened later, this is nothing. No matter how no one pushed the woman directly from behind, strictly speaking, she was barely suicidal. But from the "wall" officially After the construction is completed and the staff and equipment are in place, the rest is just a piece of shit. As a local, you have heard some of those things."

The last sentence was to Marseille. Marseille, who was pulling the screen, paused and nodded silently.

From the moment the wall was built, the fugitive history of trying to cross this wall is a **** tearful history. Thousands of Charlemagne people who wanted to go to the other side of the wall fell on both sides of the wall. When the writers and historians of the Republic commented on Rudes, they wrote with full of indignation and sadness: "Every There is an innocent soul sleeping under the wall of Rudes in the meter!"

This is really not an exaggeration.

As mentioned earlier, the Rudes Wall is an isolation facility that incorporates the most cutting-edge technology. As early as the design, it has considered all the means that transgressors may take. In order to ensure foolproof, a simulation facility was also built. The intelligence unit is responsible for the infiltration and infiltration of troops to conduct the exercise, and the assessment team makes improvements to the shortcomings exposed during the exercise. The finished product after improvement is today's Lüdes wall.

It is said to be a "wall", but it is actually a fortification system similar to a line of defense. The depth of the control area can reach 100~200 meters, and it is divided into two walls inside and outside (some important areas even have three walls). It consists of a large number of sensors, induction methods, alarm equipment, patrols, patrol dogs, and trip nets. Flares, patrol roads, soft grain dirt roads (for leaving footprints of cross-borderers), anti-vehicle trenches, tire gill nets, anti-infantry mines, snipers, surveillance towers, high-power searchlights, charged barbed wire, 3 meters High internal signal wall, 4-5 meters high external wall (with sewage pipe embedded at the top, so smooth that it can't be grasped)...etc. facilities. To break through this "wall" alive is an almost impossible task.

Thousands of lives have proved the effectiveness of the "wall". Those who were shot or arrested on the spot need not be said. The most tragic thing is that the cross-borderers who did not die immediately after being injured. In order to achieve the killing effect, patrol The team will forbid anyone to help the injured and let it slowly bleed to death. On one occasion, the children from the occupied areas of the two principalities fell into the Seine. The soldiers of the patrol also prohibited anyone from helping them. Eventually the two children drowned in the river...

These **** rumors related to the "wall", Marseille, who is a native of Rudes, are of course clear, because the empire had no intelligence control in this regard, and the Principality and Albion never said that the Rudes wall was built. To curb cross-border. The three parties are highly consistent in this matter and have a great tacit understanding in relevant publicity. They neither blame each other nor highlight the innocence and misery of the cross-border people. The media of the three parties only used purely transactional text to broadcast how many people were caught and how many were killed today, and to suppress transboundary behavior through a repressed atmosphere of terror.

Thanks to the official and media of various countries, Marseille knows exactly what it means to "traverse the Ludes Wall".

"Don't worry, we won't break through."

The "Robin", who is also a native of Lüdes, is also aware of the high risk of this behavior, but she also knows something that Marseille did not know enough to make her confident in this action.

The Luders Wall is indeed heavily guarded, and trying to cross the border has become an extremely dangerous behavior, but since the wall was completed and put into use, there are still a large number of successful cases of crossing the border.

The designers of the Lüders Wall gave full play to their ingenuity and wisdom, making Lüders occupy the dividing line into one of the most dangerous areas in the world, but this did not scare many courageous and resourceful cross-borderers. In order to live, for the family, and to live, these people are also trying their lives to make various attempts. Although most of them ended in failure, there are also many successful ones.

For example, the oldest means of escape, digging tunnels, is often used and has the highest success rate.

Since the depth of the control area of ​​the border patrol is at least 100 meters, the starting point of the tunnel must be 150 meters or more away from the "wall", which greatly increases the excavation workload and takes longer. However, patient rewards are usually generous. As long as there is no landslide or accused, once a tunnel is dug, it can operate for at least a few months to help people with more than double digits cross the border.

Another commonly used way of crossing the border is water escape. www.readwn.com~ Those who pretend to be good at water or have tossed out diving equipment will try to swim across the Seine to the other side of the occupied area. However, the success rate has not been high. Often, cross-border people are shot before they have traveled far. In addition, there is a lot of silt and garbage at the bottom of the Seine River. Once involved in the undercurrent of the river, drowning is almost the only ending.

In addition to these commonly used methods, other "Qimen Dunjia" such as catching the bottom of the train compartment, own DIY hot air balloon or armored assault vehicle are also endless. As for the effect, look at the downward trend of the number of successful cross-border people every year. Too.

The "Robin Bird" group was lucky. They didn't have to risk their lives to try to cross the wall. On the one hand, they would use the safest way to cross the Rudes Wall on the one hand. On the other hand, the Border Patrol had already finished the management. , Just waiting for them to appear on time.

"Remember. Only Albian can be spoken when crossing the border, and if they ask how many people are crossing, remember this action."

"Mockingbird" raised his index finger, middle finger, and ring finger and shook at the two companions who had put on the uniform of the army of the royal family of Albion.

"When using gestures to draw numbers, use Albian's gestures. Don't take out the Empire's thumb-based gestures."

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